Sunday, 20 December 2009

Marl - a world leader

This Ulverston based form has always been at the forefront of lighting technology. They also set and example of a well designed commercial venture situated just opposite to private houses.

I came across this article about their latest form of lighting:

80% energy saving from Marl MR11/16 downlights
To quote the article:

"According to Marl, replacing standard dichroic halogen lights with its LED products will pay for themselves within a year when operated for 18-24 hours a day, and will last for nearly six years (50,000 hours) continuous illumination."

Wouldn't it be great if they used Ulverston to test some of their ideas in a creative way?

We've got some very capable people and businesses working here.

In answer to Jack Jones' comment, a quick search reveals that they do street lighting - which he probably knew!

No mention of Marl at Lancaster. Does Marl's site tell you anything?

1 comment:

Jack Jones said...

Interesting. There are now some LED streetlamps in the Prospect St area of Lancaster but unfortunately they are very poor and not really up to the job (street is dark with tiny pockets of faint light). Wonder if they are anything to do with Marl or are the work of another company.