Thursday, 19 February 2009

Personal thoughts and response to a friend

I agree with what you say, about global warming, on many fronts.

The problem as I understand it is that becoming carbon neutral will not be enough as it will take a lot of time for people and the governments to be persuaded.

So carbon neutral in ten to twenty years time will be too late.

Lovelock argues - as I understand it - that if we are really serious in saving the human race (life of some form may well survive) we will have to become carbon negative (my term) so that we can claw back the damage that will be done in the next decade or so before we all 'wake up'.

Many of my friends have reluctantly come to the conclusion that all is already lost and we should just go out and 'enjoy' ourselves.

However this is a very negative way of living, so we just do the best we can without going insane and enjoy the fellowship of other caring people while we are still here.

This way of living does not have to be miserable even if it is without hope. We can concentrate on doing whatever makes us feel good.

For me, I'm enjoying contact with others and battling away against the odds. My highlights are watching toddlers grow up and doing pottery with culture loving people who do things just for fun and no other particular reason!

My councillor aspirations are very much in second place and come out of a feeling that I can't stand by and do nothing even knowing that in the long term my social world will collapse as people become increasingly selfish and they panic and strive to scrabble over each other as the try to reach 'the exit'.

I'm glad that I have a philosophy that tells me that there is no purpose in life other than to end up liking oneself!

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