Saturday, 12 September 2009

Beware those pedaling drugs!

And I don't mean the down-the-street crook -

I mean your own doctor.

A friend of mine passed by on her way home from the 'Health Centre' - call it the drug centre perhaps. She came laden with six different drugs and had been told she was depressed on top of her other aches a pains - she seems to cope very well with a considerable amount of pain to me.

What concerned me was all the interactions and side effects of these six drugs . 720 different possible different interactions according to my basic maths (factorial 6). How does anyone understand all the possible side effects in this cocktail?

They don't, belief me (I'm a Doctor - Ph.D in Chemical Engineering you point out - well I'm still a Doctor!).

A fortnight later another friend comes round for lunch and is sitting at the table starting to eat, when he says

"It feels really hot in here"

Followed by

"I'm not feeling at all well"

Followed by - eyes going blank staring at the ceiling, and "glabof, gla gla" as he passes out and slumps downwards sitting upright but bum disappearing towards the floor. Frightening!

We lower him to the floor getting his chair out of the way. He lies with his muscles locked: shoulders on the floor but the rest of his body in the air except for his heels which are also on the floor. Eventually he relaxes and we get him flat with a pillow under his head.

Phone for advice.

"Call an ambulance" This is anathema to my friend so I pop over to the "Health Centre" and in spite of it being lunch hour get someone to give me advice.

"Call an Ambulance".

"Couldn't he come over here for when you're open?"

"We recommend you - "Call an Ambulance".

"If he comes over here at 2.00 might he be able to see his doctor."

"Yes he might"

This happens and one of his doctor's partners tells him that he's just fainted as a result of the side effect of two of the drugs he's recently been subscribed. The two drugs are known to occasionally lead to fainting when taken together.

I've also had an invitation for Seasonal Flu Immunisation,

"It is important that you are vaccinated against 'flu strains, . . . . "

" Flu Vaccines are very safe with few side effects"

"Few ?" And what are these "few" . . . . Rigor Mortis ?

Not on you Nelly.

Looking at the Department of Health website on this subject

"The annual flu immunisation is the best protection against flu for people with underlying health problems that put them at risk of complications from flu"

So what happens if you're a very healthy 74 year old ?

"and for all those aged 65 and over "

"Government policy is to recommend immunisation for people aged 65 years and over"


I'm a guy that believes a "healthy about of 'flu" and exposure to infection keeps the body's own immune system in a fighting fit state and is the long term healthy option.

I also have to be given a very good reason to take drugs of any kind. The majority don't help other than do what my body can do only with the drugs this happens a little faster.


Anonymous said...

That would be 'peddling' not 'pedalin' unless the provider of hte drugs was riding a bicycle at the time!

Geoff Dellow said...

Good one.

Spelling has never been my strong point - maths is, or should I say was!

You'll find many howlers on my blog. - and it is getting worse.

I deal with those I can!