Sunday 19 September 2010

Ulverston's Lantern Procession - the ultimate in excitement

Picking up litter  - in the rain - on Sunday - with her mom.

What could be more fun?

When did we get brainwashed into thinking that there are better things to do on  Sunday morning when it rains?

Before and after the main event
I'll just sneak past the seal pretending I'm a dancing stick-withie

What seal?

The one the Piranhas have been attacking. I'm a headless, ball-less image of my former self.

My, darling, aren't you beautiful
Let's get out of here - we've got work to do!

The freak show going up

A smile like this would turn anyone's heart to - stone? jelly?
Let me show you this new dance
Men have no idea do they?

What's this thing do?
Open Sesame
No it's a shaver for a fine figure of a man - all curvy lines
Waiting for the show to pass through - outside the Bird in Hand
The Show's over - time to relax and feel good - great job done well. 
It's late, many have been working none stop since nine this morning; the field is clear; tomorrow all trace of our presence will have disappeared.
A glimpse of the lovely Fiona who made the grub and drink possible.
Hot food, hot drink. Thanks Ulverston - much appreciated.
That was a long day. Everything ran smoothly and on time, we deserve this - what shall we do next year?
Kid's corner. "Mmm shortcake dunked in sweet hot coffee tastes good."

"This is serious business." "Yessir"

And where is the amazing Ness Wilson - where you'd expect - still working.
Well she turned up finally with her crew at 10:30pm "Coming down to the pub ? " She says (!)

Tomorrow it's back to normal - half a minute - Ness is due back at 9:00 am to organise the clear up!

"On your knees"

Right to the end.

This is the path to enlightenment."


Anonymous said...

what an example to the litterbugs who didnt take it home
A great event.
Helped by young chideren and Ulverstons action man well done Geoff
Super well done child and Mum values are learnt at an early age and remain for a lifetime
"Give me the child and I will show you the man "

Geoff Dellow said...

What litterbugs?

They were rained off.

The "litter" being picked up fell from the heavens.

Anonymous said...

That is not a tummy it was a lifebelt and all event staff have web feet!
The shavers batteries were flat still have the old whiskers.

Wonderfull Ness has now got a NVQ in cat herding.
How she kept her cool and sense of humour making hard work "Fun" should be published in a management guide to motivation.

Bodger Bob has more skills than all of BAE glad he's not making weapons.

An awfull lot of hard unseen work was carried out for months prior to the event Martin Gilbert wore out two pairs of shoes and two brains

Well done Ulverston, UCAN and all who helped.

If it gave one child a smile and sweet dreams it was worth it.

"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few".(plagiarized)


Anonymous said...

Good evening

Thanks for writing this blog, loved reading it

Geoff Dellow said...


Love writing it!

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!

Geoff Dellow said...

Greece - wow - so whereabouts in Greece and what do you think of the money problems we are all having.

I'm about to talk about the Euro Zone.

I'd be interested in your comments!
