Thursday 15 November 2012

Fascism and our MP and Mayor

I heard about this last Saturday at  Lancaster University with some genuinely upset supporters of Tom's art work ( and clearly not BNP supporters). They were from Grange and aghast that our Mayor supported John Woodcock in his outrageous action in having two works of art removed from and exhibition here at our Town Hall. Here my comment left on the Westmorland Web Site:

I am deeply upset that John Woodcock thinks it is appropriate to comment on art and considers he has the right to have pictures removed (and even have an exhibition closed).

If Tom Dearden has something to say I am very interested in what he has to say and how he goes about saying it. This is the reason we enjoy art : it is to get us to think.

This is our responsibility not anyone else's.

John Woodcock an MP is not the person to prevent us seeing art. We are perhaps more capable than he of judging what is Fascist. By all means John express your opinion but don't ram it down our throats.

I found it equally disturbing that our Mare (or should that be Mayor) should also feel that she has a right to comment as our Mayor and exert her influence. The whole episode is no credit to the Labour movement or to the views of Ulverstonians.

Can we have an admission by both John Woodcock and from Brenda Marr that they are the ones that are acting like Fascists in laying down the law as to what individuals can and cannot do. If something wrong is being done please let the police and our judges determine what should be done.

Can we now have someone with a bit of courage from the Town Council taking this up with the Mayor and pursuading her to offer Tom an appology together with a substantial donation of say  £1000 so that Tom can feature another exhibition in the near future. Surely we have got a councillor who is able to see the gravity of the mistake that has been made and will act on behalf of fairminded people in the town.


A Rhodes said...

We can't agree on supermarkets but I agree totally with you on this. I know Tom well, he is robust in his views on race and immigration and makes some good points. Woodcock and all the other professional offence-takers simply can't abide those who speak out strongly on this (and other) matters, such attitudes are off their radar and therefore must be bad!

Geoff Dellow said...

Then can I ask you to please write to Mare Marr and ask her to scoop up her droppings and put them where they will be useful - added to the council's compost heap - they are truly hot stuff and will do a power of good where they are appropriate and not deposited on our lovely clean steps at the Coro: left there they will certainly leave a sad stain. Note -

Anonymous said...

Geoff, Mare is a femail horse TEE HEE rude man.