Saturday 14 March 2009

Workers beware!

As businesses become increasingly more stretched, we can expect that some will take advantage of their employees.

This was happening, I heard, at the Swan, Newby Bridge, a while ago. Pressure was put on staff to work shifts they didn't want to.

At the Barrow Aldi store, I'm hearing a report of what sounds like dodgy work practices.

A young friend of mine was threatened because the bus he travelled up to Ambleside was arriving late causing him problems - the alternative was to set off an hour earlier.

An Asian well trained nurse has been given 24hrs notice by a care home with the excuse that she was using the phone for private calls.

This agro between employers and their staff is self defeating in the long term. Basically it's on the same level as Bankers who make off with millions - Greed.

People are important - both the bosses and the staff need to help each other out through difficult times. Straight talking is fine but lets treat each other with respect.

Workers will be frightened of losing their jobs if they complain.

Bullying could be going on behind closed doors.

We will rely on whistle blowers more and more.

Here would be a place that you could raise your concerns!

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