Saturday 7 January 2012

Support Avaaz

At a time when democracy in this country is grinding along at a frustrating pace with no political party apparently in touch with the view of the people, I am gradually being won over to the ideas of Avaaz.

Though a little sceptical, I do think they are a movement for present times.

Please give serious consideration to this worldwide organisation.

They are currently conducting a poll about where to go in the future.

You may wish to participate.

One warning however.

Do not get sucked in to contributing their minimum stated contribution of £3 per week (which is far too much). This is outgageous and their information shows that this produces support from only about 10,000 people. What about the other ten million they say support them?

Better  to contribute a fraction of a pound say £ 0.5 per week - they only collect the money monthly anyway.

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    Democracy is on the march across the world, and our community is at the heart of the struggle, but to win we're going to need to choose our course wisely. Click below to take the annual Avaaz all-member poll, and let's decide together where to focus our energies in 2012.

The poll takes a few minutes to complete, but the more of us take it, the wiser our course will be:

And if you don't have time to take the poll right now, we can all see the results as they come in here:

Last year we ran hundreds of campaigns and played a key role in dozens of victories, including:

• Putting a wrench in Media-Mogul Rupert Murdoch's march to world domination
• Breaking the Syria media blackout and supporting courageous democracy movements across the Middle East
• Taking on Italy's Silvio Berlusconi at every turn until his corrupt regime fell
• Blocking the Gay Death Penalty Bill in Uganda
• Stopping a mega highway that sliced right through indigenous protected lands in Bolivia
• Building a massive anti corruption movement in India that has repeatedly forced the government to back down
• Building a global movement for Palestinian independence
• Saving the Kyoto Protocol and UN climate process from polluting powers determined to wreck it
..and much, much more.

With the world undergoing profound change, and our community twice the size it was last January, imagine what this year's list could look like. The challenges may be coming thick and fast, but when we stick together, we can transform them into opportunities to build the world we all dream of. Here's to building dreams in 2012.

With hope,

Ricken, Alice, Benjamin, Diego, Emma, and the whole Avaaz team is a 10-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 13 countries on 4 continents and operates in 14 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

To contact Avaaz,  write to us at

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