Saturday, 17 October 2009

Help needed in Lightburn Park today

This afternoon 1pm onwards (Saturday 17th) we will be putting up the 100 items of pottery that were made a fortnight ago. These will go in the Children's play area and will attract a lot of interest.

This will make a great display to rival the one on Gill Banks.

You can help the couple of people that have said they would help if only to hold pottery in position while it's fixed. With a few more people we'll have the job done in no time and the result will be fabulous.
* * * * *

Many people actually turned up to help and all the work was done within an hour.

We felt it really looked good! What do you think?

More photos no doubt from Zoe!

1 comment:

Gladys Hobson said...

Beautiful and something for the children (and adults) to be proud of.