It seems to me that the time is ripe for groups to be formed to support their communities in each of the ABC areas (Ainslie, Burlington Casson Streets) on Croftlands and around Lightburn Park.
I can see a lot of benefits that could come from the formation of such groups, and feel sad that decisions are being made without consulting these areas. The system of local government that we have at the moment is not working - nearly everyone I talk to agrees; yet there is , I believe, an alternative.
The movement towards having these groups has to come from people feeling there is some point in having them.
I suggest that it's better to trust yourselves - the communities that live together in these areas - than trust outsiders - me, the local politicians or the council officers. At the moment almost nothing is happening when a lot could !
What I'm suggesting is that the few that see this as worthwhile will be the people that get something going. If people don't recognise the need or have no confidence in the idea working then there is no point!
All I'm offering is the means for you all to meet each other - not to be the group leader (I have too many very demanding activities of my own!).
Incidentally I saw something yesterday morning that I hadn't seen for a long time - a very determined Street Parking Officer 'laying down the law ' in the centre of Ulverston.
It seems that my long chat with Mr Turner - who is in charge of parking at SLDC - had some result and he has kept his word in sending his team down to Ulverston to do a bit of sorting out.
You will be encouraged, I hope, to believe that any private individual can voice concerns in a rational way and get at least one SLDC officer to work them.
I've already witnessed in the Town Council Chamber the statement from Councillors that the public can do a better job of getting things done that the Councillors. This has certainly been true for me and I believe there's a place for both!
I agree that the traffic wardens should have a greater presence in Ulverston. The attitude has been that there is NO enforcement so all yellow lines and no=entry signs can be ignored. Particularly in King St !!!!! Geoff,there is an interesting notice tied to a post in Cross St and other places.
Which says?
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