Sunday, 24 February 2013

Irresponsible Farmers

For the second time in South Ulverston I've come across thorns on the road surface which will cause major problems to cyclists, dogs and occasionally even to car drivers.

In both cases in places where there is substantial use by vulnerable cyclists and dogwalkers.

The previous time this was reported on here was October 2010


Anonymous said...

I agree with your comments.
I walk my dog down the lane and have to stand in the side becuase of traffic.
I have removed thorns,had many punctures in our car.
More consideration care is required.
Mr Weeks
Sandall cotts

Geoff Dellow said...

Many thanks, Mr Weeks , for your comments. They are much appreciated. If we all express our views clearly, I'm sure that the people who think they can do what they like, will take note.
These are times when we will all benefit from speaking out. The alternative of just grumbling in our beards (so to speak) gets nowhere. We don't feel any better (often feel worse because we think we are powerless) and the problem continues.

It's time for a change - Where have I heard that slogan before. My God I'm sounding like a bloody politician.

Geoff Dellow said...

We all admire fighters. I note I wrote this in 2008. We too can share the feeling by hitting a winner.

Anonymous said...

Hello Geoff Dellow. I have not met you but I think when you write incorrect facts you need to be corrected, so as I don’t know where you live I thought I would reply on here.

My first remark to your video on here relating to Saltcotes Farm is that of……
1. Have you been living out of the area for some time, as if you had been resident here lately you would know that Cllr P Hornby no longer resides here. Oh but correction - you say you walk past the farm daily to your allotment. I wasn’t aware Sandhall had any allotments????
Carrying on……
The road is always swept with a brush by hand after the hedge cutter has been as to ensure that the local residents are happy.
You were asked what you were doing by a passer-by, when they found you routing in the hedge row for items - was this to find the thorns?
Hedges are trimmed by professional people who do this for a living to maintain hedge rows and ensure they are around in years to come. This meets the “Defra code of conduct”.
I am no mechanic or tyre expert so to the facts you have wrote about how long a thorn takes to penetrate a tyre, as you seem to know your information I can only assume you are a subject specialist, so does the same apply for glass on roads???? I have always wondered??????
I have read your blogs and you seem to have had something NEGATIVE to say about nearly all Councillors in Ulverston, so I am taking this latest article as yet another rant about a local councillor. Should I write to the NFU to let them know that you will be attaching articles about all farms/farmers in the area once they have had their hedges trimmed or will you be doing that???
I am all for freedom of speech but when I do I have the correct facts and information to hand, maybe that’s a tip for you for future blogs!


Geoff Dellow said...

Thanks you for making a comment so promptly.You don't identify yourself but I assume you live at Satcotes Farm.
Can I please correct you in turn.

1. I do not say daily. The allotment is as you know nearby.
2. I do not identify Peter Hornby as living at Salcotes.
3. I picked the thorns off the road surface and there will be plenty there now if you look.
4. Yes I criticise councillors and praise them here on this blog.I have no favourities. Many people believe this leads to an improved service to our community.

Anonymous said...

I have in the past had to contact Mr Horby numerous times and have involved the police/highways /Others.
If the cleanup is to your standards then it is not to mine. To drive over with a car with heavy duty tyres is not the same as walking.
The highways act and DEFRA both state that NO debris left on the highway!
I phoned Saltcoats and also Mr Hornby to point out that he did not employ good servants.
You must try harder

Anonymous said...

Everytime this hedge is cut we have to put up with a couple of weeks trying to dodge the thorns. In the past i have had a puncture and been told it was caused by a thorn in the tyre, an expense we could well do without. Please clean up properly and immediately after you cut the hedge. This would be the neighbourly thing to do.
Resident Sandhall

Anonymous said...

The road is still not cleaned to any standard, still a hazard.
Not good enough.
Mike S
Sandhall Cotts.

Anonymous said...

Many thanks to Geoff Delow for posting this subject. Over the years we have had all sorts of damage to car tyres, bike tyres and pets, often with evasive comments from those responsible. Home Office regulations show that notice has to be given to neighbours prior to such hedge cutting.
Martin Gilbert, Sandhall

Anonymous said...

Dear Saltcotes Farm,
May I further use this forum to point out that sweeping to the side of the lane of cuttings,shards and debris is effectivly putting it where we cycle and walk !!
This later further migrates to the road or even more serious blocking vital drains.
A stiff brush and SHOVEL would with a little effort solve this problem.
I have copies links to HSE guidelines most of which seem to be ignored (AT YOUR PERIL)
A litle time, effort and thought will pay for better relations.
Yes Mr Gilbert there are county council guidleines which from my observations over the years have not been applied.
We deserve better.
Mr John Kelly

Danger Mouse said...

Fear Not Intrepid Leader I bring you dispatches from The Admiralty.
It has been decided that anybody that makes a mess upon the highways and byways must be punished.
A first time offender will be forced to listen to a Lady Gaga album.
We feel we must be harder on recidivists,a repeat offender will be forced too listen to Robert Fisk regale them with his life story.

Danger Mouse
Pall Mall

Anonymous said...

I was walking behind the tractor as it was being reversed up the lane during the alleged clean up operation. The clean up consisted of lowering the cutting bar to the road surface and blowing the cuttings to the sides of the lane. Clearly on a single track lane where vehicles routinely move into the verge to allow others to pass this is where the risk of damage to tyres is greatest. The only safe way is to collect and remove the cuttings when the job is done.

John Lamb, resident of Sandhall for 32 years

Geoff Dellow said...

It's good to have so many different people giving feedback on this issue.
I believe this a case for community action and I plan to leave you to do whatever you feel is most appropriate.
Let me know if you want me to get involved again in the mean time : over to you.

Anonymous said...

The law requires us to blow hedge trimmings to the side of the road that is all, people wouldn't be able to ride or walk so close to the side if it wasn't cut. Then you'd all complain it was catching your cars and clothing. Funny how no one complained when i cut the hedges on the footpath by outcast. If hedge trimmings are so brutal to tyres why do i not constantly have punctures on the tractor? I look forward to making a "mess" next year

Anonymous said...
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