Friday 17 August 2012

How can this blog be improved ?

To me blogs could be a valuable alternative/compliment to the press.

They provide an alternative to what can be a very biased press. One would not remove bias but it could be a very varied source of bias. I am often accused of being opinionated; to which I reply "What do you expect what is written is my opinion". Furthermore I deliberately write in a way that might provoke others to speak up and 'print' the result as long as it is 'constructive' criticism coming from someone who identifies themselves. Comments like the following are ignored. "You fucking stupid git. Your views are just farts sounding out of your arse" (Though, far more colourful than this - I don't seem to have this talent)

How could an Ulverston Blog work?

There is already the provision for different people with different views to express their views: as you will see each post gives the name of the person posting it so that each author would be clearly indentified. What they write says a lot about themselves and they have to live with it.

I shall be trying to persuade people in the town to participate in a neutrally named blog eg The Ulverston Blog, that would initially be open to anyone. To my way of thinking this could work well and gaurd against the time when the operators of our local press decide that it makes no sense commercially; something that is close to happening here in Ulverston already with reporters who don't know Ulverston writing from their office in Barrow.

We could provide interviews of people and happenings of interest. - Some of my Youtube interviews like the ones on Rhubarb and Custard - the doll's house shop -  have clearly boosted trade.

We could learn more about what politicians are seeking to do and achieve, so that they would become more re-electable.

Ulverston has a long tradition of generating a disproportionate amount of news relative to the population with approximating five times as much news/per head coming from what happens here ( a figure pluct out of the air). It is even conceivable that a blog could in the future pay for some in depth investigative editorial content.

How about it?

Will anyone join me in trying out a new mock-up to explore this possibility?


Alan Farmer said...

I am reluctant to reply because contrary to your words you do not appear friendly and make your blog unconducive to genuine responses. Your major downfall is, you are your own enemy. As you have previously advised me this is your blog and you will behave as you wish.

I admire what you strive to achieve and wish you well, however your personality precludes you from progress.

Geoff Dellow said...

Thanks for at least commenting.
How can you form a rounded impression of a person from a blog?
Surely we can our complex human beings and benefit from more meaningful interactions where communications are equally two sided and often; regular meeting in the street; talking over coffee - etc.
Furthermore my proposal is for independent voices to be encouraged to speak up even if they don't agree or even like each other. Nothing is black and white but various shades of grey.Is something better than nothing at all?