Sunday 8 April 2012

People watching

If you enjoy sitting watching, observing and reflecting, you'll enjoy this:


Filmed and created by "Sim" a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend called Geoff

What I love about this video is: -

The filming from pigeon level.

Some of the panning shots - from Flags to the street below

Some of the contrasts - respectable Burgher to "porno star" - this appeals to my French background - like nuns taking a peek at stripped down hunks of healthy young men

I love the 'feel' of Amsterdam where I get the impression they are far more accepting of people as they really are - such a contrast to the prudish 'Mary Whitehouse' image of the English - something that has echos in my mind of the attitude I met when I went to work here in Ulverston at Church Walk School - "we don't allow that kind of behaviour here" referring to boys playing in a lively manner in the playground. And the message "we know what is best and you'd better conform"referring to my telling a teacher there that I didn't want the children to be 'rescued' but to develop confidence in themselves by 'doing their own thing'. This is the kind of attitude that leads to access to Youtube being banned in most schools - I digress!

The quick spontaneous filming; capturing things of interest as the tram stops.

Well done 'Sim' keep it up. You're encouraging me to put together a video from my filming last time I was in Paris when I was fascinated by 'watching' (and filming) what was going around me 'peoplewise' (what a lovely horrible expression!)

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