Sunday 19 February 2012

Our Health service - a friend's view - just received

No organisation as big as the nhs will ever be perfect and it will need constant revision, reorganisation, rethinking, but at least we have this wonderful provision, free to all at the point of need. The privatisation risks within this bill are all too clear to many of us.

I also see, on the news today, that a body representing GPs has been excluded from current Downing Street discussions. A dissident voice .... yes, well ...

I know that all my friends don't share my political views, but I believe that equality in health care goes way beyond political leanings so I'm hoping you'll sign this government petition to trigger a parliamentary debate on the bill. Indeed, if the words Big Society have any meaning then our nhs would have to be a corner-stone!

Send the link to your friends!

It needs 100,000 signatures and there are currently 60,000.  It's doable if we care to do it.


Even though the 100,000 target has been reached , it seems to me that achieving an even higher target makes the point even more forcibly.

Let's aim for 200,000 - we're not far off now.

For me the NHS is not a thing that should be primarily run by cash considerations.

A far better approach is to change the way the present administrators fulfil their responsibilities.

We got a good system that has been allowed to deteriorate - it needs correcting not demolishing.

Some parts of the NHS are working well. Let's spread good practice and assert ourselves to make sure it all works better rather than use a top down approach of change from the top.

It's time to flex our muscles . . . .

By signing petitions, writing letters, speaking to those who misbehave. 

Isn't time that we all shouldered our responsiblities rather than ask someone like Cameron to do it for us?



Anonymous said...

BUPA give cash to the Tory party.

Geoff Dellow said...

Name please

Johnny F. said...

No bloody wonder the NHS needs root and branch reform. I have to go in to FGH for a small, non urgent op. I have seen GP once and specialist twice, plus a scan. I now have received an appointment for a "pre op assesment" which will involve blood pressure checks, maybe a blood test etc. Point is - could not these relatively simple procedures have been done by the doctors at my previous visits? I imagine somebody is employed to churn out these appointments then I will take up more time of a nurse/doc for something which could easily have been done earlier. Doesn't make sense.

Geoff Dellow said...

157,000 and still climbing!

Geoff Dellow said...

There's no doubt that something has gone wrong with the local NHS.

You've put your finger on one of them - management procedures.

They certainly need attention but what's needed is to get the right people at the top.

Being guided by money can result in something far worse:

Bad people with little knowhow weilding power to cut costs and creating chaos.

Why do you think John Ashton is speaking out against the government?

Geoff Dellow said...

There's talk of attending a rally in Manchester on March 3rd.

Anyone interested?

More to follow.