Saturday, 27 February 2010

Whoopse - What was that I just said?

I heard myself saying that I'll have my allotment weed free in a month's time!

Well having said this, off the top of my head, I'd better look at the reality.

One month is only four weeks and this means roughly April 1st.

As I haven't quite finished digging all over and the place is covered in Couch Grass - and now I hear I may have Mare's tail - I better get cracking.

The Couch Grass roots are known as Wicks, if I've heard right. They're easy to spot and I've renamed then "White Gold" just to make me feel good about amassing a pile of them.

Mare's Tail, I'm advised is something that is weedkiller resistant and is hard to get rid of. So what do the roots look like? While I'm fishing the white ones out , I need to watch out for these.

I'm told they're the innocent looking 'dead' earth coloured roots that lurk amongst the clods of earth. These will be much more difficult to spot. Perhaps they will give themselves away by producing bright green shoots within the next month?


Anonymous said...

You are showing a slide show of my images linked from flickr....without I hasten to add with my consent....could you please take these images down forthwith.

Thank You

Steve Smith

Geoff Dellow said...

How does this work Steve.

Thanks for raising the issue. I'll switch to another feed but:-

I'm using a gadget supplied by Goggle.

Are you sure you haven't given permission when joining Flickr?

How do I avoid yours and those that withdraw permission?

Can Dave (Lakeuk) enlighten me?

Something doesn't add up.

Geoff Dellow said...

Checking The Flickr Site I have read the Terms of use provided by them and in exchange for their free service it would seem in articles 6 and 8 that they can distribute your photos at will.

Is this not so?

gladys Hobson said...

Geoff you would have to be a miracle worker to get your ground 'weed free' . The darlings pop up overnight. Weed seeds are in the soil. You may think you have got rid of the obvious but you have to keep on top of the situation throughout the year. As soon as it is dry enough to get in the garden I'll be going round looking for dandelions. I try to keep them down and not let seeds fly. Other weeds too of course. My hubby digs out deep rooted stuff. I admit I allow pretty flower weeds a place among the shrubs but try not to let any weed rule!

As for photos, I recognise that if I put a photo on any of my blogs it is open to be used by others. My posts that have my 1950's (and earlier) dress designs get an enormous amount of hits. I accept they are likely to be downloaded and possibly used. I think that is wonderful! Possibly my photos too. It is lovely to be able to share in this way. Of course, if someone copies the work of others and makes out it is their own for financial gain, then we are into a different ball game.
As for my stories, they are copyright to me.

Geoff Dellow said...

Perhaps I need to clarify!

I inherited a plot covered in couch grass resulting from lack of use.

Now that I have dug it over (except for a few square yards), what remains are the couch grass roots. By April 1st I'm aiming to have the whole plot weed free - at that point. This allows for stray seeds to pop up, though hopefully they will have a long way to travel up from being buried one foot deep.

Still it's a target and I find this helpful.

Geoff Dellow said...

Note to Steve. I plan to continue the Google 'gadget' which shows photographs from Flickr on whatever tag that is chosen. This may result in the photographs that you have put there showing up.

Please give me some guidance, as my understanding is that this gadget provided by google is above board. I have no control over which photos are chosen other than that they have the tag that is chosen.

Anonymous said...

As it clearly states on all my images 'All Rights Reserved' which basically means that no-one has any right to use my images for whatever purposes.

Google has no connection with Flickr at all as it is owned by Yahoo!!


Steve Smith

Geoff Dellow said...

Steve Smith, you have my sympathies. An excellent article on the copyright issue has been written here.

It is clear that many photographers are also unhappy at the way Flickr are protecting their photographs.

The problem lies with the way the it allows software programs to access the Flickr site.

For my part I shall do what I can to avoiding accessing your photos by the tags I choose but as I don't know all the tags you use on Flickr, one or two of your photos may get called up by the Google feed to the slide show. May I acknowledge ahead of time that this may inadvertently happen.

As there must be many photographers who are pleased that the general public are enabled to view their work as do the Spartacus group I refer to elsewhere, I plan to continue using this feature.

G.M. said...

Steve - "all rights reserved" indeed, get over yourself. Anyone would think your photos had been stolen by a major corporation for its glossy brochure or a worldwide ad campaign, but no, you are complaining about the occasional appearance of your images on a tiny slideshow, hosted on a pensioner's hobby blog, which is regularly seen by perhaps a couple of hundred visitors.

If you're that precious about where your photographs appear I suggest you don't upload them to Flickr in the future, where they are at risk of GENUINE plagiarism. Maybe you could store them on an encrypted memory card, in a locked vault hidden behind a painting in your cellar?

Geoff Dellow said...

Use you guessed, I haven't made it.

It was good having a target but there remains about a third of the plot still to clear.

What has been achieved is two thirds 'cleared' and manured with two short rows of ten spuds sown!