Friday 6 January 2012

Diane Abbott

Don't  you think that the reaction to her recent twitter comments about divide and rule are totally over the top?

Don't we need our politicians to be relaxed and free with their comments?

This is not about racism but about people jumping up and down about nothing and distracting us from far more important issues.

Personally I want our politicians to be relaxed as act as falible humans.

I find something like this from a politician refreshing; most of the time they make nonesense statements with their typical politician- speak that when analysed means nothing and only tries to promote  . . . the politician.

The people that should be in the dock are the jounalists and media that pump up this supercritical atmosphere followed by the thousands that get swept along with it. Aggravated by leaders like Milliband who over-respond.

Cameron sets a good example by playing down such frivolity.

has it right

"My hope for the new year is that everyone will become a little thicker-skinned. When so many casual remarks nowadays provoke public fury, relaxed discourse becomes all but impossible."

"Could we stop being so outraged when somebody says something stupid?

From Diane Abbott to Jeremy Clarkson, we need to calm down when stupid or offensive pronouncements become public"


lakeuk said...

She has a habit of getting into pot, kettle, black situations, this would bushed over if she hadn't on made out that it was private conversation - nothing on twitter is private and that it was taken out of context - she wrote it

Geoff Dellow said...

She has a habit of being a human being instead of a hatefully 'politically correct dumbo".

A partner to Clare Short perhaps.

Whoppee for humans.

Haven't we better things to talk about?

Like thge shortage of work for young people.

Etc, etc, etc,