Monday, 9 November 2009

Postman under pressure

While I'm all for postmen (and women) being monitored to check things are running smoothly, my hackles rise when I hear of our postie being criticised.

Who are these inspectors? They seem to have picked on the wrong guy this time and the management at Ulverston are now the people under scrutiny.

Surely one has to take the operation of a postman in context. This is not the inner city with pilferers of mail at every street corner. This was Sun St for God's sake - an area where you could leave your door wide open and get no intruder other than an inquisitive cat. If a guy slips up in a small way then the situation needs to be taken into account.

I'll be round tomorrow morning to remonstrate and I know that up-the-lane-Simon is furious even though he's smiling. Andy too was most unhappy so that's three out of three that are NOT pleased with the way Royal Mail are dealing with our postie who has been suspended.

Join us in telling the managers to get their surveillance tactics into line!

More on this tomorrow morning!


Anonymous said...

Why as a postie been suspended??

Anonymous said...

At last, you are doing something constructive !
This is a scandalous way of trying to reduce labour costs and it stinks.

Geoff Dellow said...

I don't believe it's helpful to discuss why - I may be wrong - as we don't know the details. What I heard was that it was a minor mistake considering where we live, though it might be considered more serious in a city.

My point is the this guy has always done an excellent job and has impressed the people on his round and what ever he has done, this good work practice and behaviour must be taken into account.

If you live between Chittery Lane and the Gill, you will have noticed that your usual postman has changed during the last week.

Write to
now, if you are concerned. He is the boss of Royal Mail in Ulverston and the person nominated by the Ulverston PO this morning.

Your letter if sincere, will make a difference.

Geoff Dellow said...

And a note to Mr or Mrs or Miss anonymous:

You certainly know how to bad mouth people - and get your facts wrong!

No one was saying anything about reducing labour costs; just suspending someone on full pay.

The stink must be at your end.

Louis said...

Sent an email to Mr Simpson. Saw our Postie t'other day. The poor guy's gutted.

Geoff Dellow said...

Received an email this morning saying that our postman will return to work tomorrow.

Great news that sanity has returned to Sun Street.

Someone will have a smile on his face tomorrow

Thank you Steve Simpson.

Anonymous said...

Would of loved to have written to RM but I'm none the wiser as to what the problem is

Geoff Dellow said...

The point of this posting, I hoped, was clear:

A very good postman, highly regarded by those on his round, had been suspended.

No matter what he had done, the fact of his excellent service needed to be registered with the management.

This in effect was what has happened with a total of some 130 letters being sent in support either to the postman or to the management.

It is reported that the inspector for the North West of England had never experienced so a demonstration of support.

Intuitively I distanced myself from discussing the exact complaint and who was concerned because there are those who are fascinated by what I call gossip.

If you were not one of those who knew the postman concerned then it would not have been appropriate for you to write. The converse is also true.