Wednesday, 23 December 2009

The end of the year approaches

We've just hit 400 different viewers of this blog in one month.

2009 is disappearing fast so I'm looking back over your comments.

Starting in reverse order, here is a selection:

Zap has left a new comment on your post "Is Art useless?":

Dear Sadie, I have particular interest in the horse hair under garments of Mongolian women and I am becoming excited about your forthcoming exhibition.

A little off topic maybe?

Wise Old Dave has left a new comment on your post "Is this acceptable?":

Being a regular reader of Geoff's Blog, being a regular local imbiber, being a share holder in Ulverston LVA, being a staunch supporter of Mike McKenzie, being the Leader of The Knowhere Beer Blog I feel I am overly qualified qualified to comment on this topic.

Why should Geoff not comment on a matter that deeply concerns him?

To place a rubbish recepticle in full public view is absolutely disgusting. If I was still in my old position I would sack all the staff.

I have also had recent problems with this establishment, I recently had to leave after only drinking five pints because no one would talk to me, all the staff hid away, all the customers left after my second pint. In utter disgust I had to crawl ten miles up't ill to the Old Friends to get my usual further five pints of Guiness.

Strangely a similar thing happened, not long after I entered the Old Friends both of the previous three customers left. aving recently had my monthly bath, I knew it could not be my personal hygene (or could it)? Perhaps its my personality - NO IT CANT BE - (AFTER ALL I AM QUITE A CHARACTER AULD LAD) I'm from barrer.

So moving on,I rolled donw't t'ill and stud up in't wine bar and was gutted t see ma auld mate Steve wi a wench. Na , i waz gutted when a saw i'm wi a wench, coz ah git bit green in't eyes tha naw.

A thowt ad av a cupl more beers so ah tested a cheshir blond, she wuz orrible so sampld Sailor Jerry (he was more to my taste). Bout now wendy chuckd me out. Called t' coachman t' tek mi bac t't ovel.

U wan'a talk rubbish Geoff?

This guy has a real talent with words - with a sting in their tail!

Wendy Kolbe has left a new comment on your post "Message sent to our two County Councillors":

Geoff,You don't half rabble some shite

Direct! What's happened to her now?

Ulverston Cllr Col has left a new comment on your post "County Councillor not to be!":

Ok, I give in and that's democracy at work, but I think Wendy was a victim of the westminster stuff. Thing is Geoff did get out there and connected with people, even if he alienated some, we just pushed bits of paper through doors, which in the present climate was not going to achieve anything at all. Least of all explaining that the expenses scandal was nothing to do with local elections.
As an example, one of our very active volunteers at Ford Park who had always supported Wendy Kolbe in the past. At this election they told us they had ripped up thier ballot paper believeing all polititions were the same, and this action would send a message that said a plague on all your houses. I suppose it did, but did they really understand that this was an election for their local county councillor, and that this action was going to help elect someone they didn't want. I don't think so, but that's democracy at work, and there's probably more of these people who don't understand how the system works than those who do.
It would be interesting to know how many spoiled papers there were, wouldn't it.
Like you say Geoff, most people vote for a party rather than for a person, which is our fault, because most of the time we're invisible. We should take a leaf out of your book and spend more time knocking on doors, or holding surguries. Unfortunately we don't all have the time to do this, and we don't get paid either, at least on the town council we don't. we don't even get expences, or allowances. We have have jobs and care for families so time to engage is limited. That's where this new fangled internet can really help. Your blog has created a lively forum, and long may it continue. I will look forward to the rebranding.

Great to have Colin join in

Tom Henderson has left a new comment on your post "Roxy review":

Can someone defy the meaning of arts centre?

What's happened to Tom? Is he fed up with me?

The blog has left a new comment on your post "Open Letter to Colin Hodgson":

I really wouldn't bother with Colin Hodgson. I've lived in his bit of Ulverston for 16 years and have never seen him nor heard from him. The only correspondence or contact he ever makes is when he is due for re-election and does the smiley rounds. I wrote to him a number of times re: the trees in the health centre but it still took two years and phone calls from me and you to get them planted. It was Colin's responsibility to check that planning conditions (tree planting) had been met, not mine or yours. He really is a waste of space. Much more concerned about his own small town tory agenda than the concerns of those he purportedly represents.

The view from the elector.

Stephen 'Tap' Watney has left a new comment on your post "Lightburn Park - we're heading your way!":

While taking my 2 year-old child for an hour's fun on Lightburn Park's playground this afternoon (28.11.09) I felt a bit disturbed by the sight of a gentleman taking photographs. While I, myself, have received suspicious looks in the past("man in children's play area with camera"), onlookers' fears have always been allayed when they see that I am with a child. This man was not with a child. Also, at the risk of sounding somewhat judgmental, his appearance could be described as 'dishevelled'. I thought it important to mention this on a 'local issues' forum. I took some photographs of this man in case anything untoward occurred this afternoon and any evidence may be needed in the future.

Disheveled - me?

Sloane has left a new comment on your post "The need for us to talk":

Geoff, I could go on ond on about this one, but I'm about to go to bed. I'll be brief.

The problem is , since 1997 the country has been led by the most totalitarian government for more than a century, which, whilst succeeding in controlling and monitoring the activities of the law abiding majority to a degree never known before, has utterly failed to control, deter, or improve the behavior of the antisocial minority.

The rot began when the Tories were in power prior to the current administration, notably when the then Home Secretary Michael Howard introduced the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, which sought to ban, amongst other things, utterly harmless open air 'rave' and dance parties. The Labour opposition could have thwarted this bill by voting against it, but many did not, siding with the then government; the bill was duly passed. This was a sign of things to come.

Since the Labour government came to power in 1997 even more things that have previously been regarded as sociable, community based activities have been banned or restricted; notably smoking in pubs, which has accelerated the decline of an institution at the very heart of traditional British communities. Activities such as carnivals, school sports days and villiage fetes - essential to community cohesion - have begun to be eroded begause of increased bureacratic intervention and health and safety concerns. Admittedly this problem took root long before the current administration, but the Labour government, ostensibly there to represent and support working class values, has done nothing, absolutely NOTHING, to address these issues. This is because it is composed of, and seeks to promote, the interests and concerns of a Metropolitan elite, who care nothing for the wider community and are wealthy enough to not need to depend on communal support. Their blinkered, insular, self satisfied mindset sets a very poor example to those they are meant to lead. They claim to know what is best for others; but their actions lead to what is best for themselves.

As if all this wasn't bad enough; we have a justice system which is inconsistent at best; with regular public outcry about leniency shown towards serious criminals, such as knife wielding attackers or paedophiles.

At the lower end of the scale; the governmental approach to dealing with antisocial behavaviour seems to be to ban or stigmatise entire activities or lifestyles; whilst the small minority of INDIVIDUALS who are committing offences are NOT PUNISHED IN ANY WAY AT ALL.
This 'sledgehammer-to-nut' approach only seeks to alienate young people; who are often are made to feel awkward about their very presence in public places; whilst they see the few nasty people they know behaving badly with glee.

If it is obvious that someone has committed a crime, they should be subject to some sort of sanction. Simple.

Many young people, and particularly those from lower-income or disadvantaged backgrounds, feel very vulnerable. They long for authority figures to do something about the criminal minority who represent such a threat. But the response they experience is the curtailment of the freedoms and the right to self expression of an entire, mainly innocent group.

It's time to target the INDIVIDUALS who cause the problems with swifter and more effective justice. Then the majority will be more at ease within our communities, which can then begin to recover.

Some other great contributions from Sloane. Sad to not hear from him recently


Arethusa said...

Yes Geoff its been a rum old year one way and another. We've had some bloody good laughs out of you in the pubs, the BNP meetings, the AA meetings. Just as you wish - your pronouncements and wisdom have started many a discussion whilst we've still been sober enough to string a sentence together.

At one point you did over react but maybe now you see that most of us are mere saddos who enjoy a laugh at others' expense. You are, after all, a putative politician and so should expect a measure of ridicule. However I do agree that comparing you to an area of female anatomy was way OTT.

It being the season of good will may I extend to you and yours best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. Lets look upon this as your blog's equivalent of the famous Christmas footy match between Tommy and Jerry in the WW1 trenches. No doubt hostilities will resume in 2010! Happy Christmas Geoff, we can't do without you!!

Geoff Dellow said...

"putative" - I had to look it up - "generally considered or reputed to be".

Eventually you guys may come to look at me as a human being without strings attached.

I just like getting discussions going; forget the politician bit. No politician in their right mind (one that wanted to get elected) would say the kind of things I've said on this blog.

Who'd want to be a politician - attending meetings while people stand up and spout about nothing in particular and then get themselves on the front page looking important. It's definitely not my scene.

On the hand I can't just stand by and say nothing when I see what I see ridiculous things going on.

This blog is my safety valve. I look to others to help me to either see things differently or do something about about an issue even if it's the opposite of what I propose.

I can't stand people who sit around and whinge and do nothing themselves.

When are you lot going to tell me where I can find you so that you can have a better idea of just how eccentric I really am. A bit of it might rub off!

I'll have you making things out of mud as you sup your beer by the end of 2010. You'll see!

offshore contacts said...

Merry Christmas lad.

Geoff Dellow said...

Thanks Tom,

The Mulled Wine is working hard!


Wishful thinking!

Wise Old Dave said...

A sincere Christmas greeting from me to you Geoff. You are, indeed, one of Ulverston's marvellous eccentrics and an integral part of the "quirkiness" of't village.
I cannot take credit for the post you published by "me". All I can say is that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and my tongue is lodged firmly in my cheek, trust me, this post is from the genuine article. I know we will never see "eye to eye" and I wish you no harm.......keep on truckin' lad!

Geoff Dellow said...

Until people start using their real names, how will we ever know who is who?

And as for anonymous they could be anybody . . . . .

Wide open to lots of trickery!