Monday, 7 December 2009

Join us in this new project!

Our pottery group has now moved on to designing planters that can stand at the base of the railings at Gill Banks , below those objects already there.

These will be 24 in long, 9 in high and 8 in deep.

The idea is to make each side of the five sided box separately and glue them together once fired.

Here are the front panels for four of these.

If you would enjoy designing and making one of these in my workshop then please contact me at gd at (done to avoid SPAM). I'm aiming to have some made by the 18th December so that they can be in place with flowers/plants before Christmas.

You may remember that we've been given seeds for public use by Chiltern Seeds. These will be used here. If you'd like to grow some plants again let me know!

If you'd like to get involved, this can be before or after Christmas as there will still be a need for lots of planters after the initial few are made.

Here are our first attempts - the flowers are dead easy to do - well show you how!


Anonymous said...

If the famous Geoff Dellow graffito was anything to go by, the "I'm a ..." piece will likely prove irresistable.

Geoff Dellow said...

Looks hope it's something original!

The Arabs a good at this kind of thing aren't they.

However don't they start " Your mother's mother is a . . . " ?