This meeting at the Neville Street Methodist Church Rooms in Hartley street at 7 pm Tuesday 18th is the most important of the series of three meetings being held here to formulate our Community Travel Plan for the Town Centre.
Other issues that will be discussed are: ease of movement for pedestrians and those with wheelchairs and prams, the parking problems in the town which affect both residents and shopkeepers, possible alterations to the one way system, bus routes through narrow streets, cyclist parking facilities, CCTV,... and many others.
Why is Market street so important:
It is where the people of the town often meet each other.
Its unique nature attracts people to spend in the town and keep quality shops thriving.
People may not realise it, but it is this street and the surrounding shops that are a magnet to both tourists and visitors from neighbouring towns. Approximately 20% of those on the street are not local, even now in November. When questioned, these are often people who return year after year to enjoy our streets and friendly environment. We take pride this area and want it maintained to the highest standard and made as people-friendly as possible. The intrusion of cars needs to be kept to the minimum.
This Saturday, I spoke to: a visitor from Australia who was staying in Windermere, someone researching the Kennedys - the Iron Toffs of the turn of the last century, regular visitors from Warrington who hated their pedestrianised area and loved ours, some people coming from Kendal and Barrow. With a bit of sun the town was buzzing. With the rain the previous Saturday, the percentage of visitors was higher - they had made an advance commitment to come here whatever the weather.
So, come and assert yourselves at this next meeting, when an attempt will be made to prioritise our wishes for the town.
Don't be one of those that complains at decisions made without you, by others who didn't reflect your views.
Sadly . . . .
Last night was NOT important to you as you didn't attend and left the politicians in the town to do the deciding.
In my group they just took over, grabbed the pen and paper and told us what was best - in their opinion!
Problem was that they had such a limited vision of what was possible.
But then you decided that you weren't really bothered - so you'll have to take the consequences.
politicians are politicians because that is their job. You are nothing Geoff...leave people to their jobs.
No one cares about you geting a hard on about yellow lines
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