Thanks for the last comment on the Weint, but readers must admit that considering the readership of this blog, we get very little action from them.
We have a steady readership of 300 but I'm not aware that actual action takes place as a result of what I write.
There have been some occasional very informative comments that give insights of other peoples experience but I find that readers aren't interested in getting involved with achieving change.
Most of the comments are anonymous so that we can't discuss what is said away from here.
People seem to want to read about me taking action but not be interested in doing something themselves. Until we get a small group getting together to achieve change then I see no point in soldiering on on my own.
My attitude is to pour energy into a project once I am able to support someone else's initiative.
I see far more potential in achieving change by mixing with those that are doers rather than those that sit on the fence and do nothing more than read this blog.
The group doing the pottery project are doers and far more rewarding company than people on this blog. Interestingly when I chat to them, they are clearly not blog readers - perhaps they are busy doing and not interested in reading and writing about 'doing'.
What I propose to do here is run through the projects that concern me so that if anyone is interested they can contact me. I shall however not expect action from the readers here but instead work with the people I am meeting face to face on the streets and the pottery project.
Time for you to speak up and give a bit of support if you want to see action!
Your Mary Whitehouse style of "moderating" perfectly good, inoffensive comments you don't happen to like has put me off (and probably several others I would guess).
I won't be commenting again as I don't like to waste my time and effort writing a thoughtful comment only to have you bin it for no good reason.
You crack me up Geoff. If you now want to spend your time making clay pots and pretending you're making a difference (or "doing" as you so PATRONISINGLY put it), feel free. Let's not kid ourselves - this blog and the various projects within are designed to keep you busy in old age; they're not really for the benefit of anyone else.
Spending time with real people is more rewarding than blogging to yourself? You don't say. Though you might have a better relationship with the people who bother to humour you and read your blog if you didn't condescend to them and patronise them at every turn.
Silly me - Geoff 'The Do-er' Dellow knows best and knows the thoughts and actions of people he has never met.
Then again, I can hardly talk. I've never met you, but have an image of a retired Shell petrochemist who now (bizarrely) thinks global warming is rather a bad idea, and has tried to set themselves up as some sort of community leader to validate their own existence.
See? We can all make sweeping statements.
Pottery is bollocks Geoff. You and your cohorts are all retired I take it ? Well some of us WORK even at weekends and evenings .That's when we DO our jobs . We are DO-ERS despite your opinion.
Thanks for your comments which confirm my thesis very effectively.
Many bloggers like to remain anonymous. This means that no one can have an effective discussion with them.
Many bloggers make comments just to be negative rather than make real proposals that could be put into action.
And note I said many. Some just read. Some provide valuable information but the latter are rare.
And yes, it must be tough - I can always have the last word if I want to! Though occasionally I let people rant, just to illustrate what kind of people live in our midst. Knowing a little about 'the man in the street' is beneficial.
Put another way, the only way for you to talk out of your arse is to fart - people in the Middle Ages were very good at it and could play tunes this way!
Geoff, I should ignore these people, they are nothing but a pain.
I agree with you that talking face to face is far more effective. For the most part people on the Internet are those with little else to do other than gripe about this and that. It's a new thing that the more responsible aren't used to.
Thankfully there are exceptions who make valuable contributes!
What a cheek!
People talking about something they obviously know nothing about. A lot of us were working mums having a bit of fun making things from clay. Then there were plenty of working men who were relaxing with their families doing something with the local community. Yes there were one or two retired but only a very small percentage of the total.
Why don't you all come to see what we're doing on Saturdays instead of sitting in your armchairs talking through your hats.
At least we're living a little!
And no this blog lark is not for us but we're not going to stand by and read nonsense this time.
I spend most of my weekends working. If you want to spend yours playing with clay and making sweeping generalisations about everyone who doesn't choose to join you then feel free. But don't kid yourself that it makes you a useful member of society - it's nothing more than a hobby just like sitting in an armchair 'talking through a hat'. Whatever that even means.
p.s. You've done some creditable work on the issue of street repairs / markings Geoff, but this doesn't give you the right to patronise people and suggest you and your cronies are somehow superior. No wonder you never got elected if this is your real attitude.
My friend who made the "What a cheek" comment above has just phoned me to tell me about what is being written here.
I too was at the pottery workshop in The Gill last Saturday and you are certainly talking through your hat.
I know for a fact that there were eight men in full time work and at least eight working women there. It's true that there were about four other couples who may have been retired, together with loads of kids - don't they count?
This has the makings of a damn good project so get your facts right.
Geoff, I'd rather you scrubbed any more stupid comments from people who don't bother to check out their facts and just make them up to suit themselves.
Thanks everybody!
Let's hope these guys come and have a look what has been done after this next Saturday.
I believe a bit of communal activity has a lot of benefit to us all. Not only to those that join in but to those that just pass by and look.
So far the comments from everyone that has voiced one direct to me, have been favourable.
It remains to be seen what people think when they see all the contributions at the weekend. Mind you it will take a while to get them all up!
To the person who is still trying to defend his/her position and whose comment I am not publishing.
The statement "Pottery is Bollocks". is a strange statement of fact and understandably provoked a reaction.
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