Friday, 5 February 2010

Take a look at this

This to me is the ultimate in education.

Note the rubber mattress.

In these days of being supercareful, thank goodness there are adults will to take the risks of encouraging youngsters to push themselves to the limit.


Gladys Hobson said...

Well, I have looked and looked but found nothing.

Geoff Dellow said...

Keep trying!

The link works - but sometimes doesn't!

Geoff Dellow said...

Thanks Gladys.

There was some kind of fault in the link so I did it again from scratch.

Hopefully OK now.

Gladys Hobson said...

Got it! Well done, young lad.
Obviously, he was being carefully watched.

It reminded me of when I used to teach juniors. At one PE class the apparatus was out ready for the children to use. The balance-bar was fairly high but had a layer of single mats underneath. I pulled another layer on top. Over cautious? Well, as it turned out, a lad slipped and fell straight on top of his head — thump!