Quite a number of the people looking at this blog are the above.
As someone who has lived here for over fifty years, I can sympathise with those that feel that Ulverston is no longer what it used to be, however isn't 'that life'?
Anyone with a bit of energy naturally seeks to change the place they live in. On the other hand those that have something special, continue what they really enjoy.
When I look around me, I'm aware of people who continue traditions that we all admire. The allotment is where I find them. They have learnt from experience what works when growing, they have seen very different seasons and yet they still succeed in growing vegetables, one way or another under all conditions.
One quality stands out a mile: they respect each others property. Even though, as you can imagine, I'm not flavour of the month with some characters, I have found that I've hardly ever had anything touched or stolen. Yet I leave my shed door at all times. I'd like to say never but once one of my planks appeared to'walk' mysteriously down a couple of plots. Least said, soonest mended.
Even some of the 'rules' that have been held for many years are slowly changing. People aren't that rigid after all. If a change makes 'sense' it becomes adopted as long as a big issue isn't made of it. Overall there is a very positive attitude and the future looks good.
So can't the people of Ulverston town preserve the attitudes to each other that make for smooth running of the town, a respect for each other that makes one feel good to have been out and about in the town; that feeling we get when we go down town on Market Day.
There is in fact an aspect of the way that the town runs that, for me is truly impressive. Something I've hinted at to raise a bit of curiosity - which fell flat - and will write about next post.
Mean time :
What would the born and bred like to see happen in the town that those of us brimming with energy could preserve, instead of charging around like a bull in a china shop? This group of people are the glue that holds us together, they add stability to a world that is for most of us changing far too fast.
Encouraginng each other to be assertive is something that is very important to me! Relying on others can be very frustrating. People using their own initiative can often achieve far more. Self belief is important! We llive in a town where this already happens so much . It will be natural for us as to do this more and more..
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Monday, 26 August 2013
Concern over further 44 homes at the end of Union Lane, Ulverston
There seems to be a flurry of activity to stop the above as the deadline of 5th September approaches.
Not made easy by last minute changes in the web address- now corrected).However in planning law, as I understand it, people have only one line of strong defence - traffic - (now: there were more previously).
The time that we did in fact try to achieve an informed decision, it was at the original planning meeting of SLDC when 'Hoad View', as it is now called, was applied for on behalf of Persimmons. At that time it was clear from the plans that there was a road leading through the land relevant to this application, to land beyond so that what we were considering was not just the building of 27 houses but what now turns out to be a further 44 houses in the field beyond, making over 70 houses in all.
Sadly the planning system is such that we were unable to make a good case because there were so many different issues and so few of us able to travel to Kendal to put them. With only three minutes each and a dis-coordinated approach, we were never given enough time to present the issues before the members of the planning committee that would be making the decision.
The main argument against all of this development was the access by road. There were two possibilities at the time : via Union Lane or round the back via Mowings lane.
The Union Lane access was both very narrow and was approached via a blind corner. On the first count, the proposal made by the developer was to widen the lane which required demolishing an old and significant wall - as long as the wall could be demolished then this solution was acceptable to the Cumbria Highways Authority on the issue of wideness of the lane.
To deal with the blind corner the developers drew up lots of plans showing how larger trucks and lorries could get round the corner whilst facing oncoming traffic approaching downhill at speed. From the care and detailed nature of these plans it would appear to the questioning mind that the developer was having a hard time to be convincing. All the councillors had these explanations were left these explanations in their pigeon holes before the meeting so that we expected a good debate on safety to ensue. In practise no examination of these plans resulted - not one of the councillors even opened these documents: the comment from one of them to another was "What are these?". With Kate Lawson, the planning officer surprising us all with a statement that the Cumbria Highways found no fault in the proposed road design: all discussion was killed off instantly
As is now history, this plan was passed, not without Cllr Maureen Nicholson stating afterwards "Sorry Geoff we felt we had to pass it as we believed the developers would have appealed and SLDC wouldn't have had the funds to fight them at the appeal court." Such is the way of the muscle men these days.
People with a suspicious mind could perhaps wonder whether the views of Cumbria Highways were impartial. Consider how much money was at stake for Persimmons - a potential of 70 houses at an average of around £200,000 ie 14 million pounds. Thus the view of Cumbria County Council Highways department as to the safety of this corner was crucial yet no discussion or alternate views to this decision to the safety of this corner were considered by the planning committee councillors.
I find it strange that a Cumbria County Highways Officer had previous drawn attention to the dangers of this intersection (Union Lane and Stanley Street) in a letter to the SLDC planning department at the time of opening up access to Taylor Court opposite Union Lane. At the latter's planning meeting the SLDC officer chose to disregard the Cumbria Highways advice.
As people now know Cumbria County Highways have a very poor history in enforcing the law in the question of ensuring the contractors doing adequate repairs when back filling the replaced the cobbles down Market Street. Had this law been enforced then no repairs would ever have been needed to the Market Street Cobbles and no cost to the tax payer or disruption to the town trading need to have resulted.
Don't these incidents lead the rational thinker to believe that the Cumbria Highways Department is not to be trusted?
So what can be done? The issue of road safety of the proposal to develop the further 44 homes has never been considered properly. In my view it doesn't lie in any of the points raised in the unsigned sheet of A4 paper that has just been slipped quietly under my door - presumably written by some shadowy people from another part of our area. (This whole story is developing into a who dunnit worthy of Poirot). The grounds for stopping the allocation of this land to building are in my view dependent on focusing on the traffic patterns that have never ever been considered by the public - only by the unreliable CCC Highways Department. There is no point continuing to repeat arguments already defeated at the first application.
The most impressive argument that I can think of is access ie the blind corner from Stanley St to Union Lane. This will come up again in the future when planning application for the further plot for 44 houses is put forward. As a mathematician I know that the probability of an accident on a blind corner goes up exponentially as the traffic increases. Thus at some point the probabilities of an accident must reach a high enough level that even Cumbria Highways consider it is unacceptable. The only change that would alter that is a change in the design of the junction which could be brought about by demolishing the house on the corner of Stanley Street so as to enable the creation of a mini roundabout.
There is also another important traffic issue that appears to have been forgotten about: the access to this whole area via the exceedingly narrow Mill Street from the one way system.
First, Mill Street is extremely narrow allowing only travel one direction at a time with no pavement for pedestrians on one side. At the same time large beer delivery trucks for the Kings Arms obstruct visibility and movement.
Secondly, many people have had very near misses from vehicles cutting the corner at speed from Soutergate with no sight of the vehicles emerging from Mill Street.
It was this very issue that raised questions as to the suitability of the proposed location for the Health Centre with the large traffic coming to it via Mill St and The Gill. Now with the possibility of 70 new houses ie and 140 fresh cars to park on the proposed land, this far exceeds the 80 odd cars already parked at the Health Centre.
With the whole issue of dramatically increased traffic in the area we have the potential of an accident nightmare. Surely a thorough traffic survey of dog (being walked up Gill Banks), pedestrian, cycles cars, lorries both delivery and servicing, and finally buses to the Health Centre needs to be carried out by CCC Highways before any long term decisions are made.
Comments please on my logic. Does this make sense to you?
If so where do we focus the public's limited resources to achieve the result we want? - A safe living environment rather than another Persimmons' housing fiasco (remember North Lonsdale road A590 junction).
Let's start by writing now- before September 5th to preserve sanity.
Here's where on the SLDC website: http://applications.southlakeland.gov.uk/ldfconsultation/login.aspx reference MM072U,
Not made easy by last minute changes in the web address- now corrected).However in planning law, as I understand it, people have only one line of strong defence - traffic - (now: there were more previously).
The time that we did in fact try to achieve an informed decision, it was at the original planning meeting of SLDC when 'Hoad View', as it is now called, was applied for on behalf of Persimmons. At that time it was clear from the plans that there was a road leading through the land relevant to this application, to land beyond so that what we were considering was not just the building of 27 houses but what now turns out to be a further 44 houses in the field beyond, making over 70 houses in all.
Sadly the planning system is such that we were unable to make a good case because there were so many different issues and so few of us able to travel to Kendal to put them. With only three minutes each and a dis-coordinated approach, we were never given enough time to present the issues before the members of the planning committee that would be making the decision.
The main argument against all of this development was the access by road. There were two possibilities at the time : via Union Lane or round the back via Mowings lane.
The Union Lane access was both very narrow and was approached via a blind corner. On the first count, the proposal made by the developer was to widen the lane which required demolishing an old and significant wall - as long as the wall could be demolished then this solution was acceptable to the Cumbria Highways Authority on the issue of wideness of the lane.
To deal with the blind corner the developers drew up lots of plans showing how larger trucks and lorries could get round the corner whilst facing oncoming traffic approaching downhill at speed. From the care and detailed nature of these plans it would appear to the questioning mind that the developer was having a hard time to be convincing. All the councillors had these explanations were left these explanations in their pigeon holes before the meeting so that we expected a good debate on safety to ensue. In practise no examination of these plans resulted - not one of the councillors even opened these documents: the comment from one of them to another was "What are these?". With Kate Lawson, the planning officer surprising us all with a statement that the Cumbria Highways found no fault in the proposed road design: all discussion was killed off instantly
As is now history, this plan was passed, not without Cllr Maureen Nicholson stating afterwards "Sorry Geoff we felt we had to pass it as we believed the developers would have appealed and SLDC wouldn't have had the funds to fight them at the appeal court." Such is the way of the muscle men these days.
People with a suspicious mind could perhaps wonder whether the views of Cumbria Highways were impartial. Consider how much money was at stake for Persimmons - a potential of 70 houses at an average of around £200,000 ie 14 million pounds. Thus the view of Cumbria County Council Highways department as to the safety of this corner was crucial yet no discussion or alternate views to this decision to the safety of this corner were considered by the planning committee councillors.
I find it strange that a Cumbria County Highways Officer had previous drawn attention to the dangers of this intersection (Union Lane and Stanley Street) in a letter to the SLDC planning department at the time of opening up access to Taylor Court opposite Union Lane. At the latter's planning meeting the SLDC officer chose to disregard the Cumbria Highways advice.
As people now know Cumbria County Highways have a very poor history in enforcing the law in the question of ensuring the contractors doing adequate repairs when back filling the replaced the cobbles down Market Street. Had this law been enforced then no repairs would ever have been needed to the Market Street Cobbles and no cost to the tax payer or disruption to the town trading need to have resulted.
Don't these incidents lead the rational thinker to believe that the Cumbria Highways Department is not to be trusted?
So what can be done? The issue of road safety of the proposal to develop the further 44 homes has never been considered properly. In my view it doesn't lie in any of the points raised in the unsigned sheet of A4 paper that has just been slipped quietly under my door - presumably written by some shadowy people from another part of our area. (This whole story is developing into a who dunnit worthy of Poirot). The grounds for stopping the allocation of this land to building are in my view dependent on focusing on the traffic patterns that have never ever been considered by the public - only by the unreliable CCC Highways Department. There is no point continuing to repeat arguments already defeated at the first application.
The most impressive argument that I can think of is access ie the blind corner from Stanley St to Union Lane. This will come up again in the future when planning application for the further plot for 44 houses is put forward. As a mathematician I know that the probability of an accident on a blind corner goes up exponentially as the traffic increases. Thus at some point the probabilities of an accident must reach a high enough level that even Cumbria Highways consider it is unacceptable. The only change that would alter that is a change in the design of the junction which could be brought about by demolishing the house on the corner of Stanley Street so as to enable the creation of a mini roundabout.
There is also another important traffic issue that appears to have been forgotten about: the access to this whole area via the exceedingly narrow Mill Street from the one way system.
First, Mill Street is extremely narrow allowing only travel one direction at a time with no pavement for pedestrians on one side. At the same time large beer delivery trucks for the Kings Arms obstruct visibility and movement.
Secondly, many people have had very near misses from vehicles cutting the corner at speed from Soutergate with no sight of the vehicles emerging from Mill Street.
It was this very issue that raised questions as to the suitability of the proposed location for the Health Centre with the large traffic coming to it via Mill St and The Gill. Now with the possibility of 70 new houses ie and 140 fresh cars to park on the proposed land, this far exceeds the 80 odd cars already parked at the Health Centre.
With the whole issue of dramatically increased traffic in the area we have the potential of an accident nightmare. Surely a thorough traffic survey of dog (being walked up Gill Banks), pedestrian, cycles cars, lorries both delivery and servicing, and finally buses to the Health Centre needs to be carried out by CCC Highways before any long term decisions are made.
Comments please on my logic. Does this make sense to you?
If so where do we focus the public's limited resources to achieve the result we want? - A safe living environment rather than another Persimmons' housing fiasco (remember North Lonsdale road A590 junction).
Let's start by writing now- before September 5th to preserve sanity.
Here's where on the SLDC website: http://applications.southlakeland.gov.uk/ldfconsultation/login.aspx reference MM072U,
This for me is the most coveted quality we can ever aspire to.
Times are increasingly difficult and complex with so many things tugging at our emotions that prevent us acting in a calm rational way.
The way to have wisdom is through careful and calm reflection so that we can think clearly. At the same time we pool all the resources of experience that we have learned ourselves and all those we have gleaned from wise men who have lived and thought deeply themselves.
One has to be incredibly determined to become wise when what is tugging us away are worries of the kids, the shopping, our work- especially when we work for others- how to pay the mortgage and increasingly: how to avoid harm from others.
Life is not easy and we need all the relaxation and enjoyment we can find to stay objective and act as wisely as we are able.
Times are increasingly difficult and complex with so many things tugging at our emotions that prevent us acting in a calm rational way.
The way to have wisdom is through careful and calm reflection so that we can think clearly. At the same time we pool all the resources of experience that we have learned ourselves and all those we have gleaned from wise men who have lived and thought deeply themselves.
One has to be incredibly determined to become wise when what is tugging us away are worries of the kids, the shopping, our work- especially when we work for others- how to pay the mortgage and increasingly: how to avoid harm from others.
Life is not easy and we need all the relaxation and enjoyment we can find to stay objective and act as wisely as we are able.
What a positive message
Vote Sarah for this prestigeous award - she is already a finalist - and now deserves to win the Creative Industry category.
Help spread her message.
Starting at rock bottom, being made redundant in a good job. Sarah has taken advantage of all the training that she needs to get herself working for herself, from her own home. She has made Pinfold, the advertising magazine, an increasing success in the Furness area. She tells us that there's a lot of help and support available for those that look, even during these hard times.
Sunday, 25 August 2013
About this blog
Numbers, continue to rise. Now above 400 'unique visitors' with more than 70% returning.
Saturday, 24 August 2013
A great activity in our park yesterday
The BUGs continue regardless of the SLDC chief executive, Lawrence Conway's directives:
You must not put plants in.
You must not even weed.
You must not display pottery
You must not run activities in the park.
An increasing number of people think this is a load of none sense.
Above business as usual in Mill Dam Park Ulverston.
How can this enthusiasmbe quelled?
Such is the popularity of Mill Dam Park, Ulverston that you'll find children to play with and parents to chat to most time of the day. Parents as far apart as Bouth, Haverthwaite on the one side and Lindal on the other are coming because it's such a friendly and well used park.
Why does Conway want to control this kind of activity? Is he out of touch with every day people. Wrapped up in the fantasy world of Health and Safety. Can you ever stop people with rules and regulations - don't they have to agree that they are good rules?. Who's going to enforce them and then what happens next!
Please consider this
If, and there's a big if:A person proceeds to continue to promote enjoyable activities and work in the park doing gardening and putting up pottery in it against their 'orders' ( Well it was more of a plaintive cry "Please, please, please") then:
SLDC officers have to keep monitoring that nothing untoward is happened there.
If they discovered something they could then issue a warning. A notice to appear in court would follow.
A restraining order to stay away could then be issued.
If this was broken,a return to court to be sentenced would be given.
What would the 'punishment' be?
Wait for it: Community Service.
Local Government being made to look as silly as it really is! Why do they try to enforce silly rules?
Their problem is that they have a pensioner who is going to have a ball with idiotic behaviour - in a very responsible way!
Join me! Believe it or not, there are a few others like me around.
Friday, 23 August 2013
Concerns about extra traffic around a dangerous corner
There is a proposal that could extent the housing development to over 77 homes that requires access around an extremely dangerous corner with little to no visibility .
The corner in question is that between Stanley Street and Union Lane - clearly visible from only one direction.
Expressed another way that is the potential of in the region of 300 people and say 120 cars (two cars - tow jobs and children per family is becoming necessary for the kind of people that can afford these houses).
The planning meeting that awarded this permission in the first place was extremely suspicious: The Cumbria Highways Department presented no concern whatsoever to this proposal even though the developers were clearly on the defensive as to how large trucks would navigate the corner. Because of the Highways statement this subject was never discussed. The members of the planning committee never even looked at the documents they had been given regarding this corner. I and several others have to ask the question "What was going on behind the scenes between the planners, the highways dept. and Persimmons?" "Is it a similar story to what happened over the lack of repairs to the cobbles down market street that cost the public millions and should have cost nothing because the contractors weren't made to repair their holes as required by their contract?"
Someone tells me that there's an article about this in the Evening Mail with an emergency meeting involved - anyone seen it?
The corner in question is that between Stanley Street and Union Lane - clearly visible from only one direction.
Expressed another way that is the potential of in the region of 300 people and say 120 cars (two cars - tow jobs and children per family is becoming necessary for the kind of people that can afford these houses).
The planning meeting that awarded this permission in the first place was extremely suspicious: The Cumbria Highways Department presented no concern whatsoever to this proposal even though the developers were clearly on the defensive as to how large trucks would navigate the corner. Because of the Highways statement this subject was never discussed. The members of the planning committee never even looked at the documents they had been given regarding this corner. I and several others have to ask the question "What was going on behind the scenes between the planners, the highways dept. and Persimmons?" "Is it a similar story to what happened over the lack of repairs to the cobbles down market street that cost the public millions and should have cost nothing because the contractors weren't made to repair their holes as required by their contract?"
Someone tells me that there's an article about this in the Evening Mail with an emergency meeting involved - anyone seen it?
Thursday, 22 August 2013
New blogs I've discovered
There are an increasing number of very interesting blogs in this area.
I've just added two : Furness Red and the Tenth Dimension on the side bar - I'm looking forward to some more posts please.
I've just added two : Furness Red and the Tenth Dimension on the side bar - I'm looking forward to some more posts please.
It's not all gloom and doom
It's lovely to read a sane article in the press these days.
Here's one in the Independent:
Keeping in touch with the amazing natural word. I'm just bought a Stereo Zoom Microscope for this very reason - my what a beautiful world we have arround us!
If you're curious - let me know. You could borrow it.
Here's one in the Independent:
Keeping in touch with the amazing natural word. I'm just bought a Stereo Zoom Microscope for this very reason - my what a beautiful world we have arround us!
If you're curious - let me know. You could borrow it.
Has the time for the little man arrived?
I'm getting an increasing flow of concerned people wanting to express their frustration publicly.
Do you want to voice an issue?
Here's you opportunity.
Add your comment now.
The next thing will be to take some action. It's reassuring in that we have some very capable people taking a strong interest.
Let Daphne Smallman be our model.
Do you want to voice an issue?
Here's you opportunity.
Add your comment now.
The next thing will be to take some action. It's reassuring in that we have some very capable people taking a strong interest.
Let Daphne Smallman be our model.
Real trouble ahead
There is the possibility of Persimmons building a further 44 houses to be added to a housing development that already has 27 houses.
What is very worrying: the access to what will be over 70 houses will be from a blind corner on Stanley street and Union Lane. With this amount of traffic, children and adults will certainly be severely injured or killed - and not a word of protest.
The person who should be taking an interest in this situation is our local district councillor Helen Irving. Yet she refuses to respond : she is more concerned about pottery that could scratch and supporting Lawrence Conway in having it removed from a park.
Has the world gone mad?
Councillor Colin Pickthall, our town councillor, is no better. He has not responded to approaches to become better informed.
We need some councillors to represent the town in this battle with big business. At the moment democracy is something that makes you despair not a place were people care.
Our previous councillor Colin Hodgson took a great interest and went to the previous planning meeting to support his constuents even though he was dying of cancer. What a contrast.
What is very worrying: the access to what will be over 70 houses will be from a blind corner on Stanley street and Union Lane. With this amount of traffic, children and adults will certainly be severely injured or killed - and not a word of protest.
The person who should be taking an interest in this situation is our local district councillor Helen Irving. Yet she refuses to respond : she is more concerned about pottery that could scratch and supporting Lawrence Conway in having it removed from a park.
Has the world gone mad?
Councillor Colin Pickthall, our town councillor, is no better. He has not responded to approaches to become better informed.
We need some councillors to represent the town in this battle with big business. At the moment democracy is something that makes you despair not a place were people care.
Our previous councillor Colin Hodgson took a great interest and went to the previous planning meeting to support his constuents even though he was dying of cancer. What a contrast.
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
I just came on this information by chance
Says somone who has just emailed me (Could this be more Persimmons activity at the end of Union Lane):
I have just received the following from Damian Law, South Lakeland District Council, Principal Development Plans Officer. I thought SLDC had declined the offer of this land to be added to their current plan but apparently not and anyone concerned only has until 2nd September 2013 to stop the ball rolling. Are you or any of your neighbours aware that another 44 homes might be added to the current 27 in the not too distant future. I will be sending in my comments today:
Dear . . . . . . .
Further to your query below, the land you refer to has indeed been considered for its development potential through the land allocations DPD process which you may or may not be familiar with.
The land you refer to is referenced RN193# - see map –http://applications.southlakeland.gov.uk/documentbrowser/DocumentBrowserFiles/Local%20Plan/Land%20Allocations/07%20Further%20Consultation%20Summer%202011/Maps%20of%20Alternative%20Sites/Ulveston%20North.pdf
If you are not, just to explain briefly, the council has been assessing the suitability of a number of sites across the district for their development potential in order to allocate sufficient land to meet future housing and employment needs up to 2025. This process has resulted in a plan being produced by the council called the Land Allocations DPD which identifies a number of sites which we believe are suitable for future housing and employment development. This plan has recently been the subject of an examination in public – i.e. a planning inspector has scrutinised the plan and is currently preparing his report which will include recommendations to the council. The council will then subject to the outcome of these recommendations formally adopt the plan.
The council is not proposing to allocate the site for development, a key factor why it was not suggested for allocation was uncertainty regarding whether it could be safely accessed. However, in light of advice from Cumbria County Council Highways, it is now considered suitable access could possibly be achieved from the adjoining land off Union Lane (has planning permission for housing) and therefore the land is now considered to have some development potential. Further assessments would need to be undertaken as part of any future proposal to ascertain exactly what form and scale of development may be suitable in order to understand its full deliverability potential. Because of this reason, the council rather than suggesting the land be allocated for development instead is suggesting the land be included within the ‘development plan boundary’ for Ulverston, in recognition of its ‘development potential’. This suggestion is one of a number of changes we are proposing to the plan following the examination. Such changes are referred to as ‘further main modifications’, these are currently being consulted on – closing date 5th September. The modifications all have an individual reference number, in the case of this one it is reference MM072U, see website http://www.southlakeland.gov.uk/planning/the-local-plan/consultations.aspx for further details on how to respond to the consultation should you wish too.
Whilst we are not proposing to allocate the site for development, should the plan be adopted with the inclusion of this modification, it will mean the land in principle will not be subject to open countryside designation or any other special protection. Any future development proposal would need to be considered on its merits. It is not a ‘green light’ to future development, it just means there would be less restrictions on allowing development in principle than is currently the case (in the current adopted Local Plan it is currently outside the designated development plan boundary).
Please note the site is not the subject of a current planning application.
I hope this clarifies things for you. If you have further questions on the matter please get in touch.
Damian Law| Principal Development Plans Officer
South Lakeland District Council, South Lakeland House, Lowther Street, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 4DQ
Tel: 0845 050 4434 | Direct Tel: 01539 793380 | Email: d.law@southlakeland.gov.uk
Website: www.southlakeland.gov.uk
I have just received the following from Damian Law, South Lakeland District Council, Principal Development Plans Officer. I thought SLDC had declined the offer of this land to be added to their current plan but apparently not and anyone concerned only has until 2nd September 2013 to stop the ball rolling. Are you or any of your neighbours aware that another 44 homes might be added to the current 27 in the not too distant future. I will be sending in my comments today:
Dear . . . . . . .
Further to your query below, the land you refer to has indeed been considered for its development potential through the land allocations DPD process which you may or may not be familiar with.
The land you refer to is referenced RN193# - see map –http://applications.southlakeland.gov.uk/documentbrowser/DocumentBrowserFiles/Local%20Plan/Land%20Allocations/07%20Further%20Consultation%20Summer%202011/Maps%20of%20Alternative%20Sites/Ulveston%20North.pdf
If you are not, just to explain briefly, the council has been assessing the suitability of a number of sites across the district for their development potential in order to allocate sufficient land to meet future housing and employment needs up to 2025. This process has resulted in a plan being produced by the council called the Land Allocations DPD which identifies a number of sites which we believe are suitable for future housing and employment development. This plan has recently been the subject of an examination in public – i.e. a planning inspector has scrutinised the plan and is currently preparing his report which will include recommendations to the council. The council will then subject to the outcome of these recommendations formally adopt the plan.
The council is not proposing to allocate the site for development, a key factor why it was not suggested for allocation was uncertainty regarding whether it could be safely accessed. However, in light of advice from Cumbria County Council Highways, it is now considered suitable access could possibly be achieved from the adjoining land off Union Lane (has planning permission for housing) and therefore the land is now considered to have some development potential. Further assessments would need to be undertaken as part of any future proposal to ascertain exactly what form and scale of development may be suitable in order to understand its full deliverability potential. Because of this reason, the council rather than suggesting the land be allocated for development instead is suggesting the land be included within the ‘development plan boundary’ for Ulverston, in recognition of its ‘development potential’. This suggestion is one of a number of changes we are proposing to the plan following the examination. Such changes are referred to as ‘further main modifications’, these are currently being consulted on – closing date 5th September. The modifications all have an individual reference number, in the case of this one it is reference MM072U, see website http://www.southlakeland.gov.uk/planning/the-local-plan/consultations.aspx for further details on how to respond to the consultation should you wish too.
Whilst we are not proposing to allocate the site for development, should the plan be adopted with the inclusion of this modification, it will mean the land in principle will not be subject to open countryside designation or any other special protection. Any future development proposal would need to be considered on its merits. It is not a ‘green light’ to future development, it just means there would be less restrictions on allowing development in principle than is currently the case (in the current adopted Local Plan it is currently outside the designated development plan boundary).
Please note the site is not the subject of a current planning application.
I hope this clarifies things for you. If you have further questions on the matter please get in touch.
Damian Law| Principal Development Plans Officer
South Lakeland District Council, South Lakeland House, Lowther Street, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 4DQ
Tel: 0845 050 4434 | Direct Tel: 01539 793380 | Email: d.law@southlakeland.gov.uk
Website: www.southlakeland.gov.uk
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Pensioner takes two years to expose a Supermarket
It's clearly worth taking up a fight and sticking with it.
This story is all over the papers today/yesterday: here in the Independent:
This time it is Tesco, next it could be Persimmons, yes it could even be Persimmons. (Please remind me, my memory is failing - aren't they the house builders putting up houses at the end of Union Lane Ulverston (- with the name Hoad View - as long as you haven't got a house directly in front of you blocking the view)- you know the 'what no roundabout' story.) It just takes someone with persistence to stick at a project and eventually they can strike a David and Goliath blow for the 'little man'. My what courage and persistence fighting for what is 'right'. In this case Daphne Smallman (what an appropriate name!) has struck out for all of us that get duped by misleading statements.
What I find is sickening is the way, only after the are found guilty and fined, do they come up with their "sorry, sorry, ever so soooooory" statements. Up till that point I bet the fought like demons.
”It was the council's case, confirmed by Tesco's guilty pleas, that this was a misleading offer which deceived the purchasers of strawberries over many weeks during the summer of 2011.”
In a statement Tesco said: “We apologise sincerely for this mistake, which was made in the summer of 2011. We sell over 40,000 products in our stores, with thousands on promotion at any one time, but even one mistake is one too many.
“Since then, to make sure this doesn’t happen again we’ve given colleagues additional training and reminded them of their responsibilities to ensure we always adhere to the guidelines on pricing.”
Yeh, yeh, yeh - make it sound an exception and shift the blame elsewhere. "It wasn't us but the ignorant people that work for us" - pull the other leg (if you're lucky enough to have one).
Let's not fool ourselves, it's not just Tesco's. We complained to our Ulverston Coop for what seemed a similar practice last year. Let's all remind our big supermarket giants to behave themselves by quoting this case to them "I wish to complain about your 'half price' policy : if you don't stop it we'll do a Daphne Smallman on you. Remember £300,000 is not cheap." Let August 20th become a national holiday for all the Smallmen in this world."
Thank you Daphne for a wonderful gift.
This story is all over the papers today/yesterday: here in the Independent:
Tesco fined £300,000 over misleading strawberries offer
I'm aware that in a lot of cases big business is breaking all the rules that it can get away with.This time it is Tesco, next it could be Persimmons, yes it could even be Persimmons. (Please remind me, my memory is failing - aren't they the house builders putting up houses at the end of Union Lane Ulverston (- with the name Hoad View - as long as you haven't got a house directly in front of you blocking the view)- you know the 'what no roundabout' story.) It just takes someone with persistence to stick at a project and eventually they can strike a David and Goliath blow for the 'little man'. My what courage and persistence fighting for what is 'right'. In this case Daphne Smallman (what an appropriate name!) has struck out for all of us that get duped by misleading statements.
What I find is sickening is the way, only after the are found guilty and fined, do they come up with their "sorry, sorry, ever so soooooory" statements. Up till that point I bet the fought like demons.
”It was the council's case, confirmed by Tesco's guilty pleas, that this was a misleading offer which deceived the purchasers of strawberries over many weeks during the summer of 2011.”
In a statement Tesco said: “We apologise sincerely for this mistake, which was made in the summer of 2011. We sell over 40,000 products in our stores, with thousands on promotion at any one time, but even one mistake is one too many.
“Since then, to make sure this doesn’t happen again we’ve given colleagues additional training and reminded them of their responsibilities to ensure we always adhere to the guidelines on pricing.”
Yeh, yeh, yeh - make it sound an exception and shift the blame elsewhere. "It wasn't us but the ignorant people that work for us" - pull the other leg (if you're lucky enough to have one).
Let's not fool ourselves, it's not just Tesco's. We complained to our Ulverston Coop for what seemed a similar practice last year. Let's all remind our big supermarket giants to behave themselves by quoting this case to them "I wish to complain about your 'half price' policy : if you don't stop it we'll do a Daphne Smallman on you. Remember £300,000 is not cheap." Let August 20th become a national holiday for all the Smallmen in this world."
Thank you Daphne for a wonderful gift.
About this blog
Here's the data about the use of this blog for the last month:
It tells us that during the last month, 389 different people came here of which just over 70% were repeat visitors. At it's recent peak there were 41 visitors who looked for an average of 5minutes each.
As a means of reaching people and bringing them together it's proving very valuable - even though people still feel uneasy about using their real name or even leaving any comments.
For instance I'm getting several people who are uneasy about the workings of the SLDC Planning Department and are reporting many irregularities. These are people who contact me directly by email from as far as Kendal and Barrow ( gd at tygh.co.uk ). Thus this blog is enabling communication within a wide community for those that have concerns of a variety of subjects and provides an alternative to the two main papers of the area and the radio and tv here. Many people are becoming increasingly distrustful of the 'media' and are looking for an alternative. I've set up a new site here which has got greater potential but finding the time to use it is for me the problem. This is compounded by my failing memory so I'm continuosly going backwards form where I was a month ago.
I'm only too happy to share the Tygh site with anyone wanting a way of reaching an alternative audience. They would have to understand how to use Wordpress and here we could help each other. They could then take charge of part of this site and be a 'reporter' on their part of our community that they live in. They could then have the opportunity to share views which would have to be free from abuse of other people. This aspect would be regulated by me. So get in touch by email if interested see above - you could be someone still at school interesting in writing and sharing the world you live in. On the other hand you might be someone who has retired who is a bit bored twiddling their thumbs. A blog provides an interesting and independent way of using the Internet. An alternative to the highly commercial and to my mind dubious use of Facebook.
It tells us that during the last month, 389 different people came here of which just over 70% were repeat visitors. At it's recent peak there were 41 visitors who looked for an average of 5minutes each.
As a means of reaching people and bringing them together it's proving very valuable - even though people still feel uneasy about using their real name or even leaving any comments.
For instance I'm getting several people who are uneasy about the workings of the SLDC Planning Department and are reporting many irregularities. These are people who contact me directly by email from as far as Kendal and Barrow ( gd at tygh.co.uk ). Thus this blog is enabling communication within a wide community for those that have concerns of a variety of subjects and provides an alternative to the two main papers of the area and the radio and tv here. Many people are becoming increasingly distrustful of the 'media' and are looking for an alternative. I've set up a new site here which has got greater potential but finding the time to use it is for me the problem. This is compounded by my failing memory so I'm continuosly going backwards form where I was a month ago.
I'm only too happy to share the Tygh site with anyone wanting a way of reaching an alternative audience. They would have to understand how to use Wordpress and here we could help each other. They could then take charge of part of this site and be a 'reporter' on their part of our community that they live in. They could then have the opportunity to share views which would have to be free from abuse of other people. This aspect would be regulated by me. So get in touch by email if interested see above - you could be someone still at school interesting in writing and sharing the world you live in. On the other hand you might be someone who has retired who is a bit bored twiddling their thumbs. A blog provides an interesting and independent way of using the Internet. An alternative to the highly commercial and to my mind dubious use of Facebook.
Saturday, 17 August 2013
One has to be careful that one never makes statements that one does not know to be true. One however is, as far as I know, permitted to ask questions to the wide world in a genuine attempt to ascertain the truth.
Thus Geoff Dellow is a bloody liar is not allowed and you could be subject to a legal challenge. However one is always allowed to ask questions:
Is Geoff Dellow a liar? It's obvious that Geoff Dellow is lying, don't you think?
Or even "Is Geoff Dellow sleeping with my wife?"
There are areas that are difficult and I'm no expert.
But I would have thought " I think Geoff Dellow is a murderer" is acceptable.
ie. "I think (but could easily be wrong) that Geoff Dellow is a murderer"
My experience with Persimmons is that one is usually given the opportunity to correct an error one has made before and injunction is served.
This is unfrequented territory for me and I tread it carefully. I like to state facts wherever possible. They have a lot more power than questions.
Thus Geoff Dellow is a bloody liar is not allowed and you could be subject to a legal challenge. However one is always allowed to ask questions:
Is Geoff Dellow a liar? It's obvious that Geoff Dellow is lying, don't you think?
Or even "Is Geoff Dellow sleeping with my wife?"
There are areas that are difficult and I'm no expert.
But I would have thought " I think Geoff Dellow is a murderer" is acceptable.
ie. "I think (but could easily be wrong) that Geoff Dellow is a murderer"
My experience with Persimmons is that one is usually given the opportunity to correct an error one has made before and injunction is served.
This is unfrequented territory for me and I tread it carefully. I like to state facts wherever possible. They have a lot more power than questions.
Where was our Cllr Helen Irving?
The essential Cllr Helen Irving failed to attend the 'Dangerous Pots
in the Park' meeting last Tuesday in Mill Dam Park. This was despite
email notification and requests, and even one direct to her house. She
is not only our SLDC representative but town councillor as well. Cllr Colin
Pickthall, our town Cllr, sent his appologies, but made no written statement to Lawrence Conway, the chief executive, something that would have been very helpful at the time. By contrast our other local town councillor, Margaret Hornby who was approached only recently has informed herself very well and is being of great assistance in the future running of Mill Dam Park.
Did Lawrence Conway, someone she knows well, suggest that she stayed away? Is this the way that she represents her constituents. Is she up to the job of Town Mayor next year if she can't represent her constituents?
I understand that it was her enquiry to SLDC regarding pots having scratched her mother on the street and could harm young chilren that provoked the action of Lawrence Conway to remove the pots on the inside of the park without Health and Safety checks being made. Cllr Irving could have testified that she never raised the question of edges on pottery inside the park made by children and parents that had been put up with notification there early the previous year.
Does our representative not have an undertaking to represent all the users of the park in this dispute? How does the electorate feel about this?
Will they elect her again?
The next stage will be to challenge the whole process of classification of the pottery as dangerous and it's removal through the SLDC procedures. Complaints in writing will go to the chairman of the standards committee c/o Debbie Storr, monitoring officer, South Lakeland House, Lowther Street, Kendal LA9 4UQ or by downloading a complaint form from www.southlakeland.gov.uk . All this requires time and effort from this 78 year old who struggles to do so much already and is having to slow down in the rate he achieves things! Walks over Hoad are an essential part of keeping my mind and body fit.
Did Lawrence Conway, someone she knows well, suggest that she stayed away? Is this the way that she represents her constituents. Is she up to the job of Town Mayor next year if she can't represent her constituents?
I understand that it was her enquiry to SLDC regarding pots having scratched her mother on the street and could harm young chilren that provoked the action of Lawrence Conway to remove the pots on the inside of the park without Health and Safety checks being made. Cllr Irving could have testified that she never raised the question of edges on pottery inside the park made by children and parents that had been put up with notification there early the previous year.
Does our representative not have an undertaking to represent all the users of the park in this dispute? How does the electorate feel about this?
Will they elect her again?
The next stage will be to challenge the whole process of classification of the pottery as dangerous and it's removal through the SLDC procedures. Complaints in writing will go to the chairman of the standards committee c/o Debbie Storr, monitoring officer, South Lakeland House, Lowther Street, Kendal LA9 4UQ or by downloading a complaint form from www.southlakeland.gov.uk . All this requires time and effort from this 78 year old who struggles to do so much already and is having to slow down in the rate he achieves things! Walks over Hoad are an essential part of keeping my mind and body fit.
Friday, 16 August 2013
Intimidation by Solicitors
Once upon a time I asked some questions on this blog. Sadly no one answered them so I am no wiser.
However Howard Whitaker has taken action.
However Howard Whitaker has taken action.
It's meant to scare the living daylights out of you and make you cough up £1,000.
Read closely and it's as harmful as a scam bit of advertising, but it may fool the uninitiated. Fortunately I've been educated by the professionals - solicitors for Persimmons. Now they certainly know how to tighten the screws and frighten you.
Now let's look carefully at the wording. - The secret is in the detail.
It says: "Our client considers this and our client considers that. Our client believes this and believes that. And "In addition our client requires that you pay £1,000.00 in damages . . ."
Well your client can believe all he likes but his beliefs are groundless and you will notice that there isn't any hint of action by the solicitors themselves.
They try to intimidate by using legal jargon "this letter is written in accordance with pre-action protocol in respect of defamation claims and we look forward to you response within 14 days in accordance with the protocol."
So what. Look forward all you want. I'm not sure that they will be looking forward to my response as it may not be free of the choicest of swear words. Furthermore can you detect which one of them sent this missive?
On reflection: is the involvement of Hart Jackson's a sign that the old guard are stepping in to control disturbing misfits that ruffle their cosy society?
When I arrived in Ulverston there were some powerful people throwing their weight about, to me it seemed to be a sort of mafia club ruling the peasants. It consisted of Colonel Whitaker, (Howard's father of Three Bridges), Hart Jackson himself (of the remote Heaning Wood), Canon Rimmer (of St Mary's rectory -now demolished) and Mr Walls (at the Vic who invited me to become a conservative at his house at the top of Gill Banks). As an energetic young man, I had dealings with them all!
It's clear that the influence of this group and their ilk lingers on in our delightful 'behind the times' Ulverston.
Thursday, 15 August 2013
I've just been processed
If you're not feeling well before you go to our 'Health Centre' you'll be feeling ten times worse, mentally, once you've visited it. I believe that last time I went to the Ulverston Health Centre I felt I'd been processed and came back to relieve myself on my blog.
Today is no different. We need to hit out at 'the system' and we can- take something to read.
'The system' is their inhuman method of checking us in - date of birth followed by "Are you Josephine Bloggs" in front of everyone.
Do we want everyone to know our birthday and our name and even our sex ?
Then continuous rubbish scurries across the screen "This is Dr Rhubarb's practice and your very welcome", "Please put your mobile phones off" repeatedly that we're forced to watch endlessly for anything up to 45mins as we wait to see our name come up on the screen. That vital message: "Josephine Bloggs, Dr Frankinstein Room 7"
Knock knock - "Come in Darling" is the terrifying response. "It's alright Doctor, I'm feeling better now" and there's the scamper of tiny feet down the corridor.
So do you 'have to' watch that bloody screen for 30 minutes if your appointment is late. All the chairs face it, no one chats. Result: you've been brain washed into a zombie.
I was pleased to discover a solution: I went up to the reception - behind close glass window - and said very politely with a smile " I may miss my appointment as I'm going to read my paper". Followed by "I won't do this deliberately but I can't cope with your infuriating screen".
It worked - I had 30 minutes of lovely juicy reading of blood and gore in Egypt - just what I needed to cheer me up.
And my 'new doctor' turned out to be good which is always a relief - Doctor Johannes Rath - First impressions were very good. He's calm, knowledgeable, curious, with a sense of (my) humour.
I now look forward to my next visit in I hope five years time!
For reflection, though little use at all:
Because I am 78 and was quite ill as a child up to the age of 7: I can still remember the lovely feeling of lying in my own bed with a temperature and having a very fatherly and friendly doctor visit me several days apart to diagnose, prescribe medicines and check how I was. And this was in the middle of the last world war. Doesn't that sound like heaven?
Now our 'standard of living' has 'gone up' since 1942 when the above happened. Or has it. I'll settle for the freezing cold rooms, the black out, the sirens and bombing rather than the world I live in now where talking to a real human being offering a service is near impossible.
I say this in the context of trying to reinvest a small amount of money and having been passed round and round in the same circles four times in a vicious loop which I escaped from with great difficulty with my job still unfinished. A complete and frightening nightmare for an old person that is becoming less than clear thinking.
At least I can burble on and on to myself on this blog and have the illusion of remaining sane.
Today is no different. We need to hit out at 'the system' and we can- take something to read.
'The system' is their inhuman method of checking us in - date of birth followed by "Are you Josephine Bloggs" in front of everyone.
Do we want everyone to know our birthday and our name and even our sex ?
Then continuous rubbish scurries across the screen "This is Dr Rhubarb's practice and your very welcome", "Please put your mobile phones off" repeatedly that we're forced to watch endlessly for anything up to 45mins as we wait to see our name come up on the screen. That vital message: "Josephine Bloggs, Dr Frankinstein Room 7"
Knock knock - "Come in Darling" is the terrifying response. "It's alright Doctor, I'm feeling better now" and there's the scamper of tiny feet down the corridor.
So do you 'have to' watch that bloody screen for 30 minutes if your appointment is late. All the chairs face it, no one chats. Result: you've been brain washed into a zombie.
I was pleased to discover a solution: I went up to the reception - behind close glass window - and said very politely with a smile " I may miss my appointment as I'm going to read my paper". Followed by "I won't do this deliberately but I can't cope with your infuriating screen".
It worked - I had 30 minutes of lovely juicy reading of blood and gore in Egypt - just what I needed to cheer me up.
And my 'new doctor' turned out to be good which is always a relief - Doctor Johannes Rath - First impressions were very good. He's calm, knowledgeable, curious, with a sense of (my) humour.
I now look forward to my next visit in I hope five years time!
For reflection, though little use at all:
Because I am 78 and was quite ill as a child up to the age of 7: I can still remember the lovely feeling of lying in my own bed with a temperature and having a very fatherly and friendly doctor visit me several days apart to diagnose, prescribe medicines and check how I was. And this was in the middle of the last world war. Doesn't that sound like heaven?
Now our 'standard of living' has 'gone up' since 1942 when the above happened. Or has it. I'll settle for the freezing cold rooms, the black out, the sirens and bombing rather than the world I live in now where talking to a real human being offering a service is near impossible.
I say this in the context of trying to reinvest a small amount of money and having been passed round and round in the same circles four times in a vicious loop which I escaped from with great difficulty with my job still unfinished. A complete and frightening nightmare for an old person that is becoming less than clear thinking.
At least I can burble on and on to myself on this blog and have the illusion of remaining sane.
Lawrence Conway- shouldn't you be paying attention?
Mr Conway shouldn't you be taking the message of the editor of the Westmorland Gazette to heart?
Rather than focusing on ridding our town of the "Dangerous Pottery in the Park" and stopping volunteers doing valuable work , SLDC's planning department is in desperate need of help.
Our Planning Department is really struggling at a time that they are being hounded by locals in an uproar reaction to Persimmons action to change an important condition of their planning permission. It has three members, including the Principal Planning Officer missing because their posts have not been filled see their website:
Kate Lawson is struggling and regularly has to be covered for by Fiona Clark.
Important decisions are to be made shortly by Mark Shipman who is classed as a manager and whose past is clouded in mystery. The page describing his resignation on a page of Grantham Journal that was removed in the last few days see http://www.granthamjournal.co.uk/news/local/district-council-planner-sacked-and-one-resigns-1-374943
This may well have been done because I made the following enquiry of the journal on August 12th on their blog:
In March 2010 Mark Shipman resigned amongst a lot of secrecy from South Kesteven District Council.
In your article you report that "Mayor of Grantham Ray Wootten" told the Journal the reasons for the investigation should be revealed to the public.
He said: “A public statement should be made. I’ve been kept in the dark.”
Was this ever cleared up. We in South Lakes District Council are concerned about what is happening here regarding Persimmons avoiding complying with their planning conditions. Has there ever been further information made available? Answers to Geoff Dellow via email - gd at tygh.co.uk
(Note: before Persimmons come knocking on my door may I correct my indescretion in my enquiry above. "Persimmons are of course not avoiding anything but applying for a change in the wording of condition 11 which allows them to build the wall to the height agreed in the original condition.)
Mr Conway, my sympathies, you've a lot on you plate in these difficult times.
Rather than focusing on ridding our town of the "Dangerous Pottery in the Park" and stopping volunteers doing valuable work , SLDC's planning department is in desperate need of help.
Our Planning Department is really struggling at a time that they are being hounded by locals in an uproar reaction to Persimmons action to change an important condition of their planning permission. It has three members, including the Principal Planning Officer missing because their posts have not been filled see their website:
Kate Lawson is struggling and regularly has to be covered for by Fiona Clark.
Important decisions are to be made shortly by Mark Shipman who is classed as a manager and whose past is clouded in mystery. The page describing his resignation on a page of Grantham Journal that was removed in the last few days see http://www.granthamjournal.co.uk/news/local/district-council-planner-sacked-and-one-resigns-1-374943
This may well have been done because I made the following enquiry of the journal on August 12th on their blog:
In March 2010 Mark Shipman resigned amongst a lot of secrecy from South Kesteven District Council.
In your article you report that "Mayor of Grantham Ray Wootten" told the Journal the reasons for the investigation should be revealed to the public.
He said: “A public statement should be made. I’ve been kept in the dark.”
Was this ever cleared up. We in South Lakes District Council are concerned about what is happening here regarding Persimmons avoiding complying with their planning conditions. Has there ever been further information made available? Answers to Geoff Dellow via email - gd at tygh.co.uk
(Note: before Persimmons come knocking on my door may I correct my indescretion in my enquiry above. "Persimmons are of course not avoiding anything but applying for a change in the wording of condition 11 which allows them to build the wall to the height agreed in the original condition.)
Mr Conway, my sympathies, you've a lot on you plate in these difficult times.
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Hotter - quality and truth
I visited Kendal yesterday in search of a pair of shoes - sadly none to be found in Ulverston are there?
I found what I was looking for at Hotter.
Not only did I find quality that would last me years of hard wear but I found an exceptional paractice.
The prices were given on round pounds : £10 none of this £9.95 malarkey
This immediately made me want to shop here.
Anyone know of other shops that charge their prices in round pounds. Haven't we been duped for long enough?
Shouldn't the honest shops be rewarded with our money?
I found what I was looking for at Hotter.
Not only did I find quality that would last me years of hard wear but I found an exceptional paractice.
The prices were given on round pounds : £10 none of this £9.95 malarkey
This immediately made me want to shop here.
Anyone know of other shops that charge their prices in round pounds. Haven't we been duped for long enough?
Shouldn't the honest shops be rewarded with our money?
Margaret Hornby - What an impressive woman.
Those of us that live in Ulverston all have three councillors to represent us on the Town Council. They are all unpaid and have no perks other than the appreciation shown by the public and the feelings of pride they have in doing their job. They meet once a month for what is usually a two hour meeting in the council chamber, upstairs in the town hall.
I sent the following to all three of my councillors last Friday:
Dear Councillor. . . . . .,
As our town councillor, when can I see you to discuss my complaint against SLDC's handling of Mill Dam Park.
I want you to be well briefed as to what those complaints are.
Geoff Dellow
I immediately received a reply from Margaret Hornby but nothing, as yet, from the other two.
She came round at the earliest opportunity, after a full time work as a funeral director.
She spent a good half an hour being briefed to all aspects of the work that we have been doing in the park. She took copious notes, came up with numerous suggestions, one of which could completely change the possibility of future work in the park. She left firing on all cylinders with what she could do.
She is a very impressive woman, as anyone who has met her will know.
We are indeed very lucky to have her as our local town councillor.
This meeting has given me and those of our members that I've told, a lot of encouragement and energy to continue what has become a battle with bureaucracy. At last we have the support of a real very common sense human being. A shining example of the kind of person we all want as our politician.
I suspect she is this kind of person because she has her feet planted firmly on the ground when helping us grieve for our dead at the many funerals she serves in her capacity of her full time job as a funeral director.
I sent the following to all three of my councillors last Friday:
Dear Councillor. . . . . .,
As our town councillor, when can I see you to discuss my complaint against SLDC's handling of Mill Dam Park.
I want you to be well briefed as to what those complaints are.
Geoff Dellow
I immediately received a reply from Margaret Hornby but nothing, as yet, from the other two.
She came round at the earliest opportunity, after a full time work as a funeral director.
She spent a good half an hour being briefed to all aspects of the work that we have been doing in the park. She took copious notes, came up with numerous suggestions, one of which could completely change the possibility of future work in the park. She left firing on all cylinders with what she could do.
She is a very impressive woman, as anyone who has met her will know.
We are indeed very lucky to have her as our local town councillor.
This meeting has given me and those of our members that I've told, a lot of encouragement and energy to continue what has become a battle with bureaucracy. At last we have the support of a real very common sense human being. A shining example of the kind of person we all want as our politician.
I suspect she is this kind of person because she has her feet planted firmly on the ground when helping us grieve for our dead at the many funerals she serves in her capacity of her full time job as a funeral director.
Monday, 12 August 2013
Still no Citizens Advice Bureau
I talked to someone yesterday who was badly in need of a CAB. I had a look at her complaint. She was clearly being taken advantage of by a neighbour yet she was a very law abiding person who was frightened of asserting her own rights even though she had been assured that she was within her rights.
She could not affort the resource of a solicitor so she was allowing her neighbour to walk all over her. Yet she was continuously angry. What could she do?
She had tried the CAB and couldn't get through. She had gone to the Barrow office who are still functioning but was told they weren't able to help those from South Lakes.
This is the kind of thing that we all hate seeing happening and where the CAB is so important to reassure and help people to assert herself. I hope to be able to help her. In fact I've realised that I've two friends living nearby who could offer the support she needs.
However there could have been a ready solution.
In April when the CAB had just closed I went to Tom Holliday the man in charge of Libraries in the area and he agreed that it might be possible for a room in the Library to be used as a temporary measure to help clients to meet up with volunteers from the CAB.
I told our councillors. Why wasn't this followed up?
Is it because we live in a 'No Can Do' society.
Separate times need us to stretch ourselves to help the vulnerable. This is just on example of the anger that is building up in the people in this town.
Can't we even manage even a helpful notice in the office in Theater Street to let people know what is happening at the moment. Come on Cllr Mark Wilson you can at least do this.
She could not affort the resource of a solicitor so she was allowing her neighbour to walk all over her. Yet she was continuously angry. What could she do?
She had tried the CAB and couldn't get through. She had gone to the Barrow office who are still functioning but was told they weren't able to help those from South Lakes.
This is the kind of thing that we all hate seeing happening and where the CAB is so important to reassure and help people to assert herself. I hope to be able to help her. In fact I've realised that I've two friends living nearby who could offer the support she needs.
However there could have been a ready solution.
In April when the CAB had just closed I went to Tom Holliday the man in charge of Libraries in the area and he agreed that it might be possible for a room in the Library to be used as a temporary measure to help clients to meet up with volunteers from the CAB.
I told our councillors. Why wasn't this followed up?
Is it because we live in a 'No Can Do' society.
Separate times need us to stretch ourselves to help the vulnerable. This is just on example of the anger that is building up in the people in this town.
Can't we even manage even a helpful notice in the office in Theater Street to let people know what is happening at the moment. Come on Cllr Mark Wilson you can at least do this.
The No Can Do Society
Is this what we've got in Ulverston?
I don't believe it.
What stops us solving our people-related what I would call uncaring attitudes?
The people with solutions are around and they do care:
I've got a neighbour who is one. We're doing something together later this morning and it will cheer people up - they may not even realise we've done it!
I meet them every time I go walking over Hoad.
I met John yesterday, someone I'd only met once before. He was a doer. So we've arranged to do something together that will raise the spirits of the rest of us next Tuesday evening.
I know there are people like John and my neighbour all over Ulverston.
So what stops us?
Is it our lack of self belief? Is it that people no longer believe in solutions?
Is it that we are looking to the wrong people to lead us and help us understand that:
We Can.
Is the solution to think small and manageable?
There is a group of doers meeting in a pub here in Ulverston very shortly. I'll find out whether they want the details giving out. They may however prefer just to Do.
I don't believe it.
What stops us solving our people-related what I would call uncaring attitudes?
The people with solutions are around and they do care:
I've got a neighbour who is one. We're doing something together later this morning and it will cheer people up - they may not even realise we've done it!
I meet them every time I go walking over Hoad.
I met John yesterday, someone I'd only met once before. He was a doer. So we've arranged to do something together that will raise the spirits of the rest of us next Tuesday evening.
I know there are people like John and my neighbour all over Ulverston.
So what stops us?
Is it our lack of self belief? Is it that people no longer believe in solutions?
Is it that we are looking to the wrong people to lead us and help us understand that:
We Can.
Is the solution to think small and manageable?
There is a group of doers meeting in a pub here in Ulverston very shortly. I'll find out whether they want the details giving out. They may however prefer just to Do.
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Where was our Cllr Helen Irving?
The essential Cllr Helen Irving failed to attend the 'Dangerous Pots in the Park' meeting last Tuesday in Mill Dam Park. This was despite email notification and requests, and even one direct to her house. She is not only our SLDC representative but town cllr as well. Cllr Colin Pickthall, our town cllr, on the other hand sent his appologies.
Did Lawrece Conway, someone she knows well, suggest that she stayed away? Is this the way that she represents her constituents. Is she up to the job of Town Mayor next year if she can't represent her electorate?
I understand that it was her enquiry to SLDC regarding pots having scratched her mother on the street that provoked the unjustified action of Lawrence Conway to remove the pots on the inside of the park. Cllr Irving could have testified that she never raised the question of sharp edges on pottery made by children and parents that had been put up with notification there last year.
Does our representative not have an undertaking to represent all the users of the park in this dispute? How does the electorate feel about this?
Will they elect her again?
Did Lawrece Conway, someone she knows well, suggest that she stayed away? Is this the way that she represents her constituents. Is she up to the job of Town Mayor next year if she can't represent her electorate?
I understand that it was her enquiry to SLDC regarding pots having scratched her mother on the street that provoked the unjustified action of Lawrence Conway to remove the pots on the inside of the park. Cllr Irving could have testified that she never raised the question of sharp edges on pottery made by children and parents that had been put up with notification there last year.
Does our representative not have an undertaking to represent all the users of the park in this dispute? How does the electorate feel about this?
Will they elect her again?
Saturday, 10 August 2013
Mail, character assassination? - What's new?
Assassination is a bit strong Geoff.
Well, small scratch then.
What did you make of the story last Tuesday?
Who came across as sane?
Would you ever go out at night with this guy about? (It's only me)
A combination of well chosen pictures and quotes out of context paint a different story to what actually happened.
Would you ever trust the Evening Mail editor?
What else do we expect? Could this be why, increasingly, people prefer to read the Westmorland Gazette?
Why incidently is this story not on their online paper?
More on Monday !
Why not use this one, which they also took?
My response to this article to the Evening Mail Assistant editor:
It is sad that your paper has chosen to tell the story as though I am being unreasonable and a bit mad, when I suggest the opposite is true.
Here are some damning inaccuracies.
1. My photo - you could have chosen one where I was looking stern and determined rather the one with the fingers splayed out and strange facial expression.
2."refused to wait for council approval ... " is only true if the council were to further delay changes to the seesaw: changes they had promissed to be done by last September. It was saying if you don't do it we will . In fact my attitude secured a commitment from SLDC to raise the floor level by the end this September. Something we supported as it was best done when children had gone back to school, avoiding children on holiday dreading in newly installed soil. Thus my actions were in fact very responsible.
3. You miss the point that they are forbidding all work in the garden. Work that has transformed the park from what it was when you first saw it to something it is now. Furthermore at any time they could insist that all the picnic tables are removed because they are ours. We would be then left withe two benches which Conway claimed to be entirely adequate. SLDC's only picnic table was removed in 2009 because of vandalism and they had no intention of replacing it. What we are saying - we supply the picnic tables and you approve them to be safe - no more - no further obligation ie we supply picnic tables for the park indefinitely at no cost to SLDC.
Furthermore in practice, SLDC have left benches with missing planks for two years despite being asked to repair them - in the end we have repaired them with planks eventually provided by goodguy Peter Clarke.
Thus the story told this way we become the responsible party and the SLDC the negligent which is what is true.
Told your way it may make a goodies and baddies story which is not true but sells papers.
If we are to move forward the public need to see us as the responsible concerned people that produce and excellent result and SLDC as people who stick to the letter of the law and avoid doing anything resulting in a very grey drab world.
As I've just explained there is no way that we can conform with SLDC requirements as we don't have anyone that will do it.
As for me -
Well, small scratch then.
What did you make of the story last Tuesday?
Who came across as sane?
Would you ever go out at night with this guy about? (It's only me)
A combination of well chosen pictures and quotes out of context paint a different story to what actually happened.
Would you ever trust the Evening Mail editor?
What else do we expect? Could this be why, increasingly, people prefer to read the Westmorland Gazette?
Why incidently is this story not on their online paper?
More on Monday !
Why not use this one, which they also took?
My response to this article to the Evening Mail Assistant editor:
It is sad that your paper has chosen to tell the story as though I am being unreasonable and a bit mad, when I suggest the opposite is true.
Here are some damning inaccuracies.
1. My photo - you could have chosen one where I was looking stern and determined rather the one with the fingers splayed out and strange facial expression.
2."refused to wait for council approval ... " is only true if the council were to further delay changes to the seesaw: changes they had promissed to be done by last September. It was saying if you don't do it we will . In fact my attitude secured a commitment from SLDC to raise the floor level by the end this September. Something we supported as it was best done when children had gone back to school, avoiding children on holiday dreading in newly installed soil. Thus my actions were in fact very responsible.
3. You miss the point that they are forbidding all work in the garden. Work that has transformed the park from what it was when you first saw it to something it is now. Furthermore at any time they could insist that all the picnic tables are removed because they are ours. We would be then left withe two benches which Conway claimed to be entirely adequate. SLDC's only picnic table was removed in 2009 because of vandalism and they had no intention of replacing it. What we are saying - we supply the picnic tables and you approve them to be safe - no more - no further obligation ie we supply picnic tables for the park indefinitely at no cost to SLDC.
Furthermore in practice, SLDC have left benches with missing planks for two years despite being asked to repair them - in the end we have repaired them with planks eventually provided by goodguy Peter Clarke.
Thus the story told this way we become the responsible party and the SLDC the negligent which is what is true.
Told your way it may make a goodies and baddies story which is not true but sells papers.
If we are to move forward the public need to see us as the responsible concerned people that produce and excellent result and SLDC as people who stick to the letter of the law and avoid doing anything resulting in a very grey drab world.
As I've just explained there is no way that we can conform with SLDC requirements as we don't have anyone that will do it.
* * *
Mr Lawrence Conway- you can buy this for darts practice for £20:00 from the Evening Mail Website
As for me -
Tuesday - the Park: see above.
Wednesday - Grange-over-Sands: a Grand Day Out.
"Tabby McTat was a busker's cat
With a miaow that was loud and strong"
Tabby McTat by Julia Donalson of Gruffalo fame, illustrated by Axel Scheffler.
ISBN 978-1-407109-27-5 List Price UK £6.99
Worth every penny!
Yes I'm a great reader of children's stories!
Friday, 9 August 2013
Local politics at a crossroad
Why do sane people keep repeating to me " you can't trust any of them"?
It's true, well nearly. In the whole bunch of the many politicians, officers of local government, media (papers, radio and tele), that I have got to know in this area there are extremely few I feel I can trust.
I have a very few politicians in about three hundred. They so commonly say lots, especially at election time, and do very little.Yes they are well meaning but in my view they don't do enough. My view in know is not typical - I expect a lot.
Local Government - I have only one officer that I could completely trust and that was Debbie Binch of County Council - and she has 'moved on' (I'm sure someone will contact me that she was needing a change) I have a great respect for Kate Lawson in planning but I wonder why she hasn't handed in her notice with the kind of boss she has - Mark Shipman who I suspect is very unreliable. It's clear that other officers in SLDC fear for their jobs and hate what they are asked to do by boss Lawrence Conway. One gets the feeling that the whole organisation is beginning to fall apart. One senses that secrecy is everywhere and attempts to strangle criticism, rife. In County Council we had the dreaded Nick Raymond of highways notoriety who was conveniently being moved sideways out of our harm's way. One wonders what's going on with I.T.Shaw who are flourishing and Amey who were not given local contracts but instead to Colas from Newcastle for the cobbles work. Yes we're suspicious. We even get a lack of transparency from town clerks like Jayne Kendall and her predecessor who give you the least amount of info possible when we make enquiries.
Papers : The Evening Mail is a sucker for choosing to make stories sensational, though even they can write some good articles however even their reporters are distrustful of how their stories can be twisted by the editor and given a completely opposite slant. They've just done it to me on their article on Tuesday "Deadlock over future running of town park" where I'm made out to be a nutter when in fact the council officials are the people being irresponsible ( in taking their time to modify the seesaw).
The Westmorland Gazette is good at the top - I respect Mike Addison but some of their reporters are 'disappointing' to say the least, whilst others quietly admit to pressure being exerted from above.
BBC Radio Cumbria can again twist a story by cutting out a major part of a report put in by one of their reporters. I seem to get treated with kid gloves by the guy at the top rather than by people lower down.
So get to the point Geoff:
We have a front page headline in a National Paper "British politics at the crossroads"
This article talks about the decline in interest of the public in all the political parties and what can be done about it. It points to the increased use of Internet media which presents an alternative way of getting things done and of communicating.
The degree that SLDC led by officer Lawrence Conway and cllr Janet Willis are out of touch is illustrated by the heavy handed attitude to the Dangerous Pots in the Park issue and the bullying tactics of towards the officers below them done for all to see at their meeting with us in Mill Dam Park. The public see through it all and are derisive of the pronouncements of the 'tough' men in suits.
Yes change is certainly going to take place - things like this blog on the Internet enable the public to communicate and come together for shared action. All manner of people are coming out of the woodwork and getting encouragement to stand up and say/do something. We have strength using what I call 'click' campaigning. Our frustration at feeling powerless is changing rapidly.
I say confidently: it really is time for a radical change. Let's hope its not a totally irrational riot.
It's true, well nearly. In the whole bunch of the many politicians, officers of local government, media (papers, radio and tele), that I have got to know in this area there are extremely few I feel I can trust.
I have a very few politicians in about three hundred. They so commonly say lots, especially at election time, and do very little.Yes they are well meaning but in my view they don't do enough. My view in know is not typical - I expect a lot.
Local Government - I have only one officer that I could completely trust and that was Debbie Binch of County Council - and she has 'moved on' (I'm sure someone will contact me that she was needing a change) I have a great respect for Kate Lawson in planning but I wonder why she hasn't handed in her notice with the kind of boss she has - Mark Shipman who I suspect is very unreliable. It's clear that other officers in SLDC fear for their jobs and hate what they are asked to do by boss Lawrence Conway. One gets the feeling that the whole organisation is beginning to fall apart. One senses that secrecy is everywhere and attempts to strangle criticism, rife. In County Council we had the dreaded Nick Raymond of highways notoriety who was conveniently being moved sideways out of our harm's way. One wonders what's going on with I.T.Shaw who are flourishing and Amey who were not given local contracts but instead to Colas from Newcastle for the cobbles work. Yes we're suspicious. We even get a lack of transparency from town clerks like Jayne Kendall and her predecessor who give you the least amount of info possible when we make enquiries.
Papers : The Evening Mail is a sucker for choosing to make stories sensational, though even they can write some good articles however even their reporters are distrustful of how their stories can be twisted by the editor and given a completely opposite slant. They've just done it to me on their article on Tuesday "Deadlock over future running of town park" where I'm made out to be a nutter when in fact the council officials are the people being irresponsible ( in taking their time to modify the seesaw).
The Westmorland Gazette is good at the top - I respect Mike Addison but some of their reporters are 'disappointing' to say the least, whilst others quietly admit to pressure being exerted from above.
BBC Radio Cumbria can again twist a story by cutting out a major part of a report put in by one of their reporters. I seem to get treated with kid gloves by the guy at the top rather than by people lower down.
So get to the point Geoff:
We have a front page headline in a National Paper "British politics at the crossroads"
This article talks about the decline in interest of the public in all the political parties and what can be done about it. It points to the increased use of Internet media which presents an alternative way of getting things done and of communicating.
The degree that SLDC led by officer Lawrence Conway and cllr Janet Willis are out of touch is illustrated by the heavy handed attitude to the Dangerous Pots in the Park issue and the bullying tactics of towards the officers below them done for all to see at their meeting with us in Mill Dam Park. The public see through it all and are derisive of the pronouncements of the 'tough' men in suits.
Yes change is certainly going to take place - things like this blog on the Internet enable the public to communicate and come together for shared action. All manner of people are coming out of the woodwork and getting encouragement to stand up and say/do something. We have strength using what I call 'click' campaigning. Our frustration at feeling powerless is changing rapidly.
I say confidently: it really is time for a radical change. Let's hope its not a totally irrational riot.
Watch this space.
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
The Mill Dam story in both papers
There is so much material for a newspaper to cover - how can they give a reliable account - the meeting went on for 90 minutes, discussing just one subject at a great pace. Think how many words were said. How can one write a balanced report. The Evening Mail's report is out, tomorrow we'll get one from the Westmorland Gazette !
In fact there was no report in the Westmorland Gazette as I suspect Mike Addison their editor needs more time to understand what exactly was said.
Let me try to summarise.
Lawrence Conway, SLDC chief exec, arrived with officer Deborah Wright, Park Engineer, Peter Clarke and Cllr Janet Willis, the deputy leader of the Council.
1. Lawrence Conway persisted in stating that the seesaw was perfectly safe despite the injuries experienced by local children, E.Clarke specifically. He never-the-less very reluctantly listened to our request that the seesaw should have the ground raised (which in our view would make the seesaw safer) and Deborah Wright assured us that this would be done by September, it being suggested that doing it this month had the potential of resulting lots of trampled mud while the children were still on holiday.
2. He insisted that the pottery removed from the park was potentially dangerous and would not be returned to the park
3. He went further and stated that any form of work in the park must cease : this included putting plants and bulbs in the park and the provision of picnic tables. This was for Health and Safety reasons that injuries could be incurred by the public using for instance a trowel to put plants in and the council would be vulnerable to being sued and would not be covered by their present public liability insurance.
4. He implied from his experience in Kendal that two benches in a park this size would be adequate. Janet Willis suggested that SLDC had no funds to install picnic tables themselves. Mr Lawrence was then told by his engineer that the one present in the park in 2009 was removed because it had been vandalised and was not replaced. The present situation with the presence of three picnic tables provided privately meant that SLDC where not liable and could be removed without notice any time they wished.
5. The conclusion is that without the work of volunteers the park could revert to the barren playground it was four years ago without adequate seating with only one usable bench and no flowers other than on the bushes.
In the mean time I'm getting some very positive feed back :
Someone I don't know, in her sixties, stopped me in the street: "Are you Geoff Dellow?" " I want you to know what a silly man that chief executive is." "All that fuss over the 'dangerous' pottery."
Then I find that there are now a couple of town councillors that support our actions in Mill Dam Park and believe SLDC are out of touch with the public.
We appear have reached the situation that the rule bound SLDC is resigned to sit back now and allow the park to go steadily downhill. The alternative is that councillors insist that money be spent on maintaining the high standard in the Park that officers Deborah Wright and Jim Maguire so much admired less than a month ago. OR that the present volunteers be encouraged to continue the work they are doing. With the appointment of Deborah Wright this situation may not happen. She, working with the excellent Peter Clarke could now do a brilliant job of maintaining the park and removing hazards they have already identified. Four years ago we had to rely on officer Tony Naylor who consistently failed to keep his promises. Now Deborah Wright has shown that SLDC can respond at lightening speed to a request for repairs to be made and have the work done within 18 hours.
The main question now is Janet Willis and fellow councillors what are you going to do to support the Mill Dam local people? We put a lot of work in now it's your turn.
I have just returned from a visit to Grange over Sands, a town of similar size to Ulverston with six young children six and under who thoroughly enjoyed all the facilities in Grange. What could be the reason for the obvious difference in the two towns? Could it be that Grange has councillors like Tom Harvey who fights tooth and nail for his town and people like the former Grange Mayor, Robert Leach who with another councillor started PromArt along their Parade back in 2003 with it's high voluntary gardening involvement. I am also aware of a completely different and very positive atmosphere in Grange's town offices; an atmosphere that has ensured that their Citizens Advice Bureau is sure to survive despite cuts as it is entirely run by volunteers with an absolute minimal professional guidance. They have also found a way of running their CAB something Ulverston may fail to have had for a full six months - again for lack of concern of our councillors. Well done Grange, we in Ulverston tended to look down on you back in the Eighties. Now despite your setbacks over your outdoor swimming pool, there remains an admirable fighting spirit amongst your leadership so that you are even attracting creative people from Ulverston to not only support PromArt strongly but now they are set to be granted a commission for several thousands pounds work to add further attractions to Grange's flourishing town.
In fact there was no report in the Westmorland Gazette as I suspect Mike Addison their editor needs more time to understand what exactly was said.
Let me try to summarise.
Lawrence Conway, SLDC chief exec, arrived with officer Deborah Wright, Park Engineer, Peter Clarke and Cllr Janet Willis, the deputy leader of the Council.
1. Lawrence Conway persisted in stating that the seesaw was perfectly safe despite the injuries experienced by local children, E.Clarke specifically. He never-the-less very reluctantly listened to our request that the seesaw should have the ground raised (which in our view would make the seesaw safer) and Deborah Wright assured us that this would be done by September, it being suggested that doing it this month had the potential of resulting lots of trampled mud while the children were still on holiday.
2. He insisted that the pottery removed from the park was potentially dangerous and would not be returned to the park
3. He went further and stated that any form of work in the park must cease : this included putting plants and bulbs in the park and the provision of picnic tables. This was for Health and Safety reasons that injuries could be incurred by the public using for instance a trowel to put plants in and the council would be vulnerable to being sued and would not be covered by their present public liability insurance.
4. He implied from his experience in Kendal that two benches in a park this size would be adequate. Janet Willis suggested that SLDC had no funds to install picnic tables themselves. Mr Lawrence was then told by his engineer that the one present in the park in 2009 was removed because it had been vandalised and was not replaced. The present situation with the presence of three picnic tables provided privately meant that SLDC where not liable and could be removed without notice any time they wished.
5. The conclusion is that without the work of volunteers the park could revert to the barren playground it was four years ago without adequate seating with only one usable bench and no flowers other than on the bushes.
In the mean time I'm getting some very positive feed back :
Someone I don't know, in her sixties, stopped me in the street: "Are you Geoff Dellow?" " I want you to know what a silly man that chief executive is." "All that fuss over the 'dangerous' pottery."
Then I find that there are now a couple of town councillors that support our actions in Mill Dam Park and believe SLDC are out of touch with the public.
We appear have reached the situation that the rule bound SLDC is resigned to sit back now and allow the park to go steadily downhill. The alternative is that councillors insist that money be spent on maintaining the high standard in the Park that officers Deborah Wright and Jim Maguire so much admired less than a month ago. OR that the present volunteers be encouraged to continue the work they are doing. With the appointment of Deborah Wright this situation may not happen. She, working with the excellent Peter Clarke could now do a brilliant job of maintaining the park and removing hazards they have already identified. Four years ago we had to rely on officer Tony Naylor who consistently failed to keep his promises. Now Deborah Wright has shown that SLDC can respond at lightening speed to a request for repairs to be made and have the work done within 18 hours.
The main question now is Janet Willis and fellow councillors what are you going to do to support the Mill Dam local people? We put a lot of work in now it's your turn.
I have just returned from a visit to Grange over Sands, a town of similar size to Ulverston with six young children six and under who thoroughly enjoyed all the facilities in Grange. What could be the reason for the obvious difference in the two towns? Could it be that Grange has councillors like Tom Harvey who fights tooth and nail for his town and people like the former Grange Mayor, Robert Leach who with another councillor started PromArt along their Parade back in 2003 with it's high voluntary gardening involvement. I am also aware of a completely different and very positive atmosphere in Grange's town offices; an atmosphere that has ensured that their Citizens Advice Bureau is sure to survive despite cuts as it is entirely run by volunteers with an absolute minimal professional guidance. They have also found a way of running their CAB something Ulverston may fail to have had for a full six months - again for lack of concern of our councillors. Well done Grange, we in Ulverston tended to look down on you back in the Eighties. Now despite your setbacks over your outdoor swimming pool, there remains an admirable fighting spirit amongst your leadership so that you are even attracting creative people from Ulverston to not only support PromArt strongly but now they are set to be granted a commission for several thousands pounds work to add further attractions to Grange's flourishing town.
SLDC Website consultation - Have your say
I've just competed a very superficial survey made by SLDC regarding it's website.
To me it came across as very unsubstantial and not at all genuine. So I posting my responses here so that the public will know if they follow it up.
More work put in to make it user friendly - I will gladly work with an official for two hours to look at specific detailed examination of how it can be improved. Mechanism would be myself and the official looking at the website while both on the phone together - you can't have better than that. I shall be very disappointed if you don't take this offer up and will report this on my blog at geoffdellow.blogspot.co.uk
It will be interesting to find out whether anyone follows this up.
I will report back here if they do.
To me it came across as very unsubstantial and not at all genuine. So I posting my responses here so that the public will know if they follow it up.
More work put in to make it user friendly - I will gladly work with an official for two hours to look at specific detailed examination of how it can be improved. Mechanism would be myself and the official looking at the website while both on the phone together - you can't have better than that. I shall be very disappointed if you don't take this offer up and will report this on my blog at geoffdellow.blogspot.co.uk
It will be interesting to find out whether anyone follows this up.
I will report back here if they do.
Mill Dam is 'my' park
A message to Cllr Janet Willis, the deputy leader of the council, who came along with the delegation from SLDC to the 'Dangerous Pots in the Park' meeting yesterday (Chief Exec, man-in-the-suit, Lawrence you-vill-not-garden-here Conway, Deborah Ugh-he's-my-boss Wright and Peter friendly-bodyguard, do-I-really-have-to-be-here, Clarke)
Thanks for showing an interest today.
Some of your questions to me were inappropriate because you hadn't had the opportunity of learning my connection with this park.
Perhaps you will understand why I see Mill Dam Park as 'my' park!
Mill Dam is there now in it's present form largely because of my actions back in the eighties.
SLDC was left the land by Mr Woodburn, of The Town Mill, who I knew. I'm pretty sure - and can check - all the land including that built on for the sheltered housing was left to the town by him for a playground and not housing. However SLDC nicked half of it to built the sheltered housing and then left the area unfenced for the children as six foot high mounds of builder's rubble with bricks and broken glass which children used on their bikes much to the concern of we locals.
We did two things back then :
1.We launched a competition in our Library with the help of our very sympathetic librarian, Barbara Adams; a competition to design a playground . Bernard Ellis and I then built a model of the winning design which was exhibited in the Library to gain publicity to get SLDC to in fact build our playground.
2. We also formed a local group who met a couple of times in Sun St opposite and then went to the Town Council to make them take action to support our park. This they did very reluctantly. We then campaigned with the district council themselves so that they gave in and agreed to spend about £10,000 on our park rather than for a lift in a building in Kendal.
Next we involved Playdale though one of the sons of this , at the time, new business venture in providing us with equipment at a favourable rate. I can still remember his visit to the site in Mill Dam to discuss the layout -- all the timber posts , now falling apart, and the chain bridge you saw today date from the original park.
I had to move away to London in 1987 to train as a teacher at Goldsmiths after another project of mine - the present Oxfam building at the head of the market square. ( I preferred to do this than continue my career as a Chemical Engineer which had originally led me to come to Ulverston to work for Glaxo and then to California to work for Shell near San Francisco, then return to Ulverston to purchase and convert The Falls, Mansriggs into what it is today).
I returned to Ulverston to retire in 2004, and started pottery projects in Union Lane and then Gill Banks http://www.myulverston.co.uk/railings/ and then at Lightburn park. This latter project was done with the approval of parks officer Tony Naylor and local councillors Norman Bishop-Rowe. This project originally conceived by a local group in one of their houses was left in their hands headed by Tony Taylor of Lightburn Road.
I was aware at the time of the potential hazard of the broken pieces of pottery caused by vandals connected with the skateboarding project and took care to remove these so that damage was not caused to the blades of the machinery cutting the grass - I have emails to back this up.
Sadly the people left in charge of the project failed to take care in the same way I had done. The next I new was that the pottery and all our battons - paid for by me -had disappeared . They were not returned to me neither was I informed despite my contacts with Tony Naylor who is not known for his work ethic. I would like them back if they still exist !
In 2008 I ran for County Council as an independent and launched my Blog so that the electorate might know about me - http://geoffdellow.blogspot.co.uk/2008/07/welcome.html
I then spent a whole year visiting every house in the East Ward but failed to get elected. At this time I got to know James Airey well and imagined that we would be working together as Ulverston's two County councillors. The post is now held by Mark Wilson .
I started my involvement in Mill Dam Park as a result of this defeat. I reasoned that I needed to get down to grass roots and support the community (echoing my attempt to do the same when I bought and converted The Corner House - now Oxfam) Parks are special to me in that they enable people to meet together and get to know each other on neutral ground.
On being given tulip bulbs from B&Q in late 2008 by the police for community use we started improving Mill Dam from a very barren park with little interest to what it is now: a tremendous success, much used my the community. Now after four years hard work , the building of a dedicated green house and the spending by me of £3,000 on this greenhouse, bulbs, manure, plants we have created a much valued park that people travel up to five miles to use.
James Airey is aware of much of this and now so are you!
If you stop and consider my personality and my ability to achieve things during my life time, you will realise that I am not impressed my the statements made by the SLDC personel. My work in Mill Dam and other projects will continue in exactly the same way as before the meeting today, you can be sure.
Now you are better informed and will perhaps understand who you are dealing with.
Dr Geoff Dellow (Ph.D Chem.Eng.) Birmingham University 1960. Formerly KEGS Five Ways and Hunter's Hill Open Air boarding school (who did a brilliant job of not only giving me good health - thanks Birmingham City Council - but an excellent education so that I went into the Grammar school in the top of a four form year)
My particular strengths are problem solving, creative projects (I have two patents to my name - one at Glaxo, one at Shell, California) and becoming a facilitator for other people along the lines of A.S.Neil and Carl Rogers.
Note our pottery group has now started working with Robert Leach of PromArt and a pottery project on the railings there through Grange town council and of course Deborah Wright !
Join the public visiting Mill Dam Park and pick some of our sweet peas along with me at 10 am on Sunday - I'm to be found their every week at this time.
Best wishes - happy dreams!
Thanks for showing an interest today.
Some of your questions to me were inappropriate because you hadn't had the opportunity of learning my connection with this park.
Perhaps you will understand why I see Mill Dam Park as 'my' park!
Mill Dam is there now in it's present form largely because of my actions back in the eighties.
SLDC was left the land by Mr Woodburn, of The Town Mill, who I knew. I'm pretty sure - and can check - all the land including that built on for the sheltered housing was left to the town by him for a playground and not housing. However SLDC nicked half of it to built the sheltered housing and then left the area unfenced for the children as six foot high mounds of builder's rubble with bricks and broken glass which children used on their bikes much to the concern of we locals.
We did two things back then :
1.We launched a competition in our Library with the help of our very sympathetic librarian, Barbara Adams; a competition to design a playground . Bernard Ellis and I then built a model of the winning design which was exhibited in the Library to gain publicity to get SLDC to in fact build our playground.
2. We also formed a local group who met a couple of times in Sun St opposite and then went to the Town Council to make them take action to support our park. This they did very reluctantly. We then campaigned with the district council themselves so that they gave in and agreed to spend about £10,000 on our park rather than for a lift in a building in Kendal.
Next we involved Playdale though one of the sons of this , at the time, new business venture in providing us with equipment at a favourable rate. I can still remember his visit to the site in Mill Dam to discuss the layout -- all the timber posts , now falling apart, and the chain bridge you saw today date from the original park.
I had to move away to London in 1987 to train as a teacher at Goldsmiths after another project of mine - the present Oxfam building at the head of the market square. ( I preferred to do this than continue my career as a Chemical Engineer which had originally led me to come to Ulverston to work for Glaxo and then to California to work for Shell near San Francisco, then return to Ulverston to purchase and convert The Falls, Mansriggs into what it is today).
I returned to Ulverston to retire in 2004, and started pottery projects in Union Lane and then Gill Banks http://www.myulverston.co.uk/railings/ and then at Lightburn park. This latter project was done with the approval of parks officer Tony Naylor and local councillors Norman Bishop-Rowe. This project originally conceived by a local group in one of their houses was left in their hands headed by Tony Taylor of Lightburn Road.
I was aware at the time of the potential hazard of the broken pieces of pottery caused by vandals connected with the skateboarding project and took care to remove these so that damage was not caused to the blades of the machinery cutting the grass - I have emails to back this up.
Sadly the people left in charge of the project failed to take care in the same way I had done. The next I new was that the pottery and all our battons - paid for by me -had disappeared . They were not returned to me neither was I informed despite my contacts with Tony Naylor who is not known for his work ethic. I would like them back if they still exist !
In 2008 I ran for County Council as an independent and launched my Blog so that the electorate might know about me - http://geoffdellow.blogspot.co.uk/2008/07/welcome.html
I then spent a whole year visiting every house in the East Ward but failed to get elected. At this time I got to know James Airey well and imagined that we would be working together as Ulverston's two County councillors. The post is now held by Mark Wilson .
I started my involvement in Mill Dam Park as a result of this defeat. I reasoned that I needed to get down to grass roots and support the community (echoing my attempt to do the same when I bought and converted The Corner House - now Oxfam) Parks are special to me in that they enable people to meet together and get to know each other on neutral ground.
On being given tulip bulbs from B&Q in late 2008 by the police for community use we started improving Mill Dam from a very barren park with little interest to what it is now: a tremendous success, much used my the community. Now after four years hard work , the building of a dedicated green house and the spending by me of £3,000 on this greenhouse, bulbs, manure, plants we have created a much valued park that people travel up to five miles to use.
James Airey is aware of much of this and now so are you!
If you stop and consider my personality and my ability to achieve things during my life time, you will realise that I am not impressed my the statements made by the SLDC personel. My work in Mill Dam and other projects will continue in exactly the same way as before the meeting today, you can be sure.
Now you are better informed and will perhaps understand who you are dealing with.
Dr Geoff Dellow (Ph.D Chem.Eng.) Birmingham University 1960. Formerly KEGS Five Ways and Hunter's Hill Open Air boarding school (who did a brilliant job of not only giving me good health - thanks Birmingham City Council - but an excellent education so that I went into the Grammar school in the top of a four form year)
My particular strengths are problem solving, creative projects (I have two patents to my name - one at Glaxo, one at Shell, California) and becoming a facilitator for other people along the lines of A.S.Neil and Carl Rogers.
Note our pottery group has now started working with Robert Leach of PromArt and a pottery project on the railings there through Grange town council and of course Deborah Wright !
Join the public visiting Mill Dam Park and pick some of our sweet peas along with me at 10 am on Sunday - I'm to be found their every week at this time.
Best wishes - happy dreams!
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Ford Park Local Food Project
Those of you that have been visiting the Bistro at Ford Park will have noticed that there's a fascinating kitchen garden just opposite. In fact I've often seen children take off across the separating path to explore. They've even got a childsize wheelbarrow for the children to push around and feel they are part of the show.
Sarah McCormack and Kim Farr who run the garden are very keen to welcome all people to come and explore and even give advice on growing things. They've set up a blog to help us all to keep informed. Have a look:
Sarah McCormack and Kim Farr who run the garden are very keen to welcome all people to come and explore and even give advice on growing things. They've set up a blog to help us all to keep informed. Have a look:
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Those of you that read this blog regularly
My statisitics suggest that there are 200 of you.
Here is a thought that is becoming more predominant in my thinking. Are you thinking it too?
The world around us is becoming increasingly emotional and logical reasoning is going out the window.
Is this true?
How is it showing itself?
What are the good things and bad things about it?
How should we behave?
I'll be sharing my thoughts on this and looking for your feedback.
One area to focus on could be our concept of democracy - a system based on reason. However I would suggest that the actions of our chief executive of the pots in the park were 90% emotional. Similar things are happening in the area of planning. Getting councillors/politicians to do things seems to be 95% appealing to their emotions.
Consider this:
What technique that can be used by we, the public, will achieve a change in our town council?
One where a quiet person puts forward a very logical presentation on a topic - supermarkets for instance.
Alternatively if twenty angry people attend the council meeting and rant a rave that something needs done - NOW, NOW. - Take for instance the issue of the supermarkets, Robinsons in particular.
Was that won - at council level - by the reasoning or by the numbers? How was it that Cllr Janet Jenkinson was able at achieve a reversal at District level? Was that based on reasoning or emotion?
Are we back to rule by emotion and maybe even lynch mob I wonder? - I've already experienced the latter (Yes in the council chamber - all but one of the councillors against poor little me - as Colin Williams (the one), then a councillor, can testify)!
This I'm realising more and more is going on - was it always like this?
Here is a thought that is becoming more predominant in my thinking. Are you thinking it too?
The world around us is becoming increasingly emotional and logical reasoning is going out the window.
Is this true?
How is it showing itself?
What are the good things and bad things about it?
How should we behave?
I'll be sharing my thoughts on this and looking for your feedback.
One area to focus on could be our concept of democracy - a system based on reason. However I would suggest that the actions of our chief executive of the pots in the park were 90% emotional. Similar things are happening in the area of planning. Getting councillors/politicians to do things seems to be 95% appealing to their emotions.
Consider this:
What technique that can be used by we, the public, will achieve a change in our town council?
One where a quiet person puts forward a very logical presentation on a topic - supermarkets for instance.
Alternatively if twenty angry people attend the council meeting and rant a rave that something needs done - NOW, NOW. - Take for instance the issue of the supermarkets, Robinsons in particular.
Was that won - at council level - by the reasoning or by the numbers? How was it that Cllr Janet Jenkinson was able at achieve a reversal at District level? Was that based on reasoning or emotion?
Are we back to rule by emotion and maybe even lynch mob I wonder? - I've already experienced the latter (Yes in the council chamber - all but one of the councillors against poor little me - as Colin Williams (the one), then a councillor, can testify)!
This I'm realising more and more is going on - was it always like this?
Friday, 2 August 2013
The Blame Culture
I open the paper this morning (The Independent) and read several stories were the media is pilloring social workers and teachers for not spotting ane doing something to stop crimes being committed on children or other vulnerable people.
And we all think that's fine - it's their job.
I don't agree - it's ours first.
The people committing the crimes are our neighbours; we know what is happening - if we don't we suspect, ignore and choose not to ask questions.
We can't expect 'the professionals' to cure our society - that's our job - the professionals are overloaded: they are just there to support us. We've an obligation to do something first.
So how about our CAB in Ulverston? what are we doing? There are certainly people who need this service - are we stepping in and checking with our neighbours to check that they are coping whilst this service is unavailable?
Isn't it great when you read a positive story by contrast. Happening here on our doorstep along with a brave and very determined family who have set their goal to live flat out - until they die which could be soon.
And we all think that's fine - it's their job.
I don't agree - it's ours first.
The people committing the crimes are our neighbours; we know what is happening - if we don't we suspect, ignore and choose not to ask questions.
We can't expect 'the professionals' to cure our society - that's our job - the professionals are overloaded: they are just there to support us. We've an obligation to do something first.
So how about our CAB in Ulverston? what are we doing? There are certainly people who need this service - are we stepping in and checking with our neighbours to check that they are coping whilst this service is unavailable?
Isn't it great when you read a positive story by contrast. Happening here on our doorstep along with a brave and very determined family who have set their goal to live flat out - until they die which could be soon.
Are Persimmons walking all over our planning department?
Why else would the planning department put up this F****** St*****My******* Notice up in Stanley Street?
This is the latest stage in a battle with Persimmons to get it to comply with the regulations that were place on it as conditions for the granting of planning permission for the housing development in Union Lane.
If believe in stopping big business walking all over the general public then here is an issue you should get involved in.
Yes and we, the little people, can exert our influence and encourage our planning department to stand up to them instead of being manipulated by this determined company that uses it's influence and money to achieve whatever it wants.
What can you do?
All of you could have a good reason to write to Kate Lawson as suggested in the notice and ask her to put another notice up that made sense to the general public and to you in particular. We're all good at 'smelling a rat' and here's one that sticks.
Email K.Lawson@southlakeland.gov.uk and ask very simply:
"Please Ms Lawson could you put up a notice that we all can understand so that we can comment intelligently "
If you do this you'll be surprised the planning department will suddenly find the courage to behave itself because it will be under the spotlight - something it hasn't been used to up till now.
This is the latest stage in a battle with Persimmons to get it to comply with the regulations that were place on it as conditions for the granting of planning permission for the housing development in Union Lane.
If believe in stopping big business walking all over the general public then here is an issue you should get involved in.
Yes and we, the little people, can exert our influence and encourage our planning department to stand up to them instead of being manipulated by this determined company that uses it's influence and money to achieve whatever it wants.
What can you do?
All of you could have a good reason to write to Kate Lawson as suggested in the notice and ask her to put another notice up that made sense to the general public and to you in particular. We're all good at 'smelling a rat' and here's one that sticks.
Email K.Lawson@southlakeland.gov.uk and ask very simply:
"Please Ms Lawson could you put up a notice that we all can understand so that we can comment intelligently "
If you do this you'll be surprised the planning department will suddenly find the courage to behave itself because it will be under the spotlight - something it hasn't been used to up till now.
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Oh, what a wonderful day.
This feeling was echoed by a friend of mine who wrote to me - and I've cheekily nicked his email to me just now -
"Singing "O SUCH A PERFECT DAY" and others
What price a sunrise?
My bride and I enjoyed the street food. Also the street music.
Taste of Cumbria fresh homemade food at its best.
Grilled chicken breast on crisp salad drizzled with balsamic and sweet chilli sauce cholesterol heaven £ 3.20.
We must support this basic" Great" food outlet.
Otherwise we will have a Mc donalds."
Someone else said, as we listened to the Panpipe band in the Market Square: "We thought we'd have a real holiday - and when we stoppped and thought where we'd like to go we realised - We'd 'Go' nowhere other than stay just here in Ulverston and enjoy a wo nderful place for a holiday!
Yes Ulverston is truly special - if you'll excuse this contraversial phrase.
Throughout the town people from all over the world were enioying the town. One gentlemanly old man with a white beard for Spain who spoke next to no English 'said'( I translate) as he gave me the drawing that he had just drawn (coming up) - I'll be back on this seat next year - and I'll have learnt to speak English.
It is now nine o'clock and my wonderful day is still continuing with the amazing music coming from the Prom in London. Oh. My what an orchestra and the music they played. The musicians put their heart and soul into the music, the audience were thrilled and we at home just lay back and lapped up every minute of it.
The day ended for me at 10:30pm having phoned another friend while I excitedly unpack the new stereo zoom microscope that had arrived in the morning and put it into action. Welcome to a new world as I examined a piece of paper with a few letters printed on it. I could see every fibre and the printer's ink glistened speck by spec. Now to find some things from nature to examine!
More fill in stories to follow - but now back to the music.
"Singing "O SUCH A PERFECT DAY" and others
What price a sunrise?
My bride and I enjoyed the street food. Also the street music.
Taste of Cumbria fresh homemade food at its best.
Grilled chicken breast on crisp salad drizzled with balsamic and sweet chilli sauce cholesterol heaven £ 3.20.
We must support this basic" Great" food outlet.
Otherwise we will have a Mc donalds."
Someone else said, as we listened to the Panpipe band in the Market Square: "We thought we'd have a real holiday - and when we stoppped and thought where we'd like to go we realised - We'd 'Go' nowhere other than stay just here in Ulverston and enjoy a wo nderful place for a holiday!
Yes Ulverston is truly special - if you'll excuse this contraversial phrase.
Throughout the town people from all over the world were enioying the town. One gentlemanly old man with a white beard for Spain who spoke next to no English 'said'( I translate) as he gave me the drawing that he had just drawn (coming up) - I'll be back on this seat next year - and I'll have learnt to speak English.
![]() |
Drawn by the guy above while sat on the Sun bench looking across the road to the travel agent ! ? |
It is now nine o'clock and my wonderful day is still continuing with the amazing music coming from the Prom in London. Oh. My what an orchestra and the music they played. The musicians put their heart and soul into the music, the audience were thrilled and we at home just lay back and lapped up every minute of it.
The day ended for me at 10:30pm having phoned another friend while I excitedly unpack the new stereo zoom microscope that had arrived in the morning and put it into action. Welcome to a new world as I examined a piece of paper with a few letters printed on it. I could see every fibre and the printer's ink glistened speck by spec. Now to find some things from nature to examine!
More fill in stories to follow - but now back to the music.
Citizen's Advice Bureau - Anything Happening ?
Not as far as I can tell.
The same old depressing notices are in the old centre's window in Theatre street: the message that comes across is that no one cares.
An enquiry to Jayne Kendall unusually achieves no response whatsoever.
What can we do to help matters along?
Contact Cllr Mark Wilson - he is the key person as he said that there would be no problem at Christmas time - there clearly is. He is Ulverston's District Councillor for the area with the most CAB users who at the moment find thay can't find help and are discovering that in practice the only place to find help is to go to Barrow and depressingly starting all over from scratch. He is also in touch with other local government at Town and County level as our representative. He will also have the ear of our MP John Woodcock. He is also very influential with the Co-op movement.
Over to you Mark - Mark Wilson
phone Tel No: 07930921902
Both of which are available on the Town Council website
Mark. Could you organise a new and uptodate sign to go in the Theatre street window?
Why don't I contact him direct - because he still hasn't replied to my previous email. However you will be a fresh voice and Mark, I suspect will be very pleased (and surprised) to hear from anyone else who cares about this.
The same old depressing notices are in the old centre's window in Theatre street: the message that comes across is that no one cares.
An enquiry to Jayne Kendall unusually achieves no response whatsoever.
What can we do to help matters along?
Contact Cllr Mark Wilson - he is the key person as he said that there would be no problem at Christmas time - there clearly is. He is Ulverston's District Councillor for the area with the most CAB users who at the moment find thay can't find help and are discovering that in practice the only place to find help is to go to Barrow and depressingly starting all over from scratch. He is also in touch with other local government at Town and County level as our representative. He will also have the ear of our MP John Woodcock. He is also very influential with the Co-op movement.
Over to you Mark - Mark Wilson
phone Tel No: 07930921902
Both of which are available on the Town Council website
Mark. Could you organise a new and uptodate sign to go in the Theatre street window?
Why don't I contact him direct - because he still hasn't replied to my previous email. However you will be a fresh voice and Mark, I suspect will be very pleased (and surprised) to hear from anyone else who cares about this.
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