Saturday 1 January 2011

Snow Heroes live here as well

Look at this pavement and the cleared street - before the thaw.

Everyone seems to have got involved - must feel great living here.

I can't believe any of the 'army of social security scroungers' live here. If they are out of work they are using their abilities effectively.

How's this for an idea :

In order to qualify for social you had to produce a photo of a cleared drive and a stretch of pavement.

Just how much effort does this really require?

Ten minutes with a brush if you get out there before anyone else treads on it.

Thirty minutes if you only have one leg, one arm that works and do it on your back with a toothbrush.

Anyone else with photos to brag about?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its a case of sharing instead of me,mine
The menopause'l bitch Thatcher led society into this abyss