Thursday 9 September 2010

The sad looking tubs on the Market Square.

The story behind this is that that the plants have a fungal disease that thrives in warm humid conditions. Nothing can be done to save them.

It seems that both the tubs and the plants have been added to the square by Roger Chattaway of the Farmers Arms. So he is being  generous and I'm told would be the first person to be concerned about the state of the plants.

I suggest that they need yanking out now and replacing soon.


Anonymous said...

Can't argue with an expert but when I looked at the tubs the soil was dry and hard. A few flowers seemed to perk up after the rain.
Even so, if someone sets out to improve the environment then that person is responsible for making sure of upkeep of tubs and plants, or removing them.
This surely applies to any goodwill action.

Geoff Dellow said...

I agree. Action awaited!