Sunday 13 July 2008

Taking the plunge

It was one of those emotional spur-of-the-moment decisions.

The thinking had been rumbling around for years. Back in 1982 I considered running for the SLDC but I didn't think I could cope with wading through masses of memos, agendas and reports followed by attending lots of meetings where business pottered along with politicians on ego trips.

This was an environment that I thought I could never endure. I am a doing person and often find it's quicker to do the job myself than persuade others to do it. For me committees are to be avoided - too many love talking, but few doing.

In many ways I still feel the same but now I'm approaching thoughts of political involvement for the opposite end:

Why not instigate the action of what I feel that is needing doing and try to persuade others that 'I have a point worth considering seriously'.

I have always enjoyed selling something I believe in!

I ran a self-catering enterprise very successfully during 1970 -1983 at The Falls just outside Ulverston - immediately behind Hoad Monument.

Starting with extensive disused farm buildings, I converted them one by one to holiday cottages and with my wife Angela ran a Bed-and-breakfast service in the Farm House.

I found I was good at getting national publicity through the writing to the travel writers of well know papers - Times, Observer, Telegraph etc - a very soon we became fully booked for the whole season. I loved writing good ads, designing the brochures,talking to enquirers on the phone and finally helping holiday-makers enjoy their visit to the Lake District.

Later in life I loved selling 'health foods' at a market stall. I found that if I believe in a product, I could sell it!

Subsequently as a teacher, the same approach sold learning to my students .

So now I'm selling myself as a person who comes up with ideas that affect our lives, and then gets them put into practice.

At 3 am on 27 June 2008 I decided to become a county councillor.

The timing is good - I have a year to talk to 4,000 people and persuade them I was the right person to represent them. That was 80 people, approximately 40 houses, a week.

Possible, but some task. But then I enjoy meeting people!

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