Friday 15 April 2011

The Ulverston Flag Festival approaches

Two weeks to go: with Flags going up on April 29th.

The new Ulverston Flag Group will be putting up 25 new flags outside the Coro to welcome The 10th anniversary of Printfest. The original flag makers have been reinvigorated and very active since January making flags for the two groups that now exist. New flag makers have made about half of the twenty flags going up on private houses in The Gill, these will be joined on Monday 2nd by those outside the Coro when Printfest ends.

A taste of the flags that are to come from the Ulverston Flag Group is given each market day when six flags are put up on the Market Square.

Have we moved forward from the days I discussed this festival's future four years ago in 2007 on another blog?

For the most part the main event is still in the hands of the same people.

With two groups working in their respective areas the event should be a knockout.

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