Saturday 26 July 2008

July 24 - Croftlands here I come

Started talking to both adults and some great youngsters in the vicinity of the parade at Central Drive.

Why are there so few outside facilities for young people alongside those for infants (playground equipment) and adults - walking the dog.

Masses of green grass - great if you're a sheep!

Have the politicians not woken up to the simple needs of skateboarders yet? When addressing the Town Council, I found that there wasn't a single councillor there who was backing their requests.


Unknown said...

er excuse me geoff but I was there from day one with Tom and USBAGS bid to get a skateboard park. I was there because we had tried to get one at Ford Park which was knocked back by the planners. So please don't say that no councillors are interested in this we been trying for years. I haven't seen you at any of these meetings, wake up to reality this is not a quick or easy fix.

Geoff Dellow said...

Then Cllr Col why didn't you speak up at the meeting and tell me?

Tom has definitely been feeling that there was no support from the councillors. Colin Williams gave some help in the early days.

If this is you why not encourage the kids to use the patch of asphalt there is on the field at Ford Park?

They need no equipment other than a grind box that they make themselves.

Can I tell them that they are welcome to use this? There's one lad on Burlington Street who would love to know!

There's no planning permission involved - no equipment, now change of use - it is being used as a playing field now.

I'm not saying that skateboarding hasn't been talked about before - it has. I'm saying that no one seems to have enough fight to push this through.

Richard Foster of SLDC is supporting the inclusion of skateboard facilities in plans for Croftlands that he says will be implemented by Spring 2009 - at my request!

In reality the Town council don't pull together and they have very little fight. Their inaction is why Ulverston is going down hill in my view. 95% of the people I speak to support me.