Wednesday 1 July 2009

Replacing the cobbles in Lower Brook Street

David Pickthall wrote a very fair article on my outrage at the latest example of poor workmanship from the County Highways Department.

Jim Smith, the top man for Cumbria Highways states that the asphalt repairs of the cobbles in Lower Brook Street done in February 2009, are temporary. I am deeply suspicious when he goes on to say that the replacement of the cobbles is planned for the autumn.

Planned is not the same as "will be completed".

I talked to the lady serving at the shop in Upper Brook Street about the asphalt patch in the doorway of her shop.

It had been done in 2004 when the workmen promised that this was just a temporary repair. She is still waiting for the permanent repair to be scheduled and done.

It is in my opinion less hassle to do the job oneself than try to get the county to do their work.

I have therefore given the Highways two weeks to actually do the job - on or soon after July 13th, I shall do it myself. It's not a big job and well within the capabilities of most "handymen". All support will be much appreciated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ISn't this something that our town centre manager Jayne Kendal should be chasing up ?