Wednesday 1 April 2009

Our absurd local government.

Normally I have had to petition the authority to get things done.

Now that has changed totally.

I am finding that maybe I have to petition them NOT to do something.

Yesterday Union Lane had its double yellow lines redone despite the fact that I had requested to Nick Raymond not to do this but rather to do some of the work so badly needed in the town centre.

You are right to question why he should listen to a single individual - I was lulled into thinking that he had - however consider the fact that all eight of those I've talked to so far who live on Union Lane see this expenditure as totally unnecessary.

They interpret the system of local government to be totally bureaucratised so that common sense decisions are now impossible.

Democracy and the wishes of the locals NOT to have money spent on them appears to have disappeared down the hill along with the highly mechanised lorry that did the work and returned richer to Brampton, Carlisle, where they no doubt came from!

Sanity is now a rare commodity!


Anonymous said...

I despair of the way Ulverston is run . Today there are road works on Oubas Hill and a queue from there to Greenodd in one direction and Stone Cross in the other. The box junctions and roundabout are blocked and the town is gridlocked. Are there any police trying to keep traffic flowing ? Of course not ,they keep out of the way ,even though the queue is right outside the copshop.

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree!! Why couldn't they dig the road up at night instead of peak time Friday? Why couldn't somebody prewarn us? Mind boggling ineptitude, The local plod, as usual, conspicuously absent!

Anonymous said...

In fact the queue stretched to Lindal at one time.

Anonymous said...

Just a question Geoff,when the health centre was being built ,why didn't the people of Union Lane get together and buy a small piece of land to build a turning space ?
I dread to think what would happen in an emergency .

Geoff Dellow said...

The main answer would be that:

1. We manage v.well without.

2. The Health Centre land isn't far enough near the bottom.

3. We could try to buy land now - and perhaps should try. But doubt if there would be much interest because of 1.

Anonymous said...

Fair enough Geoff ,if you manage ok but ,on occasions I have had difficulty and in the event of a fire...... Also your phrase in 2.- far enough near ? eh ? I know what you mean ! Incidentally if you look on Google Earth you will see the former Stanley hospital .

Geoff Dellow said...

My point is that this work has done nothing to improve our lane.

No one has ever got away with parking in such a way to obstruct a fire engine (we take action ourselves) and if they did it would not be the enforcement officers that helped.

So why play games with meaningless double yellow lines.

Repaint them were they are needed in the town centre and enforce these rigorously - the County and SLDC working together (?).

Two things are achieved :

A smart 'cared for' appearance.

Smoother, safer traffic flow.