Thursday 17 May 2012

Dispute : Whose responsibility is this fence?

An email sent to Mrs Anne Makin in the Legal Department with copies to Carl Ballantyne in Sheltered Housing, Tony Naylor in the Parks Department and relevant councillors and members of BUGs, the voluntary Mill Dam Park support group: -

Anne Makin,

Carl kindly provided me with information regarding the responsibility for the fencing that acts as the boundary between Mill Dam Park and Mill Dam Sheltered Housing.

I understand from you to quote  "  I have the deeds which incorporate the area of Mill Dam (includes both the sheltered housing site and the playground together) and SLDC would be expected to be responsible for the fence."

I am surprised at your conclusion as I believe this particular fence is clearly the responsibility of the sheltered housing owner .

As the chairman of the group of some fifty people, known as The BUGs, my  interest is in getting this fence replaced with fencing that matches the beautiful new fencing on the front of the sheltered housing.

The BUGs have been putting a lot of work into the park over the last a three years which includes the planting of bulbs and flowers; the making and purchase of four picnic tables (one of them stolen) and the repair last Saturday of a bench that has been derelict for two years now.

I am writing in particular as I have knowledge of this situation that goes back before the time that Mill Dam Park was there.

The fence is clearly the responsibility of the sheltered housing as the fence, surrounding the then new Sheltered Housing was there before the park existed. At that time in 1984 there was housing, a fence round it with what was then barren land  with rubble and broken glass left behind by the builders who built the housing: on the very  land that is now our park .

I know because it was I together with a small group who campaigned with SDLC at the time to give us the park promised by Mr Woodburn, Town Mill owner, who gave the land to SLDC for use as a park. Instead they nicked the land to build houses albeit sheltered leaving us with  piles of rubble and broken glass which the kids cycled up and down over - as they will - at their own peril. Absolutely shameful behaviour on the part of SLDC - and we rubbed their noses in it at the time and demanded action - and got it - our park!

 It is clearly the Sheltered Housing fence as it predates the park.

Could it be that you have come to the wrong conclusion?

I have put together a video that states our case which is  on Youtube at see below

Dr  Geoff Dellow


Anonymous said...

We are fortunate to have a group of bright councilors who will protect the townfolks rights and pig poke the relevant owners to procede

Alan Farmer said...

Watched the video.

Predate of construction does NOT mean sheltered housing owns or is responsible for fence maintenance.

The land registry plans will clearly denote the boundaries and ownership and responsibility for maintenance.

Timber fencing of that type is not too expensive and easy to self erect.

Worst case if jointly or solely owned by the park raise funding and DIY, £15.00 each x 50 people should do it.

My opinion? If it is purely a nice to have and poses no dangers to sheltered housing or park users leave it be!

Geoff Dellow said...

Thanks Zoro and particularly Alan Farmer for your comments. It helps us understand what may/may not happen.

The reason we want it done is that some fresh fencing will give the park a 'lift' and will motivate even more involvement because it puts the message across "We care about our park" - and each other.

Parks can be a wonderful place for people to meet and establish relationships:

I plan to hold my funeral there - if that is a possible statement.

I'd like the kids to be there and have something fun to do while the adults chat. They could brighten up proceedings and help people look forward to the future after having looked back at the past.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Yes, who needs a church ?
Why be in a church thinking of the outdoors and a park,when you can be outdoors in a pleasant park thinking of GOD.

Geoff Dellow said...

The Comment that was removed was OKed by mistake and was spam in French !