Sunday, 20 December 2009

It's important to me to be able to entertain myself

One of the ways I do this is by making up music!

If anyone's interested to talk about what I'm doing - you know where to find me.

Apologies for the low quality of the sound.


Anonymous said...

Not too shabby Geoff, not too shabby at all! And after just a few weeks practicing. I am impressed.

Fan of Beethoven perchance?

Geoff Dellow said...


To clarify:

I've played dots to a limited extent from early childhood and really struggle (can't sight read at all) but this is the first time I've really explored just playing groups of notes together and listening to the sound they make and taking it from there.

Fan of Debussy, Ravel and Satie I like the music to be discordant to a degree!

knee g grown said...

Well done