It tries to effect change by legislation.
If this legislation is faulty, as has been the case with education, then the system founders.
The testing of students at every turn is being finally accepted as a total failure. It has led to young young people that have been trained not to think for themselves but instead be bullied and manipulated by those in charge of schools - Education Authorities, heads and teachers.
Finally after ten years of misery, with most of the excellent teachers escaping from 'the system', we're getting a revolt from associations of Head Teachers against the status quo. One wonders only "Why has it taken so long?"
Now Brown wants to legislate against incompetetent parents.
Isn't it time for ordinary responsible people to step in and start asserting themselves in their own communities ?
I agree the comment re Knowhere was uncalled for but it would be good to feel that more people stepped in to modify the behaviour of young people who don't seem to know when to stop drinking.
More and more people are suffering from those that can't hold their drink though the locked up loos (with their lights on) don't help.
1 comment:
I feel incredibly sad when I see on TV the behaviour of drunken young people. What a waste! Health that will suffer, money and time that could have been used more creatively, their youth drained away.
Society has much to answer for — extending the hours of drink availability, accepting bad behaviour as the student norm, lack of parental control (?) lack of direction, live today - pay tomorrow, the ethos that expects ALL for Nothing.
And yet very many youngsters survive all that is thrown at them and grow up to be healthy and good citizens.
I have always found the majority of youth in this town to be friendly and polite.
As for Education, what a pity handicrafts and cooking play such a small part. I agree Education is more than passing exams but rather a preparation for life. And life in all its fulness.
Watching whole families carrying lanterns in the Lantern Procession, it struck me that there is no lack of community spirit in this town, and how wonderful it is that families can take part in enjoyable creativity. Thank you all for giving us so much pleasure.
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