Saturday 7 May 2011

Why I still feel positive

- about the present political situation is that there are some - not very many - great people in politics.

Now is their chance to speak out honestly, avoiding polispeak, and tell us really what they think and give us the benefit of their wisdom.

Many of these people are Liberals though there are several Conservatives and Labour people as well.

Now is their opportunity to talk 'sense' and demonstrate what they are really made of.

What we admire is a man when he is down, to scrape himself off the floor and fight back with every ounce of self dignity and guts that he can muster ( please substitute she and herself wherever appropriate).

For the Liberals this applies particularly to Clegg who has to show us his fighting spirit or step aside for someone who can. We're not looking for people who shout and holler but those that speak with calm confidence and tell us exactly what they think and stand by their word.

This is how the Liberals and other politicians will gain our respect.

Conservatives who speak out boldly that they're disgusted with Cameron's behaviour and risk their political career. It can't be easy when you won a fight by shabby dishonest tactics. We all need to like ourselves to survive as people if we are to be positive to others.

This is a time for quality of leadership to show itself.

In the past I have voted Conservative as well as Labour and Liberal. At the moment I would find it very hard to support a Conservative who didn't denounce the behaviour of the No campaigners.

I look too for Labour leadership that doesn't just shout down the opposition  but demonstrates that it acknowledges mistaken policies of the past and is putting into practice where it can, policies that put people first.

In summary I'm looking for people and not political parties to offer solutions and leadership.

We now have difficult times where the qualities of people themselves are the most important.

Let's see what they are really made of by what they say and particularly what they do. Can they stand above party politics and convince us that they are worthy of our support.

I suspect there are a lot of people who are fed up with polispeak and polibehaviour but instead want honest commitment, trustworthiness and steadfastness; qualities are occasionally to be found in politicians and ones we value.


Anonymous said...

be happy and love. kiss

Geoff Dellow said...

Be happy

and thump a punch bag with all your might.

My, it feels really good.

JAK said...

What price a sunshine.

Anonymous said...

Coalition disagreements
Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osbourne is expected to send an email to all members of the Conservative party in which he will tell his colleagues how free-thinking Lib Dems should be dealt with.

A leaked draft said, “Any Liberal Democrats that show any signs of independent thought must be destroyed before they contaminate the rest.”

Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, who has yet to exhibit any signs whatsoever of thinking of any kind, has sought to reduce tensions between Conservatives and Liberal Democrats by insisting, “What?!”