Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Join us at Poppies, in Ulverston Centre every Saturday at 11 am

As you see - we're solving the world's problems.

A bit more help wouldn't go amiss !

We're there every Saturday between 11 and 12 am!

Drop in - or just peer through the windows and watch 'the show'.

Poppies is very friendly, very good value for money and located opposite the Trustees Savings Bank in Union Street.


Anonymous said...

Love the picture Geoff, you need to show me how to flash!

Geoff Dellow said...

Any time, any place

- as long as its by phone with you paying, when I support the tutorials which I've already put there on the internet!

You can join the others from across the world that phone me at weird times because they are keen to pass this on to their students!

See the top right of this blog!

If there were the demand I'd run a course on Flash for free - just need a bank of some 8-10 computers. There's a lot of fun to be had with very little effort see

Anonymous said...

We must talk, i am not that good at following orders though. I will pay for one to one teaching.

Geoff Dellow said...

My, a person with 'attitude'.

Who said anything about orders!

I can provide the software - Flash 4 - 90 day trial, free (you have my email) and the tutorials are to be found at which show you exactly what to do!

When you've done these then phone me and I will help with any points that aren't clear to you.

I help those that first help themselves!

Anonymous said...

Strangely enough, this is exactly how I imagine your meet and greet sessions to be!

Geoff Dellow said...

Good to find there are some of us that have a vivid imagination.

The reality may be a disappointment.

Too much sane discussion can get to you eventually!