Sunday 20 May 2012

When will I learn?

There are some lessons that we seem to have blind spots to ever learning.

 Friends will repeat the message over and over again.

They will recommend putting a notice up ten foot high directly outside my window with the same message so that I will be repeatedly be reminded.

 Yet I still fall into the same trap.

 Over and over again.

People who stand beside me cannot believe that I've gone and bloody well done it again.

My failing is clearly that I think that involvement with politicians can ever be beneficial. 

By definition, (I have to drum the message in), politicians are emotionally draining people.

 We need to steer a course that avoids them by many miles. We should never seek them out for help or even try to pressure them to do anything. Yet here am I doing it all over again.

 I'm writing to politicians to ask for them to do something. Why don't I learn that one is far better avoiding them and doing the whole job myself. One always has this "this time I can make it work differently" feeling.

 Here's a message to take in:

 Geoff if there's a politician around, run a mile in the opposite direction. 

 Carl Fine in South Ulverston has told me again and again "I don't go anywhere near them as they make me so angry". "I just don't vote." So why did I get dragged in this last time round ?

 Next time I will, I really will, ONLY VOTE IF THERE IS SOMEONE I REALLY WANT TO VOTE FOR. This would have meant that I would have only cast one vote when in reality I  voted four times.

Next lesson: if reliable people don't get elected then shrug and give up straight away. To do otherwise will be inviting an emotionally draining experience. Others learnt this message ten, twenty even fifty years ago and have lived a relaxed life since with little frustration from the people that can set you off in a spin without trying.

More to follow as I reflect on what is wrong with us and our system of local government - and what I find actually works for me.


Anonymous said...
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Geoff Dellow said...

Sadly the most politicians don't realise why we hold the lot in such low esteem when they can't be as bad as we imagine . . . . Can they?

I'm looking forward to finding out that it's not true. There really must be a 'good guy' amongst them.

Jack Rice at least tried but he got out.

Why is it that in other towns there isn't a party politician on their Town/Parish Council - they're all free thinking (with the emphasis on 'thinking') Independents?

Trouble is that any sane person has learnt to keep well away so the chances of change are very slim.

Anonymous said...

Geoff you have no chance!
1)You will have to teach them to read.
2)You will have to teach them to count.
3)You will have to teach them to write.
4)you will never get them to listen and think, because their elevators dont go to the top.
Colin was right when he called the council "THE MUPPET SHOW"

Malcolm X

Geoff Dellow said...

Malcolm X,

Could you bear in mind that people who comment must identify themselves to me.

I removed your comment because running down individuals in an offensive way isn' my concept of 'constructive criticism'.