Monday 12 July 2010

Silla Carron - Pride - "The Estate We're In "

Just finished watching episode 3 and discovered the series has finished on live TV.

So I'm having to play catch up:

Episode 3 Two days to run:

Episode 4 Three days to run:

Episode 5 Four days top run:

Join me in watching all these and make notes and pool information. We need to find out how she does it.

Step one form a "Official Group".

Then what?

What's her secret? : Self-belief and perseverance?

Are we too polite and afraid to put councillors on the spot when we have the opportunity?

I know I could have been a lot more forthright at the recent Flood Meeting in the Coro.

It's hard putting up a fight when all you expect is failure.

Our councillors have a lot to answer for.

Believe it or not at least two councillors are gunning for me because I'm doing too much and have complained to a SLDC officer. He called me to a meeting last Friday and I asked why the meeting as we were getting on fine by email:

"Was it because some SLDC councillors are complaining?"

He was silent and evaded the question.

"It's important for you to form an official group." He said.

It's incredible.

Some councillors actually want to stop others doing stuff for the community.

There's going to be an article in the West. Gaz. about the state of the setts in The Gill.

Will I be able to put my case clearly and forcibly?

I ask myself.


Anonymous said...

There may be other forces against you !
Have you got your DNA back yet as promised ?

Geoff Dellow said...

My answer hasn't changed from the last time I answered when you asked it.

You'll get the nickname Mr DNA

I'm sure someone can come up with a name to match.

Don't Never Ask could be one or

Dontalevsky Neverapolous Ashkenazi

Perhaps you could put your question to musical accompaniment by the great man next time.

Anonymous said...

Direct no answers ?
Dont need asking ?
Dellow nitwit abeyance?

Anonymous said...

Dellow non seuitur again

Geoff Dellow said...

I'm coming to your rescue and won't be publishing any more similar comments.