Friday 5 March 2010

Annie Warwick and others talk sense

It's good to read that occasionally people get fedup with the mindless way the local government behaves.

Why do so many of us put up with it.

It's really encouraging to me to hear someone speaking out.

photo Eve Mail

Then again Sam Metcalf, above, a ten year old, from Croftlands Juniors makes some good points:

More adults in the parks to modify the behavior of the kids and picking up dog shit. For the future fewer untidy boarded up premises.

William Evans of Hollybank raises the issue of the Croftlands rat run again. This problem needs a long term solution by the Highways Dept.

1 comment:

A R said...

I am bound to agree with Mr Evans ,I live on Oakwood Drive and know the problem .It's not so much a ratrun ,just excessive speed by many drivers ,including locals and especially young mums always in such a rush . How on earth did THEIR mothers manage without 2 cars ? Recently N B-R had identified the problem and the police were to crack down on speeding drivers. Nothing has happened.