This site was started some 13 years ago - see for a detailed history of the site and a bit about me.
Initially it was a hobby - for my own pleasure - and trying to fill a gap as there was little tourist info for Cumbria in general at that time.
There is no relationship between me and the tourist board who I think see me as opposition rather than a help.About 3 years ago I decided to try and make some money from this by adding accommodation, places to eat etc, and compiled a list of all I could find - wrote to them all and got an almost zero response for advertising on the site.
I guess junk mail is not the best means - and I didn't have the time to ring around - this is not my main job - so that faltered a bit!
Recently a colleague of mine who has more time and more enthusiasm for telephone use has helped get more businesses to sign up, and is continuing in that effort.
Several other Cumbrian people have contributed photos and text - simply because they like what I am doing and are doing their bit to improve it - same reasons - its a hobby which has a useful end product.
I intend to keep this going as long as I keep going - and at some point will make some form of 'will' to hand it on to someone else should I not be in a position to do so myself. It is a valuable resource -and is improving daily as more and more gets added to it.One colleague who lives in Kendal has documented the town in enormous detail - see .
So - should you wish to use this site as a basis for promoting Ulverston - I am happy to help and promote as you see best - expanding on what I have done already. There could be a separate Ulverston Menu - listing and linking to all one wants to know abou the town - a website within a website. This could have its own name if you like - eg which is available - that just links to this section on visitcumbria.
As for businesses - there is an accommodation section on the Ulverston page, and there could be a places to eat list, and a places to shop, and a list of tradespeople. See the Food and Drink, and Trades listing off the top menu. There could be specific ones from the Ulverston page if there were enough entries to make it worthwhile.
I have come up with a price of 86 pounds per year per detailed entry for the accommodation listing, with non payers just getting basic contact details (no weblink or email addess).
See for an example of places to eat in the Cockermouth area. (I am based in Cockermouth).
For businesses - I haven't discussed this yet with my colleague Vanessa who is looking after the marketing and advertising side of this - but there could be a reduced rate perhaps for a halfway type ad for businesses other than accommodation.
The 86 pound ad gets a brief description and pic and higher ranking in the listings, and on the detail page up to 6 pics and (within reason as much text as you want. Every page representing a place of interest -
say Wordsworth House for example - an option at the bottom for other places nearby -
which lists them, gives a map, and also lists any accommodation providers within the requested area.
Ongoing improvements are taking place all the time to the general appearance and features of the website, as I either have time to do it or funds to pay others to do it.
So - discuss this with your colleagues - and let me know what the outcome is - I'm sure I can offer something which promotes the town and its businesses, for an economic benefit to those businesses.
Best regards - Julian Thurgood.
ps -
I am in the process of renaming all the pages and links from them - to give higher rankings in google, and upping the sizes of the pictures - in itself a major task.
see - further to my previous message -
there could be an events section just for Ulverston- I have just found this - which looks pretty comprehensive - we could just link to that - likewise an index of pics of regular events or festivals that take place - assuming someone has some suitable pics of previous events.
And anything else which is felt to be of interest - if somebody can provide the info - walks in the area, history of the area, etc etc.
I could offer a front page promo for the (still to be created) Ulverston main page - see may be many visitors to this site who have never heard of Ulverston!