Once again the town is full of music
I missed the bands actually playing today though I could hear them in the distance.
Here are several examples of the Town Band Playing - I agree the camera shake is annoying.
I like this next video because it includes playing just outside the inside market.
A lot of people put energy in doing something they enjoy but at the same time give us a lift.
Last Thursday the woman selling the Big Issue in the "Potters Alley" was very happy.
In spite of the price having been raised to £2.50, she was selling plenty of copies. This makes up for the many times earlier on in the year when she's sold very few - she wasn't at all happy with the price rise to £2 in the summer.
There's a really good positive atmosphere in the town around Christmas.
It's sad that we don't have someone, selling the Big Issue from Ulverston to support.
Occasionally we get a local busker playing down by the Trustees Saving Bank. Maybe he could be persuaded to return regularly
To the louts that try to post abusive comments on this blog.
I've had enough of you always wanting to tear other people to shreds.
Up till now I've published some of your less abusive comments so that the public realise what kind of people live in Ulverston. Now I shall be much more restrictive of comments.
I will try to only publish comments that put an alternative view in a constructive way. Slagging others off is not constructive.
If you don't like it:
Tough - you've got several alternative forums to rant away as much as you like - which you do!
The rest of us may not be. interested!
It's only a minority of mindless idiots Geoff. Don't let them wind you up.
They are only a small minority in the town but like the naughty kids in the classroom they get their buzz out of finding faults in others. So they focus their attention on anyone who stands out. A sign that they still living the life of an irresponsible teenager, unable to form strong relationships.
Because they are not good at doing things themselves they turn to the delights of targetting others on the internet. Their sites of "knowhere" and "Rants" say it all.
If one got the chance of talking to them face-to-face they are very friendly and you begin to imagine that you are establishing a friendship.
I met one of them, Tom I-like-eating-things Henderson and he bought me a drink and we seemed to be on the same wavelength but agreeing to meet up again for a coffee has gone nowhere.
It would be good meeting up with them all in a pub but I suspect they're frightened that the reality of who I really am would kill off there ability to fantasize about a baddie they enjoy throwing eggs at.
It's been a learning experience dealing with them but for me that's what life is all about.
Good to have you join in Lou - there are more and more people commenting with their name ; people who are comfortable with who they are, unlike the large number of Anons we get here - and all over the internet for that matter - a sign that people aren't at ease with talking to strangers and need to lurk in the shadows. Do they not realise how many strong friendships they are missing by acting like ghosts.
You seem to be obsessed with the 'louts' on Knowhere - you certainly talk about them far more than they talk about you.
Also, please spare us your amateur psychology - "unable to form strong relationships"? Bearing in mind you haven't met most of them, what utter rot. The problem with this group seems mostly in your head - apart from disagreeing with you on some issues what have they actually done?
As a point of interest, one of the 'louts' you're talking about came up with the hospice donation scheme at the Texaco you were recently in praise of and the other 'louts' actively support it.
Your 'beer drinking, socially retarded thugs' label is way off the mark - if you actually read the forums on a regular basis you would also see erudite writing and numerous poetry and literature quotations.
Lumping everyone who uses a forum into the same negative stereotype is terrible. You wouldn't say that everyone who goes to the same pub is homogenous, all thinking the same thing, from the same background and having the same motives, so why do it with an internet forum?
If you want to ignore any individuals, fine, but saying things like "they are not good at doing things themselves" is not only wrong (e.g. the hospice scheme), it's also mudslinging and will get no-one anywhere.
I've reread my comments and they seem fine but this is difficult for me to spot.
The comments are addressed to
"To the louts that try to post abusive comments on this blog."
I am not lumping all others in the same basket.
My reading of their blogs does not in my view support your statement.
Once again face to face chats with you and others would help. This kind of dialogue is fraught with misunderstandings.
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