Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Himalayan Balsam

We've now removed every plant of this invasive species that we can find from Gill Banks.

If you see any, could you let us know - 01229 480 347 - Here's what it looks like.

We're trying to avoid it blooming this year at all - in which case we should be rid of it.


Note: You didn't realise the danger of Himalayan Balsam?

Well it's not the worse perhaps - Japanese Knotweed is far more difficult to remove and also very invasive.

There's plenty here on the Internet.

Start here!

1 comment:

Geoff Dellow said...

We're revisiting the beck regularly.

Every time we go we find some we have still missed.

We had a great session yesterday morning, Friday, for two hours.

Then I had to revisit the beck to retrieve my bike that had been dunked by the kids last night. This meant I found about another 50 plants that we'd missed previously.

A small group of us are determinded to eradicate this plant from Gill Banks even though it might take a couple of years.

If you are fond of it then there's plenty in South Ulverston - you can start on the Rope Walk - at the moment.