Tuesday 1 November 2011

A wonderful event

We all enjoyed it immensely.

The sixteen keen workers, the three groups of musicians and most important the four hundred and fifty people who came.

The feedback has been tremendous.

To find out more visit the Ulverston Candlelit Walk Facebook page

I'm always amazed how you can revisit a place that had so much activity the night before and next morning there's not a trace of all that activity. All the candle jars and pottery lights have gone, The music and "grandstand" is as it was - a lot of choppy grass.

What happened the night before is totally in the memory of those that took part and even then every single person has a different memory of what happened. One of the things that impressed people is the kind of people who they came across. Everyone was so appreciative and enjoying the wonder of the event.

Sadly those that hear about it from others who were there will never have the chance of witnessing a similar event. Next year will be totally different even though someone may attempt to repeat the magic: it just can't be done. In fact next year may not happen unless new people get involved in the making and planning, prior to the event as I will only be present as a helper - if in fact help is needed.

If you want something to happen next year, now is the time to say so, so that those willing to get involved can make tentative plans.

What is tangible today is that  Gill Banks upper and lower paths are totally dog shit free. Much of the paths have been swept and the stretch by the first picnic table where the two paths join, have had mud and weeds removed with spades by some very hard and dedicated workers. One discovers that actually the path is now quite wide!

Enjoy Gill Banks if you're out for a stroll.

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