Saturday, 19 June 2010


I'm sure there would be the chance of turning this into a worthwhile job/hobby if you know someone that is interested:

Growing flowers and vegetables is very much an my agenda at the moment.

I am getting much help from others that are knowledgeable and very willing to help.

Chiltern Seeds are also providing a wide range of seeds, some of which are quite exotic.

Here's a chance for someone who might be interested in learning to develop this skill into a career even though it might be part time. The idea is to start by growing stuff in our parks - the field is wide open at the moment and the council is supportive !

The philosophy that "it always pays to add strings to your bow" is a wise adage .

This is one that I have followed all my life: if you've got a bit of spare time or are depressed then learn a new skill just for fun especially if it's with other helpful people!

However it's worth remembering not to do things just because they seem to be the "reasonable thing to do". Reasoning like this leads to boring lives, doing something you don't enjoy just because someone persuades you it "makes sense".

I always follow my emotions and have to first think "Wow, that sounds fun" before I take anything on. As a result I've always done work that I've enjoyed and if ever things don't work out, I hand in my notice. Works a treat when the employers give in and ask you to stay on. Finding a job within six months (or less) always seemed plausible for someone ready to work at anything to start with. I believe it now - which is why I'm so relaxed about money. If I need some in the future, I'll go out and earn it!

Cleaning out gutters and drains, cleaning out grotty houses, might be my first choice - anything that others don't want to do because of prejudice.

Make sense?

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