Friday 5 March 2010

Talking toilets - a consultation

The consultation in the Coro last Wednesday raises a number of important points.

First the quality and thoughtfulness of the points made by the visiting public were impressive.Some of the post-its are shown below.

Why indeed does it cost SLDC an average of £405/week to maintain a toilet. This is incredible and surely shows gross mismanagement.

Second, why are we spending £24,000 on a consultation. One fears that it's going to be money down the drain resulting in a beautiful report with no action whatever.

The last time we had a consultation a year ago has resulted in nothing. Even the simple unanimous request for a sign in Market Street to the underused car park at Stockbridge Lane has been ignored. This inspite of the repeated assurances of the County Councillors at the time that we should "leave it to us".

We did. - Nothing.

We raised it at a subsequent SLDC cabinet meeting. - "The subject was under review"

Consultations a rapidly becoming a dirty word. Initially we feel pleased to be consulted then this leaves a sour taste in our mouth as we realise no action is forthcoming.

It is essential that the politicians are honest with the public and spell out before a consiultation just what is feasible so that false expectations aren't raised.

What money is available to implement the suggestions made by the public?

To be continued:

We want more control of not only our toilets but our Tourist Information Centre, the illegal car parking policy and particularly our town's car parks.

The SLDC want to ditch their responsibilities without surrendering a major source of income, badly administered, Car Parking Fees.

Town Councillor Colin Williams makes a comment on his blog


A.R. said...

Couldn't agree more. SLDC do the bare minimum in Ulverston . There is a street sign which has been leaning at 45 degrees outside Tesco for 6 months ,another sign further up was demolished and not replaced. New Market St usually full of litter ,the street market< cleaned > 2 hours before it closes so debris is left overnight ....the list is endless.As regards the toilet costs £400 per week ,lets say wages and power costs about £150 per week that leaves management on-costs £250 per week.
Street parking is virtually a free-for-all ,traffic wardens come about once every 2 weeks. I have suggested to SLDC they employ a full time warden in Ulverston which would obviously be self-financing - no reply.Its too simple for them.

Gladys Hobson said...

£400 is 40000p
What a cost to spend a penny!

But if £250 goes on management, unless someone gets the sack that cost is still there!

Maybe someone should put in a bid to supply such necessities?

Geoff Dellow said...

Two things you highlight for me:

1. The ridiculous cost of this service which is a telling indication of the inefficiencies endemic in SLDC. No wonder it has such a poor rating in the audit commission survey where it is rated in the bottom 15% district councils in the country.

2. The implication that removing this service will save much money is false. No1 above suggests the problem is maladministration with its overriding costs in poor administration.

It's been suggested to me by a council worker that some civil servants can spend a whole morning writing an email reply to an inquiry from a member of public. Surely an exaggeration. . . . . .

The most important thing for me is that the SLDC councillors, especially the Lib. Dems., that they sort out the behind the scenes running of the district.

I plan to write to the Lib. Dem. councillors I know, to try to persuade them to get involved.

For me it highlights the need for some clear thinking Independent councillors who make our concerns known in the strongest possible terms to the SLDC management and the rest of the politicians.

A R said...

Figures can be made to prove anything. The true cost of keeping a toilet open is wages plus utilities plus building maintenance. Nothing else. If you want to make a case for closure then you bring in on-costs ,which is accountant-speak for a share of head office costs.This figure can be quoted over and over again to suit the purpose of the council.