Friday 12 December 2008

Getting in touch with your representatives

People are increasingly out of touch with local government and especially their MP.

This need not be so. Now with the Internet it can be extremely easy.

With this link you can be in touch within ten seconds.

All you do is click on your road on the map and all your councillors and MP come up.

Click on the email address of the one you want to reach, type your question.


Try it and find out just how helpful you local councillor/ MP is.

If they're not. Let me know and I'll be asking why and publishing your experiences here!

Councillors will enjoy having closer communication with the people on their patch.

Good idea?

The Ulverston Town Councillors could all have an email connected to their new site in the next month. They are discussing it at the moment.


Anonymous said...

Can they make the map any smaller like,be ok if the map was bigger

Geoff Dellow said...

I agree. The aim was to get the whole of Ulverston on the screen.

But now you've given me an idea:

Do the map in two stages - two clicks instead of just one.

That would be fun to do!

See ya later! . . . . .

Anonymous said...

I didn't even no who my representative was until i'd seen that,i've never seen them on my estate