Thursday 3 May 2012

Vote today

For John Lawrence if you're in North Ward and going to the polling Station in Mill Street.

As for the rest . . . . .

Whatever happens, make sure you keep those elected doing their job in the next four years:

Their job is to represent us so they need to be bugged constantly to do this.

Our job is to do all we can to assert ourselves first before going to them.

It is their job to help us to do this effectively.

Some of them have made promises - let's make them keep them. Most of them promised nothing except flannel.

In my opinion they should have a blog to keep us informed of what they are doing.

Most politicians avoid taking action as it's hard work and will fob you off with excuses that they are powerless. To which I reply "Rubbish".

"We have elected you to lead us"

"That means taking action"

"What action do you propose?"

To which most will reply:

"I promise to sit on my bum and look important and appear on the front page of the paper and lament the terrible things that are happening and tell you how its all 'their' fault"

(For 'their', insert :Kendal, the government, the bankers, the weather, the Ice Cream Van)

To which we reply "Yes Sir, No Sir, Three Bag Fulls Sir"

You may conclude that local politics needs an alternative like the Occupy Movement

I'm all for that!

I find that I can be very effective bypassing the politicians altogether and it's far more effective and satisfying.

Putting them on the spot with Youtube works wonders!

Taking action yourself works wonders!


Anonymous said...

The Liberal party has got its just deserts "ADULTERY" is the word, jumping into bed for gain.
Now they are outcast to burn in hell's fire.


Geoff Dellow said...

So what are the results for this area ?

Where do we look?

Geoff Dellow said...

If you're anxious you can go to the West Gaz site.

Counting is just starting!

I'm off to the allotment!