Thursday, 18 April 2013

Work on the Ulverston cobbles again

Hopefully for the last time.

Work has started and is due to last three weeks but in reality if they get it done by then, the workers deserve a large bonus. We need to have a party on their final day and send them home as heros.

Though there will be a lot of frustration from shoppers and particularly shopkeepers at the timing of the work and maybe the design:

Let's not take it out of the workers.

They deserve all the encouragement we can give them. The last lot who came here in November worked incredibly hard and resented being slagged of my frustrated locals: they travelled each day all the way from Newcastle and some were laid off the minute they weren't required.

Yes we can criticise our politicians : County Councillors, James Airey and Peter Hornby (up for re-election now)- they haven't a clue what is going on.

Yes we can criticise the Cumbria Highways Department of the past with Nick Raymond in charge. Bad decisions were made. Our politicians were lazy and showed little interest, but now it's too late to put mistakes right.

Now let's be as encouraging and helpful to the workers themselves who I suspect will be working flat out to do the best job they can.

What we can do is take more interest in the actual performance of our decision makers and give them hell when they don't do their job well. I've found we can have considerable influence by keeping on asking questions and posting our views on a blog like this. Videos on Youtube are very effective and enable us to avoid the lousy gutter press like the Evening Mail.

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