Wednesday 4 May 2011

Vote for AV today - Thursday

Because of the expected low turn out it could be those of us that are keen on democracy and are well informed will win the day.

Received today from "Yes to Fairer Votes":

So far today we've received an incredible £9,323 in donations to keep our ads online.

Thousands of target voters have seen ads like this already today, but we want to spread the word further.

These ads are our last chance to reach out to our target voters before voting day - and this is absolutely your last chance to invest in fairer votes.

Please don't miss it. Give now - help us keep the ads online longer and win more votes.

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Isn't it sad that a thing so precious as democracy is sold on the merits of its advertising rather than the nature of its reasoning.

The view that has the most advertising behind it is usually the most persuasive.

It reminds me of the story that in a South American Country a brand of toothpaste won the election - by mistake.

Certainly the leaflet for the No vote, I received, was the more convincing in terms of its glossy size and the quality of the lies it told.

Who in their right mind sees a connection between Nick Clegg's 'broken promises' and AV.

Cameron's Tories are trying to win the argument with blatant lies.

AV is much fairer because it helps reflect the view of the majority and not a powerful minority.

Vote for a system the allows your vote to count even though you may not get your first choice candidate.

Vote for a system that avoids frustration that leads to people not voting at all.

Upset the polls that predict a result based on crooked expensive glossy Tory advertising.

Vote for a system that allows the majority view to win.


Anonymous said...

The AV Brigade are heading for the biggest defeat in history. You do the Great British Public a huge disservice by the suggestion that they are so weak and empty headed as to be swayed by glossy brochures.
Remember...if you will..many wars and millions of lives lost to preserve our glorious system..indeed, on Saturday, 2 Lancs will proudly, and justly, parade through our town, having lost many of their comrades in Afghanistan, fighting for the freedom we must never be tampered with just to appease a handful of "intellectuals""

Geoff Dellow said...

Since when has encouraging people to think for themselves been classed a dirty word?

If the public aren't swayed by glossy brochures and advertising, why is it so much - billions of pounds - is spent on advertising?

If the best product sells itself without promotion, why is it that a whole industry of millions of people wordwide devote their lives to it?

Am I being an "intelectual"?

God forbid!

Let's get down to the allotment quick and get my hands dirty.

Anonymous said...

Quite rightly,the majority view won!

Jack Harrison. said...

For the most part Thursday and the elections/referendum was a good day. The Tories vote held up very well and the grossly overrated Lib Dem opportunists were hammered! Best of all the ridiculous and totally uneccesary AV idea was rejected. I also read that the Labour leader (I forget his name) is now less popular than even poor old Michael Foot was!

There is one cloud on the horizon. That pompous Jock Alex Salmond has won overall majority in Scotland and now threatens independence. This a direct result of the Labour inspired constitutional meddling which gave the Jocks their assembly. Their worst decision alongside the clown Brown selling off our gold. It may lead to the break up of the UK.

For the life of me I cannot get my head around anyone voting Lib dem or Labour, the pair of them are natural homes for opportunists, incompetents, losers and wreckers.

Geoff Dellow said...

My immediate reaction is:

What a load of rubbish.

But that would not be very positive.

Yesterday I was quite depressed to see what a sham our 'wonderful' 'democracy'is.

How do we have the nerve to believe that other countries should be enabled to have 'democracy' when we see the kind of thing that takes place here.

I'm thrilled to bits that the Scots are taking control of their country. I have a great admiration for their nation and the traits demostrated by their people.

The come across as a nation of humans with strong backbone - people that can stand proud - fighters when the chips are down. I suspect this comes from the hardships they have endured over the past centuries - many inflicted by the English.

I become more and more disappointed at seeing how the English behave which is why I do all I can to encourage the traits I admire, adopted by those around me.

This is my country and I'll fight hard to encourage it to do 'better' - which obviously needs to be defined - though there's been plenty written here on thes blog that will spell this out.

To the previous anonymous writer I reply "the |Great British Public" who are they?

Largely a myth in your head I fear.

Jack Harrison said...

You do indeed have a very selective view of Scottish history, indeed history in general many Scots fought against Scots, that word again - opportunists! If its such a great country how come their main export is people. And what a great country releases a terrorist to go home and "die". They are a little nation, with a chip on each shoulder, never better illustrated than by the Al Magrahi affair. Look at us America - we can defy you and let this tosspot free. Aren't we important!!?

As to politicians in general, I have zero respect for any Lib Dem, again, opportunists. The only Labourite I have time for is Tony Benn, my mate used to call him an "educated idiot", but he had principles and stuck to them. Though he is wedded to the notion that Maggy wrecked coalmining "communities" when they managed to do it all by themselves. I was in industry at the time, it was cheaper to buy Aussie coal than that produced in Barnsley!

Geoff Dellow said...


What a lot of pickled rhubarb.

Maybe, it's because they have been fighting each other until recently that they still have a high sense of self worth.

We, in England, have suffered through the oppression of the industrial revolution; become brain washed into not thinking for ourselves.

Perhaps Scots leave their home country for the same reason that teachers have got out of teaching. They resent restrictions and seek to live a life of their own. Are they demonstrating the qualities I admire - get up and go?

I have a lot of respect for their behaviour over the Al Magrahi affair; they showed compassion even if they may have been duped.

Do you have any respect for anyone?

Hence your negative attitude?

Jack said...

That Libyan scum deserved the compassion he showed his victims. If he had any brains, they were best viewed smeared over a floor, just like his oppo bin Laden.

Do I respect anyone? Why yes. Sophie Scholl springs to mind. Heard of her o wise one? No, thought not. Do your research (for a change).

"Not in the flight of thought

But in the act alone is there freedom."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Geoff Dellow said...

Isn't it sad if we have to go to Germany to find heroes and heroines ?

Do we still have the spirit to die for what we believe in or do we live vicariously through the likes of Manchester United with no backbone of our own?