Thursday 13 September 2012

Why? A bit of background.

-->An open letter to councilors and those interested in working here . There is a common theme about my concerns and that is the welfare of our town.

You will no doubt know that I made the decision to run for the County Council (South Ward) as an Independent just over four years ago and set myself the target of visiting every house in this ward during the year before the election. This I  90% managed. Because of this I did a lot of work in becoming familiar with all the problems in this ward at County level - not only did I do all the house  visits but I spent £4,500 of my own money to employ someone to do research for me on any subject that cropped up.

In order to share my views I started this blog which has now had in the region of 1,600 postings. The blog, I learn from the available statistics , attracts between 4 and 500 unique visitors per month, about 300 of whom are regulars. I also use Youtube extensively as you have no doubt noticed.

The County Highways Department has attracted a lot of my interest and I have addressed the County Council in Kendal on several occasions concerning their performance. Though it would never be admitted I had a substantial hand in getting our local head of the highways, Nick Raymond moved from his post. There were many complaints about his arrogance and incompetence. 

It was during this time I made contact with Unitied Utilities who were very keen to put right their mistakes in leaving a lot of pot holes down Market Street when they upgraded there main water main all the way down Market street in I think it was 2007. They came back at my request and repaired a lot done by their contractor Balfour Beatty which they agreed was substandard. Work they have done, since has been exemplary and I keep in regular contact with their local boss in Penrith in order to maintain a good relationship.

You will remember when this work was done recently (against my recommendation resulting from consultations with other Highways Departments notably Mr Rhodes at Preston - I believed  limited repairs can achieve a perfectly good result - as illustrated by the work carried out by United Utilities - something for which setts, unlike asphalt, are particularly suitable).

I am raising the issue of the repair of the setts because the effect this work can have on the commercial welfare of our town. This is also the motivation for solving the damaging effect on Market Day trade with the uncertainties regarding traffic movements. Having been a market trader myself I am also aware how other towns, like Settle, have always run their own market rather than let it be run from outside (as we do, by the SLDC). David Gardner of the plant stall whose family attends several markets across the North West  will tell you that the market at Settle does well the Town Council is very supportive because the Councillors take a keen interest in a way he says does not happen here in Ulverston (I'm now aware that Judy Pickthall tries to do what she can). In a similar way I have been greatly involved with the issue of car parking and had a hand highlighting this three years ago at SLDC Council meeting: the anomaly of Stockbridge Lane Car Park. Fortunately Jack Rice did substantial work in collecting data from SLDC and published a report which has led to reduced charges at this car park.

Should any councillor want to discuss any of the issues highlighted on my blog I am too willing if this will lead to some action. Sadly my experiences of local councillors is consistent with the widely held belief in Ulverston that they are quite frankly - 95% useless at solving difficult complicated problems. Problems I agree need a lot of resolve and determination to 'solve'. Having said this they can be good at most of council work which requires less intense effort.

May I wish you well on your journey as politicians. No doubt I shall have many opinions to air on my blog in future. Many people believe it serves a useful purpose in helping to keep local government on its toes - Something you will agree by their rating by the audit commission is badly needed at both the county and the district level.

Looking to the future I shall be working extremely hard to prevent the opening of another supermarket in the town something I continue to research in connection with the relative contributions made to the town by the Coop and Tesco. Planning is something I know a fair bit about (as I have been involved with planning and Kate Lawson in the area since 1970 when I ran The Falls, self catering cottages just outside of town which came to national prominence through its Home Away Food Service). Something again I have written about many times on this blog.

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