Three applications are before the Town Council this next Monday Feb 23, 7.15 upstairs in the Ulverston Town Hall. The public have 15 mins at the beginning of the meeting in which to express their views.
Their role is an important one. They express their views which the SLDC planning committee who make the decision take into account.
It is important to first convince the town councillors.
If they recommend acceptance, it is unusual for the SLDC to go against their views.
What do i need to do to support the planning application
These applications are only for signs,fascias etc.Tesco don't need planning permission to open.
There are five things that you can do:
1. Attend the Town Council meeting and speak at the beginning in the public slot.
2. Contact your town councillors by phone or by email using the "your local councillors in to secs" link at the top right before the above meeting.
3. Write the planning officer, Kate Lawson at SLDC and your views will be expressed by her to the planning committee in Kendal at a future date (?).
4. Contact your SLDC councillor again before the above meeting - held in Kendal.
5. You can also speak briefly at this SLDC meeting or probably present a petition, I believe.
Note you need to address your comments to the issues being applied for and it is helpful to give reasons why you are in favour or against the application itself.
For instance you could say that you believe there is a great need for an ATM in the market place because there is nowhere else to find one.
To just state that you want Tesco to come here will carry no weight.
Just saying that you are in favour or otherwise of the applications is enough but carries less weight than giving reasons.
What you are trying to do is persuade the Councillors who will then vote on the application.
The officer is there solely to advise the councillors what the public and the law has to say and has no power.
The decision of the committee, then has to be ratified by the full council.
An appeal can still then be made to bring the matter before a central government body who can overturn the SLDC decision if they find it is against planning law.
Hope I've got it right!
Agreed that Tesco don't need an application to open but there again they are for more than signs and fascias but for noisy ventillation and and refrigeration units on the flat roof adjacent to living accommodation.
Another cash machine is also requested.
I did say signs,fascias ETC. didn't I ? In other words it's not a planning application FOR a Tesco store is it ? Thank goodness they are coming because nobody else wants a big store like that.
I have in fact got the procedure in this case wrong!
As the four applications from tesco are seen as minor ones, they would only be discussed in committee if there are objections raised by SLDC councillors or by the town council.
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