Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Tim Farron's commitment to CAB weakens

Tim behaves like a typical wily , very astute politician.

He only supports issues that are going to win.

When I saw him at Grange he started by being in full agreement with me. The Citizen's Advice Bureau was very important in it's present form. The Trustees were wrong in giving it no support and throwing in the towel as far back as last June. Everyone I talk to is in agreement that the CAB needs saving but when push comes to shove only one or two want to give their support.

In his letter to me above he has given up and merely agreed to "work closely with the Council to ensure that the changes to the service are as smooth as possible". When I left him he was going to drum up support in SLDC now that pledge has is downgraded bit ay a time.

Step by step his support evaporates even though this means that Kendal will also lose this service. Taking the trouble to travel to Grange to see him was a total waste of time. It is very frustrating. Even our politicians here in Ulverston have given up and are refusing to take a stand. Colin Pickthall, Mark Wilson, John Clough all make reassuring noises that "everything will be alright" when they know know it won't. Even Jane Harris has enough on her plate with the Supermarket issue to be able to find the energy to fight yet another issue.

Fifty years of strong support for our CAB is going down the drain when a solution  is within our grasp.

However the solution has to be in our own hands and it's no use looking to others to lead on this issue. It would all be solved with of just ten pounds a month but we don't care enough. I asked Tim to make a rallying speech to get people to join together and help themselves but he declines.

We need a very rare kind of person - someone who takes on a challenge and sees it through. What would seem as a caring Town here in Ulverston just isn't. Sadly we will realise our mistake when it's too late.

Looks like we are no better than our politicians who give up when things get tough.


Anonymous said...

He is a slimey YELLOW LIARBRAL No increase in tuition fees Clegg is a bad mentor
I had faith in him but now he is the chairman of the party. Yes they have the right colour YELLOW !
Perhaps the libral sign should be replaced by a £ sign.

Geoff Dellow said...

It's behaviour that I don't expect that really upsets me - though this one comes close to the bone.

I've just got tpo get used t what to expect from any politician. It's their way of helping themselves to feel good.- I'd have real problems in feeling guilty !